Make the Most of Prompts and Challenges

Looking for writing inspiration? Trying to make blogging a more regular habit? The Daily Post is here to help. Daily prompts and photo challenges can get you through patches of bloggers’ block.

Daily Prompts

To participate in Daily Prompts, simply publish a post on your own blog that responds to the prompt.

Comments are always closed on prompts, but pingbacks are enabled. If you link to the prompt in your post, your post will appear in the list of responses on The Daily Post.

Looking to give your blog a boost and reach new audiences? From a custom domain to more design options, there’s a plan that’s right for you.

If you’re not sure how to build a post around a writing prompt, take a look at our tips for making prompts personal.

Weekly Photo Challenge

Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, you’re invited to get involved in our Weekly Photo Challenge to help you meet your blogging goals. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if your blog isn’t about photography.

Each Wednesday, we’ll provide a theme for creative inspiration. You take photographs based on your interpretation of the theme, and post them on your blog anytime before the following Wednesday. If you link to the challenge in your post, your post will appear in the list of responses on The Daily Post. Participants use different tags for their challenge entries, like dpchallenge, WPC, photo challenge, weekly photo challenge, photography, and postaday, which we explain more about below. Feel free to use any tags you’d like.

Discover Challenge

Discover Challenges draw upon the stories and ideas that have inspired us — from interviews with prominent bloggers to personal essays and breathtaking illustration and photography — all published on Discover, our showcase for the best content on WordPress.

To participate, check out any challenge and publish a post on your own blog inspired by it. Since the sources of inspiration are going to be eclectic, your responses can be in any genre, medium, or format you feel like. A poem or a photo, a webcomic or a longform essay, a video clip or an original song — we welcome your contributions in whatever shape or form they take.


Those of you who have personal goals like posting every day or every week are invited to take part in our ongoing Postaday project to stay motivated and focused.

To participate in the challenge, tag your post with postaday or postaweek and follow The Daily Post so all our great resources go straight to your inbox. Don’t forget to snag a badge for your blog so everyone knows you’re a Post A Day blogger, and be sure to follow the postaday topic in the Reader to see what all your fellow bloggers are up to!

Here are official (retina-ready) Post a Day and Post a Week badges to show off on your blog. Copy the code for the badge of your choice into a text widget on your blog.

<a href=""><img alt="I'm part of Post A Day 2018" src="" width="274" height="62" /></a>

<a href=""><img alt="I'm part of Post A Day 2018" src="" width="194" height="60" /></a>

<a href=""><img alt="I'm part of Post A Day 2018" src="" width="154" height="30" /></a>;

<a href=""><img alt="I'm part of Post A Week 2018" src="" width="274" height="62" /></a>

<a href=""><img alt="I'm part of Post A Week 2018" src="" width="194" height="60" /></a>

<a href=""><img alt="I'm part of Post A Week 2018" src="" width="154" height="30" /></a>

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  1. Well, after posting the last 13 days I figured I might as well join the revolution! so I am not part of postaday 2013! Feel free to click on the link below to check out my photography blog! Its a special blog where I only take pictures, edit pictures, and post pictures from my iPad. 🙂 Hope anyone who checks it out enjoys! Have a great day!


  2. This is such an inspiration. I am going to try my very best to write a new vegetarian recipe and post it every day. Rock on postaday2013. The tough part is that I have to try the recipe out, make all my mistake (yikes), perfect it and write up the blog post. BUT hey … isn’t that the fun part? 😀


  3. This was an amazing first year on Word Press. I started with a New Year’s Resolution and ended up with an amazing adventure … 365 days of consecutive blogging. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to do it, having two kids and the drama of every day life. BUT I did. I managed to find humor for the crappiness thrown my way and got inspiration during the days where I just couldn’t make it. Thanks for the photo challenges, the Daily Post Challenges and the Writing Challenges. It made for a great humor blog all year long.


  4. There are insights I might reveal to a person but fear to do so in my blog. For example, the video made in the ’90’s which disappeared soon after, would offend half the world: The Lost Tomb of Jesus. There’s a woman in Colorado waiting to see if I have the guts to write about this film.

