Accessing Draft

  • A bunch of my writing on my latest post is missing. This has been happening more and more lately and is devastating every time. I hope you can help me find my writing, if this keeps happening I will have to leave the platform. Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    You are referring to the Day in the Life post you have in your drafts currently? Can you tell us a bit about what is missing vs what we see there now? Also are you creating your post on the WordPress app on your mobile device, or on your Mac in a browser?

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • Hey Totoro,

    Yup, that’s the post! I had filled in the next two headings “Monday Matinee” and “Annette Library”, but when I returned to the post they were gone. I am writing on my Mac in Google Chrome.

    Thanks for your help,

  • By filled in the headings I mean added several paragraphs of writing to each.

  • Hmm, I don’t see any content under those paragraphs when checking your post revisions. Have you pressed the Save button when working on the post, or paid attention if the word Saved appeared on the top right?

    Are you online when working on the post?

  • Hey McKluskey,

    I probably did forget to save when clicking off the post, but doesn’t wordpress autosave every few seconds? I’ve been using it for seven years and have only run into this problem this year, when it’s happened repeatedly. Was there an update that discontinued autosave? I’m always editing while online.

  • The auto save features is still active and working. There could’ve been something local to your set up that ran interference. A browser extension, for example. Sometimes, the network will go down, but you can still be writing on and wouldn’t necessarily know that your work didn’t auto save.

    If it’s an isolated issue from time to time it could be difficult to track down the problem.

  • Hey Zinnia,

    I would categorize it as a consistent issue, and I don’t think it has anything to do with my network. Can you tell me about which browser extensions could be causing this problem?

  • Anything that can write to your browser window, as many extensions can, could potentially cause issues.

    If you temporarily turn off extensions or use a different browser, does that help?

    Also, on the note of using a different browser, please be sure you don’t have multiple “edit” windows open for the same post.

  • I can try that, but I guess I won’t know until my work is erased. Right now I’m writing in a word doc and then copy pasting, but that’s not ideal for format, and I the next time I start writing I may forget. I’d try a different browser, but Firefox will straight up not load wordpress on my computer.

  • Understood; these things can be tricky to troubleshoot. You mentioned it’s happening more and more lately, though, so we do want to get to the bottom of it.

    If you can tell us more about your habits, we might be able to duplicate it. For example, do you start a post and leave the tab open for long periods when you’re not typing (overnight for example)? Or, do you have multiple editor tabs open?

    What browser do you typically use, and what extensions?

    Re: Firefox not loading it, can you try clearing its cache?

    And for your preferred browser, would you consider temporarily turning off extensions?

  • Ok I will try those things. I may be guilty of leaving the post open even when I’m not writing. But I will try the cache and the extensions.

  • Thank you. I hope those measures will just fix the issue, but if you run into it again, please let me know.

  • Thank you. If it’s a while before it happens again (here’s hoping it won’t happen at all) and if you need to make a new thread, please do mention this one. Thanks!

  • Will do, thank you Supernovia!

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