Ebook: 365 Writing Prompts

A bit of writing inspiration for every day of the year

Do you need a gentle nudge to help make writing a habit? Looking for an idea on how to get started or a way to warm-up to your writing projects? We’ve got you covered. Download 365 Days of Writing Prompts and you’ve got an entire year of writing inspiration at your fingertips.

If you’re working so hard on building a writing habit, why not treat yourself to a custom domain and more design options? Find a WordPress.com plan that’s right for you.

365 Invitations à Écrire

.pdf | .mobi | .epub

365 Apuntes Diarios Para Escribir

.pdf | .mobi | .epub

365 Hari Tuntunan Menulis

.pdf | .mobi | .epub

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  1. Having been a journalist for the print media for more than three decades, I find watching and listening to news debate and discussions in the electronic media in India quite abhorrent and abysmally lacking in punch and the cut and thrust in nuanced writing. I have increasingly come to the conviction that both the anchors and the participants should desist from using the studio as the shouto-sphere to test their lung power. The fleeting moments offered for interaction to the participants do not enable them to glean their thoughts in a focused way other than resorting to the facile ploy of shouting on top of their voice as if all the listeners are hard of hearing! It is time that Indian electronic media refrained from this nauseating display to the small comfort of listeners…..


  2. I just wished I knew about this thing before the year started. But nonetheless, I’m still going to do it. 🙂


  3. I love this idea, as I often am scratching my head in an attempt to make the ones in my own head coherent. As a new blogger (my blog is at times random but sort of interesting) I am so excited to have a little nudge to inspire me to writ everyday and I hope interact with my fellow blogging community here.


  4. Wow, can’t believe I didn’t see this until now. These prompts will definitely help improve our creative juices!


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    1. Bloody spam. I am sick and tired of being sold to. If I want a loan I will look for one. This blog is about the pleasure of writing not for pitching posts like this. How dare you have the arrogance to post such unrelated matter like this here.


  6. Just chanced upon this now! Never too late, I believe.

    And this one is most helpful since I am a new and super-irregular blogger. Maybe, now I hope to blog more often, with cues from anywhere in the book, in no particular order.
