Make the Most of Prompts and Challenges

Looking for writing inspiration? Trying to make blogging a more regular habit? The Daily Post is here to help. Daily prompts and photo challenges can get you through patches of bloggers’ block.

Daily Prompts

To participate in Daily Prompts, simply publish a post on your own blog that responds to the prompt.

Comments are always closed on prompts, but pingbacks are enabled. If you link to the prompt in your post, your post will appear in the list of responses on The Daily Post.

Looking to give your blog a boost and reach new audiences? From a custom domain to more design options, there’s a plan that’s right for you.

If you’re not sure how to build a post around a writing prompt, take a look at our tips for making prompts personal.

Weekly Photo Challenge

Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, you’re invited to get involved in our Weekly Photo Challenge to help you meet your blogging goals. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if your blog isn’t about photography.

Each Wednesday, we’ll provide a theme for creative inspiration. You take photographs based on your interpretation of the theme, and post them on your blog anytime before the following Wednesday. If you link to the challenge in your post, your post will appear in the list of responses on The Daily Post. Participants use different tags for their challenge entries, like dpchallenge, WPC, photo challenge, weekly photo challenge, photography, and postaday, which we explain more about below. Feel free to use any tags you’d like.

Discover Challenge

Discover Challenges draw upon the stories and ideas that have inspired us — from interviews with prominent bloggers to personal essays and breathtaking illustration and photography — all published on Discover, our showcase for the best content on WordPress.

To participate, check out any challenge and publish a post on your own blog inspired by it. Since the sources of inspiration are going to be eclectic, your responses can be in any genre, medium, or format you feel like. A poem or a photo, a webcomic or a longform essay, a video clip or an original song — we welcome your contributions in whatever shape or form they take.


Those of you who have personal goals like posting every day or every week are invited to take part in our ongoing Postaday project to stay motivated and focused.

To participate in the challenge, tag your post with postaday or postaweek and follow The Daily Post so all our great resources go straight to your inbox. Don’t forget to snag a badge for your blog so everyone knows you’re a Post A Day blogger, and be sure to follow the postaday topic in the Reader to see what all your fellow bloggers are up to!

Here are official (retina-ready) Post a Day and Post a Week badges to show off on your blog. Copy the code for the badge of your choice into a text widget on your blog.

