10GB Space Upgrade

  • Hi there!

    I accidentally let my 10GB space upgrade expire, and I’m looking to renew it. However, I don’t see the option to renew it anywhere– it was originally a $20 yearly renewal, and now I only see the option to upgrade to Premium for $79 (which is more money than I am able to spend on this personal blog right now).

    Is there somewhere I can upgrade this? Your help would be much appreciated

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!
    I seems that upgraded storage space is no longer a separate option. Like you noticed, you have to upgrade your plan in order to get more room. That is covered in the following document:

    At least what you already have in there will not be deleted.

    If you need more space than you have, it does mention towards the bottom that ->

    Are there other options besides subscribing to WordPress.com Premium or WordPress.com Business?
    If you ran out of space or would like to upload other types of files, some alternatives are:

    Use an external hosting service such as Flickr or YouTube, and embed remote images and videos.
    Upload to a dedicated file hosting or file sharing service.

  • Hi there, since you mentioned that you previously had the 10GB space upgrade, I’ve gone ahead and tagged this thread for Staff attention. Please be patient for their reply.

  • Hi there,

    I restored the space upgrade to your account. You should be able to renew it here.

    Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

  • Wow, thanks so much!

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