Add New Page

  • Add New Page does not load – all I can see is a blank white screen. Can anyone help me please? Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, does this also occur when you try to add a new post?

    If you visit the “add new page” URL directly (i.e. this one: ) does that also show a blank white screen?

  • Yes, it occurred when I tried to add a new post as well.

    It seems to be working now, since I clicked on the link you sent me. I’ll keep the link for future use, just in case it happens again.

    Why did it stop working? Did I do something wrong?

    Thank you.

  • Hello there,

    Why did it stop working? Did I do something wrong?

    You didn’t do this wrong to reassure you.

    We have seen this happen every so often, and there’s no hard of fast reason as to why this happens – clearing the cache usually fixes this.

    Out of curiosity, do you have an adblocker installed?

  • Hello there,

    It’s possible the Adblocker is to blame here… it’s one of the more common reasons this happens.

    It’s because adblockers remove things from sites, it thinks are ads and replaces what they remove with blank spaces.

    I hope this helps.

  • Add New Page has stopped working again. I uninstalled the AdBlocker from my laptop, restarted the computer and I still can’t load new pages, posts or open the Editor – they’re all showing a blank white page.

  • I can view the pages (Home, About, Contact) but I can’t edit them.

  • Thanks for the update! Could you try installing Chrome or trying a browser you don’t normally use and see if that makes any difference? Just so we can narrow down an issue with the browser versus your operating system

    We appreciate your help while we sort this out. :)

  • I’ve installed Google Chrome and opened up my WordPress account in it. I can now view all the pages, posts, and Editor etc. Thank you.

  • You bet. If you prefer your other browser, there are some troubleshooting steps you can try.

    – Make sure it’s up to date

    – Clear the cache (here’s how)

    – Check your extensions and whatnot

  • I’ve cleared the cache by following the link you supplied, but the pages still won’t load on the Firefox site. WordPress works best for me in Chrome, so I’ll stick with that recommendation for the courses. I’m unsure what extensions and whatnot are as I’m a beginner at the moment – but eager to learn. Thank you so much for all your help with this. Much appreciated.

  • Firefox keeps updating – I see a message on the screen when it does – so I’m assuming it’s all up to date?

  • You can find out what version you’re using here:

    And here’s the current version of Firefox:

    There are some more advanced troubleshooting steps to try if you prefer Firefox, so if you’re interested, try these:

  • Marvellous! I’ve checked the links and I’m currently using the current version of Firefox. These are great links. I’ve saved them in my IT folder in my email account. I’ve had a look at the troubleshooting steps, but these are bit too technical for me at the moment. I read in the introduction to the blogging course that if I didn’t know what something meant, I’m best not to practice with it on the website I’ve created, otherwise I might break something. Recommendations are to ask the experts, such as your goodselves. I’ll read through the troubleshooting, though; I’m bound to learn or become more familiar with some of the technical jargon. I’m already feeling a little bit more confident with communication from your support team. Thank you.

  • Yay! I’m glad you’re feeling more confident.

    You can feel extra confident with clearing your cache: think of any site as a set of instructions; your browser will often download and keep a copy (cache) to keep things loading faster for you. Now imagine over time that copy of the instructions got smudged or out of date. Clearing the cache just gets a fresh copy of those instructions.

    The worst thing that can happen from clearing cache is it may take a second or so longer to load a page the first time you visit it again; but subsequent visits will be normal.

  • Circling back: this white screen can happen if your browser is confused (for one reason or another) with the instructions. If it’s working for other people who use the same browser, clearing cache to get a fresh copy is your best bet. Otherwise it could be an ad blocker, an outdated browser that can’t understand the instructions, etc. This troubleshooting won’t hurt your site, so no worries there. :)

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