Make the Most of Prompts and Challenges

Looking for writing inspiration? Trying to make blogging a more regular habit? The Daily Post is here to help. Daily prompts and photo challenges can get you through patches of bloggers’ block.

Daily Prompts

To participate in Daily Prompts, simply publish a post on your own blog that responds to the prompt.

Comments are always closed on prompts, but pingbacks are enabled. If you link to the prompt in your post, your post will appear in the list of responses on The Daily Post.

Looking to give your blog a boost and reach new audiences? From a custom domain to more design options, there’s a plan that’s right for you.

If you’re not sure how to build a post around a writing prompt, take a look at our tips for making prompts personal.

Weekly Photo Challenge

Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, you’re invited to get involved in our Weekly Photo Challenge to help you meet your blogging goals. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if your blog isn’t about photography.

Each Wednesday, we’ll provide a theme for creative inspiration. You take photographs based on your interpretation of the theme, and post them on your blog anytime before the following Wednesday. If you link to the challenge in your post, your post will appear in the list of responses on The Daily Post. Participants use different tags for their challenge entries, like dpchallenge, WPC, photo challenge, weekly photo challenge, photography, and postaday, which we explain more about below. Feel free to use any tags you’d like.

Discover Challenge

Discover Challenges draw upon the stories and ideas that have inspired us — from interviews with prominent bloggers to personal essays and breathtaking illustration and photography — all published on Discover, our showcase for the best content on WordPress.

To participate, check out any challenge and publish a post on your own blog inspired by it. Since the sources of inspiration are going to be eclectic, your responses can be in any genre, medium, or format you feel like. A poem or a photo, a webcomic or a longform essay, a video clip or an original song — we welcome your contributions in whatever shape or form they take.


Those of you who have personal goals like posting every day or every week are invited to take part in our ongoing Postaday project to stay motivated and focused.

To participate in the challenge, tag your post with postaday or postaweek and follow The Daily Post so all our great resources go straight to your inbox. Don’t forget to snag a badge for your blog so everyone knows you’re a Post A Day blogger, and be sure to follow the postaday topic in the Reader to see what all your fellow bloggers are up to!

Here are official (retina-ready) Post a Day and Post a Week badges to show off on your blog. Copy the code for the badge of your choice into a text widget on your blog.

<a href=""><img alt="I'm part of Post A Day 2018" src="" width="274" height="62" /></a>

<a href=""><img alt="I'm part of Post A Day 2018" src="" width="194" height="60" /></a>

<a href=""><img alt="I'm part of Post A Day 2018" src="" width="154" height="30" /></a>;

<a href=""><img alt="I'm part of Post A Week 2018" src="" width="274" height="62" /></a>

<a href=""><img alt="I'm part of Post A Week 2018" src="" width="194" height="60" /></a>

<a href=""><img alt="I'm part of Post A Week 2018" src="" width="154" height="30" /></a>

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  1. Read about Hurricane induced anxiety everyday for the next week – each post has a tool to help lower anxiety now. WordPress makes this possible with everyday blogging so I can see patients and millions of readers can benefit from Adaptive Behavioral Therapy.


    1. Hello dear, am a patient of anxiety, I think I really need to read ur blogs regarding anxiety every day so that I can feel better, post me every day…



  2. Hi Bloggers, I need help and can’t seem to figure it out on my own. I am new at blogging and wordpress and can’t seem to figure out why my posts aren’t being uploaded and saved to my blog? I am using the “Post an Image” option and I go to publish post and it does nothing. What am I doing wrong? Please help!?!? Thanks in advance…


    1. I’m still learning myself but a couple of things that took me a while to learn is first, how big are your images? if you re-size to 640 pixels on the longest side and you should be able to do this with your photo editing software.
      I realize this may sound daft but when you create a post click the visual tab, place the cursor where you want the picture to be, then select the image from insert media and hopefully it should work – good luck.
      Also did you realize on the about page you still have the default text – it made me smile, to be fair it takes a few weeks to get used to everything but I’ve since learn’t that you can create pages for general information such as contact information, pricing and business policy etc and you can also add links from pages to blog articles for example if you were to create a page on different special decorative effects that you do.


    1. Carolyn, try copying this whole line:

      Go to your ‘widgets’ area and depending on your theme, I think, and see if you see an ‘image’ widget. Click and drag that over to your sidebar and open it up. You will see an ‘image URL’ box. Paste the above line there, and then fill in the title of your widget, and at the bottom where it reads: Link URL you might want to post the following link:

      I hope that helps!


  3. Question: How does the 365 challenge work? I want to join this but I can’t seem to find any answers as WiseGeek keeps hanging up on my browser since yesterday. I would like to participate using moleskine art and poetry for 365 days. Does the challenge have to have a certain day to begin?

    Thank you very much!


  4. 2012 is almost over but I’m ready for the challenge! Better late than never I guess!

    By the way I’m having problems adding the Post A Day badge onto my blog. It doesn’t seem to save when I add it to the image widget. Help!


    Liked by 1 person

  5. I have no idea how to put the badge on my site. Does anyone have any step by step instructions? I know I’m a bit late but want to get the 2012 badge on before the 2012 one comes out. For the last 2.5 mths I’ve been able to blog each day so I’m going to try in 2013 as well.


  6. we create enough pain and emotional distress on ourselves, in our lives with the pressures we feel and put on are own shoulders carrying the feeling like you are trying to carry the weight of the world on your two shoulders, each day with general day-to-day stress in our lives, everyone has experienced their own kind of deep pain, and at one point has felt that deep pain that feels never-ending, like your world and life has shattered, the ground disappears from your feet and you feel like you just keep falling and cannot seem to pick yourself up, when u feel like your world has fallen apart at the seams.. and like a mirror has shattered in silvers across the barren lost and now empty floor of your pained heart.. how could anyone hurt, wound, or take a life and silence a beating heart made from god’s love , how could someone violently put any human being and their families and friends, intentionally through that kind of pain by taking a loved ones life through violence. to commit an act of violence against a human with a beating heart full of life and with so much life left to be lived and experienced, heinous put someone through that type of pain is unthinkable to me… never mind just how can anyone hurt or put down someone and make them feel small and insignificant on this vast earth alone.. but to silence a beating heart.. and throw them into a world of pain they must feel they will never awaken from.. or feel that their life will ever be the same again after loosing someone you love to an act of violence is beyond my imagination, to take away someones life and exact pain on their families and friends and leave a them lost in darkness and grief i just do not understand how anyone can act out in violence against someone. like everyone in this saddened world at this dark hour, we’ve all felt pain earth shattering pains we’ve all taken bumps and bruises along our paths in life.. we’ve put ourselves through pain and learned from mistakes, i could or never would wish pain on anyone , hurt or even want to be the reason someone cries in the middle of the night.. and cries into their pillows as tears stream down their eyes into puddles that seem like their tears will not end and will fill a river in their deep pain, I ask god to forgive me of any sins i have committed during these dark hours , if i have ever hurt someone unintentionally i apologize deeply from my heart, i didn’t and wouldn’t want to cause anyone pain in their life.. my thoughts and prayers are with everyone and the families in newton ct. my candles will be lit tonight as i send prayers out in my now deep sad thoughts because something like this can again occur again in this day and age of our world… please god wrap your arms around these families and friends carry them in their time of need, try to put the pieces of there shattered hearts together and let them know there not alone, and we all have them in our hearts and prayers.. with love and prayer, Darcy Wark
