2016 theme

  • For the 2016 theme, I can’t make it a full width page although I don’t have sidebar. I tried to follow the instructions but there doesn’t seem to be an option for me to choose full width page. My posts are aligned to the left side of screen.

    Also, the heading and base fonts’ size is messed! I can’t seem to just change the sizes of the post title and the blog writings separately. Please help!


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Actually it’s the lovecraft theme! Sorry.

  • Hi @brownkittycat!

    It looks like you’ve switched your site over to the Button theme since you posted this – do you still need a hand?

    Lovecraft’s sidebar doesn’t disappear when empty, so you’d need to use some Custom CSS to change the width and alignment on your post pages the way you’ve described.

    I do see what you mean about the font sizes. When testing, if I change the size of the body font, headings are also adjusted. Thanks for pointing that out! I’ll pass that on to the design team :)

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