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  1. Hello thy most necessary important ogent need registerd money gramms transffer direct to cotonou benin direct to mine personal phone contact no attached with mine names details pin code pictsure non can tampering with post sms direct test messages to me feel free easily to reciving just $10.000.if possible executive 5 times. to used rellocate nig lagos inviain weasted talented destiny african countries nig zone each states head toe african north east west south non escape this answer to mine request 1st so i,can able to return where mine lougged is cotonou benin don,t open up public associets on mine private personal consingment majority did and fails naiver mind focus on satanic demonic agent opportunities confusion daily toughts repeated more finnacial frauds what ever african into it inttensionally trricks collecting frauds little 419 frauds money methoed rezing daily sound thesame people compromise.britains direct them weaged delaying trafficking unecessary i,repeated i,stop any visitors ahead stape into nig on mine behalf immedaite sms suscribe test messages money gramms transffer live others unto mine care handlling..till we see face to face each white foreingns special purpposed finnacial travel messenger misstakenly stape into nig 5 munits varnish out unknown to any diffrent countries with mine contact no why making things be difficulties ?what exactly hoped for having things incommon with demons witches britain instrument mark of beaste 666 333 forrest deserved be living.dose it mean not yet really understand how satan opprate everything in humanbe satan born God born trough behavior character addentfication classic belongs.may be majority still searching where to find satan witches law prove is in humanbe perfformance african mig world satanic agent zone duty stealing kill and destroyed non other hand work.think about them experinces obuserved daily speach repeating 500 word per hour non single reasonable toughts reserved aloane for strangers them categories i,keep on woundering how visitors comfortable with such people?pure mkt madness behavior an a special information awearness to each visitors may think nig african orgernized?non human rights formal stephen yankee world united nation 3 b innocent souls destroyed each yearly secretly non judgement even unknown to any public forged accusiation what is her effort? Opportunities for world human right world high court cheif judge hold .non of mine visitors can ahead attend to public enemises of progress to esttend descuragen mine clinets weaged money gramms test sms messages that mine line is block don,t mine them i,do recivied int local each test sms messages from any countries dose mean them rat chams effective on mine clinets?okay as them formulating diffrent toughts why can,t try odinary greeting test demand for mine ogent reply 1st or direct contact hear me out verfie exactly what i,want ahead depending on public speach daily forget each confusion treating scalling daily speach inttensionally african nig habboring crimenals theifs 419 president governor bank manager security bank staffs worke accountant ministry of finance education work information do crimenal lawyer judge barristers. fruadsters no single where to depending on britains sets .each opportunities door misstakenly created associets close today already everythings has ended world athourity examination investgation ratfie an end to african nig each daily cracking jooks toils playing nussry sch student .still yet newly visitors wen,t beyound them target started back with squeare one repeating aspired toughts every day investgation carry on.what visitors doing with strangers opposition on mine behalf not mine present trying to lose what not tired?i,m taking over propper full charged each extra odinary common daily fools bribe jalousy outside marriage inttensionally abused word not supposed to regard any misstakenly catch must end up lifeimprison count me out with african curse generation not even understand exactly what them doing non awear purpposed man kinds formed into this world. Egyptain central bank end.non african pratice blue A things countries each satanic covering up with religion recently 2nd 1st born benin sheep born augstine okoli ant born little community hold nkeiru chiamaka effected kano diffrent person joy i,can,t discribe any to rep withing 7 munits fails not provide each allegation staining mine names on i,charged $500.tren for public assoult per each accusiation central bank arab task force collecting out immedaite.izuchukwu ukpor town ifeoma demco mike papa chioma each already rezing nig african repeating again ekenedilichukwu bastard born public known ifeayi izuchukwu anaene drunkard thesame town born 1st 2nd investgation carry on each names registerd on mine behalf nest of king crusfie opportunities for catholic preserved end today herring crimenal net work i,m not married single no marriage engagement amarachi imo state njideka paul born end


  2. Hello how can unperffect duty messengers allways on mine behalf ?which i,suspected may be thesame categories satan demonic agent ?blf comming on some one blf 1st inform him to directing on what to do as misstakenly arrival 1st things to pushes for countries net work personal phone contact. each newly formal recently visitors fails most difilculties suitation facing trough blind people can,t lead who that see.repeating again preserved catholic used ifeoma izuchukwu denco mike papa chioma ukpor nig african britains buhari james ibori dealta igbos african countries gang weaged unecessary trafficking delaying on clear express way prison both digress reproach shameful things to mine grass foot work.each time i,misstakenly out of tapetasion decide think about beyound mine target espectaion marriage categories what is need effort weasted time project goal focus archivement?


  3. Hello Withdraw back each street cash paid to any on mine behalf not mine request out of ur own risky for not follows obedent to mine instruction 1st money gramms transffer or suscribe sms test messages post direct mine contact no. accuquring from me 1st blf doing already u prolong shut process too long with thy change thy seat do not allows any knows location or repeating misstakenly repeating open up public associets.with country gov on mine behalf.i,m on privacy personal handlling in african finnacial travel purpposed at all things.thy only sollution to recoveries cash street paid mean no address out of thy own risky seeking assitance trough usa white agent country embassy white task force air force security help out collect back from nig catholic taliban african orgernization britain coaching at all things still ur fault but don,t lose hope wake up ur trying little by little not every body really understand satanic demons trricks perfformances even majority seeking where to find them.


