add bullets in text widget?

  • Hi! I want to add bullets, or at least a dot at the beginning of a phrase/link, in a text widget. Right now I’m using ~, but it’s really not strong enough, I’d like a good old fashioned dot like I might find in “symbols”. Is there any way to do this?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there. You can add the bullets by creating an html list. Copy this code into your text widget:

    <li>Item 1</li>
    <li>Item 2</li>
    <li>Item 3</li>

    Replace “Item 1,2,3” with whatever you want next to the bullet. If you want additional items, just add another set of “li” tags for each one.

  • Thank you so much, I’ll give it a try!! :)

  • Hi again! So, I tried it, and what it did was make a list with soft grey lines between but didn’t put the dot that I’m looking for at the beginning of each item on the list. Right now, I’ve got a ~ before each item on the list, but I’d rather have it be a typical bullet (a dot).

  • Is there a way to access symbols like one can do in Word?

  • It appears your theme does not create html lists with bullets. Other themes add bullets automatically if you create a list, but you can also add them manually.

    You can get access to symbols via the post editor. Create a new post by going to Posts ->Add New. On the second row of the editor toolbar, sixth icon is special characters (Icon with the Omega symbol). Click on the one you want to insert it into the post. Then highlight it and copy with Ctrl-C. Then go to Appearance ->Widgets and simply paste it into your text widget using Ctrl-V. I tested it with your theme, and it should work.

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