Identity Filter
  1. “how to heal”: A Poem

    From Rarasaur: “Pack your cells with joy until it is what they know best, and what they trust most.”

  2. Autistic Science Person

    Autistic Science Person is the personal blog of an autistic grad student in neuroscience that was undiagnosed until adulthood. They are known on Twitter as @AspieHuman.

  3. #ADA30InColor

    The Disability Visibility Project compiles #ADA30InColor, a series of essays on the past, present, and future of disability rights and justice by 13 disabled BIPOC writers.

  4. Celebrating Pride at Automattic: “Every Person and Voice Has the Opportunity to Be Heard”

    In the final chapter of our Pride Month series, we talk to Niesha Sweet, from Automattic’s HR team, about Pride, DEI work, and more.

  5. Five Books Exploring Race in America

    We look at the authors of five books discussing race in America.

  6. Raising Race Conscious Children

    Educator Sachi Feris created Raising Race Conscious Children to support parents and teachers who are trying to talk about race and diversity with young children, with the aim of actively challenging racism. 

  7. Celebrating Pride at Automattic: “Living My Life Freely and Authentically”

    In this week’s interview in our Pride Month series, we talk with product designer Mel Choyce-Dwan on identity, diversity in the tech, and inclusive design.

  8. “Making space for another viewpoint does not negate yours. Quite the opposite — it provides more context and framework for your own experience.” (Kiara Goodwin, The Everygirl)

  9. Black Lives Matter: Six Poems

    Poetry can often channel grief, pain, solidarity, and resistance in ways that everyday language can’t.

    Photo by Lorie Shaull (CC BY-SA 2.0)
  10. Art
  11. Celebrating Pride at Automattic: “Reflect What Is Given, and In So Doing Change It a Little”

    An interview with Automattic developer Echo Gregor on identity, pronouns, and celebrating Pride Month.

  12. On Injustice, Inequality, and Being Black in America: A Reading List

    Personal posts, essays, and interviews by Black writers, bloggers, and thinkers, compiled by our editorial team.

    Photo by Markus Spiske
  13. Brené Brown

    Brené Brown has spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. She’s written ten books and runs a successful podcast called Unlocking Us.

  14. Celebrating Pride at Automattic: “In a World That Wants You to Apologize or Minimize Who You Are, Don’t.”

    In this first interview of our Pride Month series, a human resources wrangler talks about identity, building trust and support in the workplace, and more.

    Image by Steve Johnson
  15. Justin McElroy journalist
    So, it’s Autism Awareness Day

    “I’ll always see the world in a slightly different way than most people, but I’ve figured out a system that works for me, and it gives me great strength.” For Autism Awareness Day, Justin McElroy reflects on life on the spectrum.