  4. Opportunities for nig african countries demonic satanic agent continued formulating diffrent names increasing addopted farmlies born blf end today.odinary balogical father born not propper address or any pataker on farmliars owner shears. any not recorgenized thy father remain a bastards born.not address i,mean not diss regard any personality as world consuitation law society rules and regulation shall we all depending direct papa world marriage born name appoint selected chose on work remains for ever who gose beyound that delecting ogun state adam oshomule governor int work end today bound penney formal recently paid to him must withdraw back immedaite catholic tradition un om muslen buhari dealta james ibori african countries north east west south herring britains sets hang off each


  5. Odor from world high court cheif judge head.emergency accord keep in torch each arab countries A blue cut idol comduct amade.judge lawyer involed world press breaking news diggest m it has reviewe no man land dealta ogwachiukwu close chapter world wilde taliban security nig utah african world groups britain directing dealta states igbos buhari james ibori each african countries dealta state britains bribes elegal no address no canopy security not farmlies relative countries stranger formed on behalf of mine own farmlies can,t with stand no matter what.our ground father grass foot work remains air force military security public wall notice dictonary documented.them allso understand what so ever them into elegal abnormal unjustice lagos nig thesame dealta security police herring repeated blowing alarm every where on rd with them frauds shearing confusion public animals on rd daily bribes directing yorubas how methoed them used to do it with huge ammount of money every where in thy world thesame mark of beaste 666 333 satanic agent religion sing ahead killing rank increasing 3b innocent soul kill per each yearly world wilde security kill fraudstration people introduced crime 419 theifs renting gun for crimenals bank frauds aliar stage i,was 1st poison at ezinift police post anambara state nnewi south police detection food poison on mine rightful propperties belong to mine late father only direct born recorgernized blf me.thesame antichrist groups castgating with mine name britain direct each poison african used to kill is them introduced confess any them gave such poison survive from sonday born ground father people them own is eat body developing odinary body maintenance.AA blood in born canccer 1st born blood in thy world.orginal inttensional suffring wickeding later uncountable poison inttended if them can,t cope allegation kill them selfs not mine as did to others covering up suffring die off.religion britains directed african groups exactly how them normally used kill secretly silent killers innocent souls after taking addivantage on them covering up not reviewe .recently computer formal used janet own important farmlies reservation to obasanjo cheif security ogun state oshumole governor farmlies thesame dealta gang confusion every where to maitaining them taliban security naiver upper hands kill mine late fathers poison me with arrangement nig african groups britain directed tender age treating mine life that any direct born mine ground father blood allways strong weaged thy recoveries opportunities for 1st born 2nd many confusion speach i,charged world wilde taliban security no man land direct to immedaite hight nig lagos i,m right away face to face public court judgement withing 7 munits.this mine private personal phone contact no nig dia dial +2348067671425. fails propper investgation carry on each police army security okada station must vacate today disarm dissuniform no rd check inpoint bank work security unecessary trafficking any security taliban misstaken see rd uniform shoot aside i,declear non on duty air force military occupie east post office immedaite any repeated farmlies used them head not correct of on not relative country herring i,non single nig african direct born remaining accept arab country mine ground father people .any nig african unknown forged tought daily confusion against me thesame satanic demonic agent any misstakenly catch kill by hang i,sing opportunities for farmlies reconcilation unknown chapter daily repeating at all things end today i,delecting each good for nothing digress shameful things to mine grass foot work unperffect duty messengers no matter thy countries name involed.opportunities for egyptain britain sets african taliban crimenals net work central bank work end today chapter close nothing incommon benefitual arab our ground father work conculsion


