Account suspended

  • Hi,

    I had another account with the url and you suspended my account… i don’t know why, my blog is clean and i didn’t do anything wrong ?

    Can anyone tell me or re enable my blog ? please…

  • You did not specify a blog address or reason for posting when you created this topic.

    This support forum is for blogs hosted at If your question is about a self-hosted WordPress blog then you’ll find help at the forums.

    If you don’t understand the difference between and, you may find this information helpful.

    If you forgot to include a link to your blog, you can reply and include it below. It’ll help people to answer your question.

    This is an automated message.

  • Please contact Support using the link provided in the dashboard when you log in.

  • Superrefman is an SEO contest word.

    Chances the blog will be returned? Zero.
    We do not want blogs like that here.

    SEO Contests

  • While you’re at it, Mark, please check these tags too as they are SEO contest terms related. Thanks.

  • Apparently there are some cooking blogs playing these kinds of games as well.

  • /nod to raincoaster
    And if you speak Bahasa, there are tons of free blogs here breaching and spoofing about tos either by putting ads or participating in seo contests or simply splogging whole bunch of automated contents for the sake of seo and sem. Bleh!

  • /nod to baba
    I sometimes go spam hunting, and on occasion look for “dapat duit gratis” or whatever, but usually I have more than enough looking for English-speaking splogs.

  • Yes, my Bahasa is rudimentary and I wouldn’t even try. But I DID horrify an entire room of WP bloggers by saying that when i get cranky I deliberately go looking for blogs to ToS.


  • @husdal
    “dapat duit gratis” means “get easy money, free” and most of the times Indonesian wp bloggers use “uang panas” or “hot money” thus “online business. They can also be found on english speaking blogs because they neglect or simply don’t know how to switch the language interface their blogs are primary written in.

    I do THAT almost all the time at the other forums -Indonesian WP forums- and sometimes directly at those blogs but they go something like ‘whotehfark arr yoo?’ or ‘knock…knock please KO my blog!’. GAH!
    I’m not anymore in the mood of reporting them anyway since they’ll always create other like-minded blogs to denote their cretinoid malice againsts wp tos and types of blogs permitted. Methinks staff should go down checking more often and regularly.

  • @baba
    thanks for the tip…going hunting now…just kidding.

    As to Methinks staff should go down checking more often and regularly, methinks staff does not check at all.

  • Think I’ll hunt some of them down tonite, husdal — if got time!

    FYI, staff does check sometimes…well…less than most of us imagine at all.

  • Every report is looked at and acted on by me.
    There are a few ways I can tackle a blog from suspending to doing absolutely nothing to putting them on a list for irregular checking. It all depends what the reported offence is and what the actual offence is.

    If a spammer has more than one blog then they all go – if you report one blog I will always check for others and related blogs.

    Non-english blogs I do have a problem with. Between the staff we can read german, spanish, swedish, japanese, israeli, french and some others (vanillalounge is the multi-lingual guy). Google translate is used and if there is good detail in the report that is always helpful.

    I know there is a spam problem in the Indonesian blogs and that is for a variety of reasons. And it needs tackling. I want to do this in January. I want those who have made a genuine mistake to be able to fix their blog before the actual spammers are suspended.

    If I know an SEO contest term I’ll get that tag feed. Some domains have automatic effects if linked to, other tag feeds are checked, signup information and targetted searches. It’s trying to strike a balance between keeping the big guys at bay while also making sure enough of the little spammers get a very clear message. And also that people who are making a genuine mistake are not unduly penalised.
    How we deal with the bad stuff is getting more complex and that frees up time to then go looking for more. And it’s because of time that one-off blogs may remain longer and I can only apologise for that.

    But please do report any blogs you think are spammy – they will be looked at.

  • I have been coming across a lot of ‘spammy’ blogs lately as I’m searching in wordpress. I’ve only reported a couple but Mark responded right away to my report. It must be so time consuming for you. and if it’s frustrating to me, I can not imagine how frustrating it is for you.

  • Thanks for the clarification, Mark. Given the language barrier issues and my multi-linguality I guess I should become more specific in my reports, which will save you time when checking, so you can eradicate more spam blogs.

    After all, if there are half a million or so blogs created on WP every month, and if say 1% is spam that makes 5000, which is quite a number to wade through, especially if you need to sort the chaff from the wheat and not unduly penalize the accidental ad or affiliate link poster.

    On average 9 out of 10 of my reported blogs vanish from wp within 24 hours or less, and those who dont’ I can most often understand why on closer inspection (usually just a small fish or a one-time offender), and sometimes Mark emails me back with a clarification or even thank you, if I got a big fish :-) is for blogging, not for splogging, that’s why I keep reporting.

  • If when you have reported a blog you see nothing has happened then the owner probably sees this when they login:
    and when they do get in touch we’ll ask that the issue be fixed. It could be an ad, credit not given for content or other things that are solvable without the spam hammer dropping.
    So when people post here that they see the warning it’s nothing to worry about – it is fixable.

    Replies. If you send in lots of reports – you know who are are above ;) – then I figure you don’t want a reply to every single one. You know I’ll be looking and dealing with them. If you do get one that hits a lucky patch of them I’ll always let you know. I don’t know what the biggest catch is from a single report because they branch out. If you have not sent a report or do so rarely I will always reply – I want you to know a real person did read what you wrote and did something about it.

    More info:
    You report a blog for a few spammy links. I check those links and find several other blogs linking to those same ones. I check those blogs too, look for spam patterns, look at signup dates, emails and check from there too. Some spammers are pretty stupid and they come here and get closed down fast. They are the ones you are more likely to see. The clever ones have been here for months if not years. They play a long and slow game. They look fine but they are really spammy. We are after those as much as the “get rich by clicking these links” people. So one report can lead a long way to a spiderweb of junk blogs while another report can be just the one blog.

    There is a lot of code that goes into catching these blogs and that is still developing. But there is also just me and in the end it’s like any task priorities have to be decided. But between you, me and the code I think the bad blogs have a much sorter lifespan here and that’s pretty good.

  • Without a doubt, this has been a very enlightening thread (even though right now it looks like a search return in my browser).


  • FYI, staff does check sometimes…well…less than most of us imagine at all.

    Actually far more than you imagine. We catch and remove a mind-boggling amount of spam.

    The stuff you see is, by definition, the stuff that has evolved to escape our notice. It’s small scale, usually individual bloggers who ignore the rules.

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