Ebook: Grow Your Traffic, Build Your Blog

Blogging Tips and Tricks for the Tenacious Blogger

Are you looking for advice on how to grow your audience? Do you want to make your blog more visible and attractive to new readers, but aren’t sure where to begin? Read our comprehensive guide on all things traffic: from analyzing your stats to capitalizing on your social networks, we have ideas you can use to take your blog to the next level (and beyond).

From a custom domain to advanced SEO tools and more design options, there’s a WordPress.com plan that’s right for you — give your site a boost!

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    1. The links are the file formats, or you can click the link to the download page (at the bottom of the page or the image on the side), where you’ll see buttons with the available file formats.

      Let me know if you still can’t find it!


  1. This is pretty cool. I’ve been slowly building a blogging board on Pinterest with any helpful tips, tricks, and information I come across that will help me learn (and share) more about blogging, but this seems like it will cover many areas all in one place. Thanks!


  2. Thanks very much for the post. I have downloaded the pdf. Sometimes I feel many just come to the blog because they want a follow back. But I would like real readers to come to my blog – those who are interested in reading my Culinary Travel blog, rather than get a new follower for their own blogs.


  3. Hi Ben and all WordPress Editors,
    I finally had the time to read the whole ebook and it’s an excellent resource full of links to other excellent resources. Kudos!


    1. You’re a great community person. I was finding it challenging to add new contributors to one of my blogs. Your post in the forum came to the rescue.

      Also, I love the case study of Christian Mihai in this traffic ebook.

      A big thanks to the great team at Automattic. Please guys… don’t sell off to Facebook or Google yet. Y’all given value that money can’t buy.



  4. Downloaded a copy just now. Went through a few pages, and behold, I may have found an antidote to my publishing/posting gaps. It’s right on page 7 (the last part) of what I think will be a very helpful e-book. Thanks a lot.