  6. Odor from world high court cheif judge head. Repeated with addition emergency accord keep in torch each arab countries A blue cut idol comduct amade.judge lawyer involed world press breaking news diggest languages an a special announcement.public oppinion awearness it has reviewe no man land dealta ogwachiukwu close chapter world wilde taliban security nig utah african world groups britain directing dealta states igbos buhari james ibori each african countries dealta state britains bribes elegal no address no canopy security not farmlies relative countries stranger formed on behalf of mine own farmlies can,t with stand no matter what.our ground father grass foot work remains air force military security public wall notice dictonary documented.them allso understand what so ever them into elegal abnormal unjustice lagos nig thesame dealta security police herring repeated blowing alarm every where on rd with them frauds shearing confusion public animals on rd daily bribes directing yorubas how methoed them used to do it with huge ammount of money every where in thy world thesame mark of beaste 666 333 satanic agent religion sing ahead killing rank increasing 3b innocent soul kill per each yearly world wilde security kill fraudstration people introduced crime 419 theifs renting gun for crimenals bank frauds aliar stage i,was 1st poison at ezinift police post anambara state nnewi south police detection food poison on mine rightful propperties belong to mine late father only direct born recorgernized blf me.thesame antichrist groups castgating with mine name britain direct each poison african used to kill is them introduced confess any them gave such poison survive from sonday born ground father people them own is eat body developing odinary body maintenance.AA blood in born canccer 1st born blood in thy world.orginal inttensional suffring wickeding later uncountable poison inttended if them can,t cope allegation kill them selfs not mine as did to others covering up suffring die off.religion britains directed african groups exactly how them normally used kill secretly silent killers innocent souls after taking addivantage on them covering up not reviewe .recently computer formal used janet own important farmlies reservation to obasanjo cheif security ogun state oshumole governor farmlies thesame dealta gang confusion every where to maitaining them taliban security naiver upper hands kill mine late fathers poison me with arrangement nig african groups britain directed tender age treating mine life that any direct born mine ground father blood allways strong weaged thy recoveries opportunities for 1st born 2nd many confusion speach i,charged world wilde taliban security no man land direct to immedaite hight nig lagos i,m right away face to face public court judgement withing 7 munits.this mine private personal phone contact no nig dia dial +2348067671425. fails propper investgation carry on each police army security okada station must vacate today disarm dissuniform no rd check inpoint bank work security unecessary trafficking any security taliban misstaken see rd uniform shoot aside i,declear non on duty air force military occupie east post office immedaite any repeated farmlies used them head not correct of on not relative country herring i,non single nig african direct born remaining accept arab country mine ground father people .any nig african unknown forged tought daily confusion against me thesame satanic demonic agent any misstakenly catch kill by hang i,sing opportunities for farmlies reconcilation unknown chapter daily repeating at all things end today i,delecting each good for nothing digress shameful things to mine grass foot work unperffect duty messengers no matter thy countries name involed.opportunities for egyptain britain sets african taliban crimenals net work central bank work end today chapter close nothing incommon benefitual arab our ground father work conculsion


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    1. Isnt it about time WordPress staff pulled their fingers out their backside and dealt with obviously spam. WordPress is very quick in giving us posts about how to avoid spam when they cannot control it on their own front door. Lead by example


      1. Only when they seem fit like removing comments that they don’t like. I thought that WordPress was all for freedom of speech and expression but they were quick enough to remove a post defending myself from a troll giving me abuse for supporting a member of the WordPress staff!!


  8. I wish to learn to express my thoughts in written and speaking better, so start up with the writing and daily or at least weekly blog posts would be the great start, I believe. I began to like the website!


  9. I have posted every day this year … every day since I started … and tried to insert the image code (Chateau Theme – Image widget) … and it “clears” the URL each time to blank. HELP/


  10. I’ve been fortunate that I continue to have ideas and have been able to post at least one piece every day since I started blogging just over a year ago without the help of the daily prompt. I wonder how long I’ll be able to keep it up …


  11. Great stuff here: I’ve posted a photo a day for almost two years now and getting ready to start year three. I will make sure to visit this blog more often. An thanks for stopping by my blog!


  12. The Bitter

    The bitter taste in your mouth
    when your legs smash away brutally
    No, you have no role no more no more
    Not here not there
    Putted away, awayputted
    Even if your thoughts was so good
    So clever and so nice
    Everything gets wrong,
    so wrong so wrong
    Hate? No no, just a soul
    A soul of emptiness
    Of seeking of suffering
    A soul of loneliness
    Seeking of the end
    of the beginning of the way
    The way of life
    The lifes sometimes crooked way
    In the darkness
    To be over and non
    The bitter taste
    The taste so bitter


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