150+ followers but almost no views

  • I really struggle with understanding how outreach and algorithms work. I have 174 followers at the moment on my blog, but even when I was posting every day I almost never got more than ten views a day. It’s difficult to find the motivation to keep posting when it doesn’t seem to go anywhere. I can live with slow growth, but when I see my follower count going up but not my average daily views, it’s quite frustrating.

    I did a Google search trying to look for answers, but this specific topic typically goes to websites about YouTube or Instagram. I would think that if someone chose to follow me, they would get notifications or emails or something. Is this incorrect?

  • Keep in mind that you may not necessary get views from followers in the WordPress.com Reader, as when content is viewed in the Reader, it doesn’t result in a view to your site.

    One thing you can do to change that is to use a More Block: https://wordpress.com/support/wordpress-editor/blocks/more-block/

    This will split your content with a “read more” link that goes to your site, thus generating recorded views.

    Also, please keep in mind the continuing prevalence of tracker blockers, some major browsers have even been building in that functionality, and those visitors will never be tracked.

    We have some more general recommendations at https://wordpress.com/support/getting-more-views-and-traffic/

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