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  1. Journeyman’s Journal

    A blog by third-generation woodworker Salko Safic on the art of woodworking by hand.

  2. On Being A Tugboat

    Kirsten Voris reflects on reaching an important milestone: writing every day for an entire year. “Tugboats are slow, and their pace is steady, no matter what they’re pulling along behind them. I’m slow and it’s okay. It’s all going to be okay. I can do this.

  3. Pandemic Time

    “The cinematic version of time passing, which often shows a succession of calendar pages disappearing off the screen, blown away by the breeze, was never how I understood time.” Terry at Vertigo shares her thoughts on time.

  4. LOST, 10 years later

    The finale of LOST aired on May 23, 2010. Artist Gerry Albert, who was (and still is) a big fan, shares an illustration of the show’s ensemble cast.

  5. Experimenting with text and poetry

    Paula, an artist and nurse in the UK, shares her thought process on incorporating text in the form of poetry into her visual work.

  6. Japanese Stab Binding

    On her art journal, Anna Platz-Twells explores new forms of Japanese stab binding and how decorative patterns can be used in her work.

  7. Commuting in Corona Times

    Artist Kera Till draws a public transportation map for these strange, uncertain times.

  8. COVID-19 Freelance Artist Resources

    Are you a freelance artist wondering how you’ll pay rent duringa  quarantine? Are you looking for ways to support independent artists during the widespread national shutdowns? Check out this ever-growing collection of resources on everything from disaster preparedness to emergency funding options to the best digital tools for creatives.

  9. Which Comics Should You Read in 2020? Here Are Some Ideas.

    Comics and graphic-novels fans, rejoice! At The Drunken Odyssey, Drew Barth recommends some of the most anticipated titles of 2020 — the ones that will set the tone for an entire decade of visual storytelling.

  10. Cut From the Same Cloth

    “For all I say I’m envious of my daughter’s freedoms, perhaps the older woman has more leeway, more agency.” Artist Myfanwy Tristram was irritated by her teenage daughter’s extreme fashions — until she took an illustrated journey into their origins.

  11. Home Is a Mug of Coffee

    “Just like the countless options on my office’s hot drinks machine, I fell in love with a fresh sense of possibility — that there was more than one way to live my life.” In this illustrated longread, Candace Rose Rardon reflects on coffee, life, and finding herself, no matter where she is in the world.

  12. Unleashed in Paris

    As a semi-professional dog walker in Paris, artist and expat Kate Gavino has found a comfortable way to learn French.

  13. Getting ready…

    Maxine Dodd celebrates the return of the cycling season in the United Kingdom with her flowing watercolor paintings.

  14. Looky There

    Sherry Meidel’s watercolor painting, “Looky There” was accepted into the National Watercolor Society’s Membership Show in San Pedro, California.

  15. Marginalia

    Read “Marginalia,” creative nonfiction by Naomi Washer in 76 small parts: “7. The stories we tell ourselves when we are very young cannot be undone.”
