
  • 登陆时接收不到验证码

    WP.com: Yes
    Correct account: Unknown

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there! Please note that we offer this forum in English – you are welcome to send messages in Chinese but I’ll be using Google Translate to understand them, and replying to you in English.

    Cannot receive verification code when logging in

    Google Translate

    Just to check, is this in relation to this WordPress.com you are posting from? In general in order to post, you do need to be logged in, which means that your 2-step authentication had to complete. Are you finding that you do not receive SMS verification codes for logging in? Your account information does indicate that many two-step verification SMS were sent to you over the last few days; are you finding that these do nto reach you?

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