Make the Most of Prompts and Challenges

Looking for writing inspiration? Trying to make blogging a more regular habit? The Daily Post is here to help. Daily prompts and photo challenges can get you through patches of bloggers’ block.

Daily Prompts

To participate in Daily Prompts, simply publish a post on your own blog that responds to the prompt.

Comments are always closed on prompts, but pingbacks are enabled. If you link to the prompt in your post, your post will appear in the list of responses on The Daily Post.

Looking to give your blog a boost and reach new audiences? From a custom domain to more design options, there’s a plan that’s right for you.

If you’re not sure how to build a post around a writing prompt, take a look at our tips for making prompts personal.

Weekly Photo Challenge

Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, you’re invited to get involved in our Weekly Photo Challenge to help you meet your blogging goals. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if your blog isn’t about photography.

Each Wednesday, we’ll provide a theme for creative inspiration. You take photographs based on your interpretation of the theme, and post them on your blog anytime before the following Wednesday. If you link to the challenge in your post, your post will appear in the list of responses on The Daily Post. Participants use different tags for their challenge entries, like dpchallenge, WPC, photo challenge, weekly photo challenge, photography, and postaday, which we explain more about below. Feel free to use any tags you’d like.

Discover Challenge

Discover Challenges draw upon the stories and ideas that have inspired us — from interviews with prominent bloggers to personal essays and breathtaking illustration and photography — all published on Discover, our showcase for the best content on WordPress.

To participate, check out any challenge and publish a post on your own blog inspired by it. Since the sources of inspiration are going to be eclectic, your responses can be in any genre, medium, or format you feel like. A poem or a photo, a webcomic or a longform essay, a video clip or an original song — we welcome your contributions in whatever shape or form they take.


Those of you who have personal goals like posting every day or every week are invited to take part in our ongoing Postaday project to stay motivated and focused.

To participate in the challenge, tag your post with postaday or postaweek and follow The Daily Post so all our great resources go straight to your inbox. Don’t forget to snag a badge for your blog so everyone knows you’re a Post A Day blogger, and be sure to follow the postaday topic in the Reader to see what all your fellow bloggers are up to!

Here are official (retina-ready) Post a Day and Post a Week badges to show off on your blog. Copy the code for the badge of your choice into a text widget on your blog.

<a href=""><img alt="I'm part of Post A Day 2018" src="" width="274" height="62" /></a>

<a href=""><img alt="I'm part of Post A Day 2018" src="" width="194" height="60" /></a>

<a href=""><img alt="I'm part of Post A Day 2018" src="" width="154" height="30" /></a>;

<a href=""><img alt="I'm part of Post A Week 2018" src="" width="274" height="62" /></a>

<a href=""><img alt="I'm part of Post A Week 2018" src="" width="194" height="60" /></a>

<a href=""><img alt="I'm part of Post A Week 2018" src="" width="154" height="30" /></a>

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  1. Hello…im not sure this is the place to post my question but i dont really know where to do it… I have this problem about submitting my writings for daily prompts. Every time i read daily prompts and start working on them…i find that “comments are closed” and im not able to post anything. I admit i m new to blogging…is there anything i should do?
    I’d appreciate any help!!!


      1. I hope so… but when?
        It’s dissapointing to not be able to practice nor getting any feedback…
        Photo challenge was good… but i am into writing more than photography.
        Do you know of any other webs or blogs?
        Thanks for your reply!


      2. Sorry, new to blogging myself. But i recently read about the Community Pool where you can submit a post and ask for specific feedback. Have you received that announcement, also from someone at WordPress?


      3. Look, someone answered me… but I dont know how to do it lol… She said this:
        “Do you mean the daily prompts? If so, the way to be included is to link from your post written in response to the prompt. This creates a pingback (in the comments area) so others can find your post. Sue”


      4. You need to go to “Edit entry” and up, you ll find “Screen options”… there you will find… “send trackback” …I clicked on that and now Im trying to copy the wordpress challenge or daily promt there…not sure if working though hehe


  2. Hello everybody! I will tell you all about my situation here in the blog so you see if it happens to any of you too…
    Few days ago i realized that when i wanted to post my writing about Daily Prompts it said “comments are closed” so i had no idea how to post them for people to read and give me some feedback.
    Surfing the web i found some commets on “pingbacks and trackbacks”…so i took my chance. When first editing my post, i went to “screen options” and ticked the “send trackback” box and added there the link to this one particular i wanted :

    I dont know what else to do… and im not sure that it is working out……
    I will appreciate any comments or help.
    Thanks and sorry for bothering you all =)


  3. I like many people would like to give a daily post. But whenever we say we can’t no one can understand us. We have tried to enter a daily post but it always closed. Do you understand what I am saying? I don’t know how much time I have to participate but I am always to late. I can’t include my entry. Do you know someone that host this blog. Maybe if you understand what we are saying you can explain it to them.

    We would love to participate.


  4. Can someone tell me WHY I cannot get the Post a Day logo to appear? I am so discouraged after 2 hours- the URL does not copy.?


  5. I cannot attach the Post a day logo no matter WHAT I do- after 2 hours I am so disappointed – ant suggestions- the URL for logo will not attach.


  6. MY name is BELLA , i never believe that my ex boyfriend will ever make up with me again just because of the incident that happened on a day that suppose to be his engagement night he called me on phone asking me to came and meet him at royal palm bunch hotel,that same hour on my way going there i meant an old time friend called jack will son,he was my first love during our high school days he put some pressure on me that same night but i tried my possible best to explain every thing to him that i am with some one already but he refuse to understand me and still putting more pressure on me saying that i should hangout with him,we were together all through that night,and my boy friend waited for me all through that night.but i never known all in the name of old time sake i was dealing with the wrong person jack i known before later turn into something else after having sex with me,my boy friend was hot and was very agree with me because he was to propose to me that same night but i never known of that i apologize to him and told him a lie that my father was ill that i was the only one available to talk him to the hospital,he was convince but later few days to our wedding some body from no were came and testify against me that i have been cheating on my boy friend with an evidence of a photo of that same incident that happen between i and boyfriend was very agree with me and throne me out of his house saying is over between both of us,he discovered that his ex girlfriend who traveled to Canada to visit her uncle was back he later go back to her and i held he was planning to marry her,but due to what happened i still loves him very much and i Bella can not afford to loose him to another,i sick for help in difference places but there was no solution,last i meant my friend jenny we both attend this same high school together so i shale my problems with her and she introduce me a powerful DR called alliya,DR alliya help me in getting my love one back immoderately without any delay my ex boyfriend later came back to me with much love and our wedding was planned and we finally got wedded and blessed with three lovely kids,I bella will forever be thankful to DR alliya for helping me restore my marriage back he can also do the same for you or more than because i believe in his powers,you can contact him with this email:


  7. Hi! I’ve been working on a data entry campaign for almost 2 years now and my client is Tenaquip Canada. I proofread, edit, type, copy and paste information from pdf and websites to microsoft excel and databse. I am particular in speed and accuracy. I do hope I can work with you and I’m willing to start working asap. Thank you


    1. “If you need a boost getting inspired, try using our daily prompts”

      Although they did not make the answer to your question super-obvious, I think it suffices to say you may write about whatever you desire and the daily prompts are just there for inspiration.
