Ebook: Grow Your Traffic, Build Your Blog

Blogging Tips and Tricks for the Tenacious Blogger

Are you looking for advice on how to grow your audience? Do you want to make your blog more visible and attractive to new readers, but aren’t sure where to begin? Read our comprehensive guide on all things traffic: from analyzing your stats to capitalizing on your social networks, we have ideas you can use to take your blog to the next level (and beyond).

From a custom domain to advanced SEO tools and more design options, there’s a WordPress.com plan that’s right for you — give your site a boost!

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  1. Thank you so much for this useful resource! I am also a newbie and aim at sharing valuable content through blogs to the community here. Muchas Gracias!


  2. WOW! That fits me to a TEE! I’m a newer blogger, and I do now have a book out!…Lol. I do blog about addiction & recovery. And I have been learn & enjoying all the wonderful tips and information you all have provided for us here! Thanks SO MUCH. I have 2 blogs here on WordPress and I have been very HAPPY with your hosting services.

    Warm Regards,
    Author Catherine Townsend-Lyon 🙂


  3. the wonderful world of traffic generation. You assembled a lot of material for bloggers to think about. Maybe, one general idea for starters. Do not think too much about generating traffic when you start. From my point of view, the goal of starting a blog is to express an opinion or present own art. To be honest, I have a hard time, whenever I read the first few blogposts which seem to be so concerned with generating traffic and attracting users.

    My advice: Stay yourself. Write from your heart, shoot pictures with which you are comfortable with. State your opinion in other blog posts comments, even if it might lead to a discussion – which is not the worst thing in the world, I think. Everything else will come quite naturally over time.

    What I liked especially is your order of items. ‘Blog regularly’ is extremely important, also from my point of view. Work on your style, even more work on your language. You might have realized already, most of the authors/creative minds do not have english as their first language. So, it is even more important to work on your written words as it might be educational for quite a few people all over the world.

    Thanks again for all the material you put together!


  4. A great resource – thank you WordPress! I remember learning about some of these techniques when I was working my way through the also-excellent Zero to Hero program. Now I love that this ebook gives me a ‘road-map’ to look back on any time I need to. Thanks again 😀


  5. I am new to the blog world and I see some really inspiring comments that make me excited to learn more about what Word Press tutorials have to offer and assist me with my new past time!


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