
  • היי יש ברשותי טמפלייטים של אלמנטור ואני רוצה לעלות אותם ולהתחיל לערוך.
    איזו חבילה הכי נמוכה אצטרך בשביל שאוכל לעשות זאת?
    אני בחינמי וזה לא נותן להוריד אלמנטור.

    WP.com: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Hey there, I used Google Translate to understand:

    Hi, I have Elementor templates and I want to upload them and start editing.
    What is the lowest package I will need to be able to do this?
    I’m free and it doesn’t let me download Elementor.

    Hey there! If you want to use a site builder and it does not have to be Elementor, our Premium plan will work nicely with our built-in site editing options. It’s a great balance between flexibility and our simpler infrastructure.

    If you need Elementor, you’ll want the Business Plan or higher. Our service includes SSL hosting, direct WordPress support, spam protection, backups, maintenance, security, and other services and features that don’t come with the free software. Basically, as a service, we’ll have your back in ways that the free software itself cannot. Extra code like plugins and outside themes can complicate the service we’re offering.

    Or, you are also welcome to use your own free copy of WordPress. You would buy hosting and use community resources or hired contractors if you don’t have time to take care of security, spam filtering, backups, support, and maintenance yourself.

    Let us know if you have questions!

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