    Or, there are eugenics items more closely related to the theme of my blog which also might be off-setting. One factual happening would be disturbing to pregnant women. It’s those darn Chinese and their efforts today to create the same perfect humans that Himmler and Hitler were trying to do in the l930’s and ’40’s.

    Using the same rationale that I once would as a news editor, When in doubt, leave it out, the topics I leave out, perhaps, are the very ones Freshly Pressed seeks.

    My recent video review of Obama’s America was Sunday School proper, but still it may trigger
    someone’s interest.

    What I tell high school students who want to write more interesting compositions, perhaps should apply to a blogger: If it’s razor-sharp, cuts deep, runs raw thinking, it’s memorable.


  5. This is really a great way to get writers writing. Sometimes it can really be tough when you have alot of things going on, but this is such a fabulous ideas to get writers thinking and blogging! There is nothing like something that can create creative ideas flowing! Keep up the good work!

    Never stop writing and never believe your words can’t change the world! Write with conviction and strive with everything you got to make the world one step better by the words you speak and write!


  6. I just started my weekly photo challenge today….and may look into doing the blog a day…
    My blog is just of things that make me smile….my likes…thoughts…and total randomness…
    Happy bloggin’ everyone!!!


      1. I actually am pretty random with my posts…it usually take me bout 20 minutes to write a post…
        Posting bout what I enjoy helps to make the process easier…hope that helps
        Happy bloggin’


      2. Thanks a lot PrettyGirl,

        20 minutes. Wow, you are good. Took me 10-12 hours just to manage to insert about 21 pictures on my last post, that 1000 word challenge. wordpress is getting more and more like a major pain in the butt to me. I can copy and paste all those 21 in regular word document for a few minutes, they all show up instantly, unlike wordpress. The text of that post “Lost in Time” took me another 10-12 hours. Although they look great. don’t know if I can’t do often. I am planning shooting some video for Valentine’s day Romantic dinner, makeup and dress up. All takes time. Just visited your blog. I love to decorate too.Thanks again.


  7. good food, good mood, TV, movie, funny video clips, interesting people and places. Fun, entertaining, practical, into good content. Live Well, Eat Healthy Mable Able (mabel8ble) Easy lazy Tasty Healthy food in a budget. Just started. Looking for new blogger buddies to follow each other, to inspire, motivate, support, promote, educate and entertain each other.


  8. Hello could everyone visit my blog, and check out my film, “Edie” I am trying to raise funds for? 🙂 It is a film based on Edie Sedgwick, Andy Warhol’s muse and famous socialite from the 60s era! Will be a popular new film. Lots of raised interests but need help getting it out there and raising funds! Please go to my kickstarter page and check out the rewards you get for donating! Thanks! 🙂


  9. We publish a daily e-zine that contains something of interests for everyone. But we do occasionally have a day or two a month, we feel lazy. So hopefully this will keep us honest, lol! Got a minute, check us out Witches Of The Craft, http://witchesofthecraftcom. Don’t let the name scare you off. We are nothing like all the old myths and stereotypes we have been associated with.


      1. Thanks for the tip, Jim. BTW, I checked your blog and will be very curious to see how your Journey will turn out. El Camino has come across my radar so many times over the last year, I may have to check it out myself! P.S. I’d take a wild edible food ID book along if I was traveling without money!


      2. Good suggestion, I will take about 10 pieces of dear jerky, which should last me a day or so? I am hoping the other Pilgrims will provide food, I will not ask for money. My next book will be about my experience. My goal is to save one child’s life in Kenya in a orphanage I am helping with, plus the unknown experience I will get? Add this walk to your bucket list! I am starting a new blog in the next few days about…”WHAT’S ON YOUR BUCKET LIST?”


  10. You understand thus significantly relating to this matter, produced me personally believe it from so many numerous angles. Its like women and men are not interested unless it’s one thing to do with Girl gaga! Your individual stuffs outstanding. All the time deal with it up!


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