3 Column Template

  • I am using DePo Masthead and I want to use the left hand column for my blog posts, middle column for photos and about us type of info and then eventually the right hand column for ads, sponsors, etc. How do I post my photo in the middle column? I am sorry if this seems like an elementary question. I just started using WP and I really am enthusiastic about learning. Thanks for any help you can offer!

  • That would require some serious hacking of the underlying theme files and that is not allowed at wordpress.COM. This is a multi-user platform and any change to the underlying files would effect everyone using that theme.

  • So I guess I would need to use a customized template then? I appreciate the information! Thanks!

  • The concept of DePo Masthead is to display your three latest posts in these columns, with permanent elements (such as those you mention) in the bottom. For what you describe you must go to Design > Themes and select a regular “3-column” theme (posts area plus two SIDEBARS).

  • Thank you so much! I will do that!

  • Yes, you would have to have a customized template (theme), and here at wordpress.COM we are limited to the themes shown under design > themes. We cannot upload themes found elsewhere in the internet.

    You can customize the look of the themes here using the paid custom CSS upgrade, but it does not allow any change to the functionality, just to the styling. It is also not recommended unless you have CSS experience. There is no official support for the CSS upgrade, and few volunteers here that have much in-depth knowledge of it.

  • I guess I will be paying for some blog design work then. I could figure it out, but it would take me forever and I just don’t have the time since I am like most everyone else and have a J-O-B as well ;)

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