First Friday

New blogger? Welcome! Share a link to your first post, say hello to other new faces, and find your first few readers.

For other help:
If you’re not new and are looking for support or feedback, the Community Pool is the place for you!

For technical questions, visit the Support Forums.

To learn more about blogging, take a Blogging U. course.

To find, copy, and paste your link:
Head to your blog’s home page — not your dashboard, your blog itself. Click on the title of your post to open the individual post.

Highlight and copy the URL you see in your browser’s address bar, and paste the entire URL into a comment here.

Welcome to First Friday, a weekly open thread where any new blogger can share a link to his or her very first post with the larger community. To share your first post with us, copy and paste the link right into a comment here. If you’re not new, you can still be a part of First Fridays: visit a link or two, and leave the blogger a like or comment.

Please don’t use this as a space to share your first post…. that you published three years ago; ditto for simply sharing your latest post. Posts should have been published within the last month, and should be your first post. We’ll remove other posts to keep this space focused for new bloggers.

We ask that you help us keep this space focused by following a few additional guidelines:

  • We encourage anyone who shares a link to visit a few other bloggers. New readers for all!
  • When commenting, the third time is not the charm: don’t share the same link repeatedly, or in multiple First Friday threads. We’ll remove repeat posts.
  • Link directly to your new post, rather than to your blog generally — it makes it that much easier for folks to like the post or leave you comments.
  • Avoid repeated “Follow for a follow!” comments. (Tip: if you’re trying to build a readership, it’s much more effective to visit and comment on individual bloggers.)
  • To keep from losing your place while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on links to open them in a new tab or window.
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  1. Hey all- I’m new to the blogging world. I’m writing about all aspects of my life- products I use, projects I work on, my insights on life, etc. I’m just getting started but would love feedback! I’m starting to look into monetization as well. I think I need a new theme but that’s a work in progress. I’m excited to start, and would love to bounce ideas off of some of you!

    Happy reading 😊


  2. Hi, I started a new blog today. Feedbacks welcome…


  3. My name is Carmelle im 21 years old and this is my story… I am a new-bee, not really sure what im doing but I like to write


  4. Hi guys! I’m a new blogger writing about, well, writing! I wanted to share my journey through writing and discovering my voice. I, of course, will offer advice as I stumble across difficulties I’m probably going to be putting up excerpts of my stories and poems soon…haven’t fully decided when though! 🙂 I hope y’all enjoy the read and provide feedback if you would like to! 🤗


  5. Hi Everyone,
    I opened my WordPress account way back in 2014, made my first post and then found a 101 reasons why I was too busy to be a blogger. This year however, since February, I started writing again, the need to connect with the voices in my hands was unbearable. A few posts down, I still feel new to all this. I would really appreciate if a few of you or even one, took time to visit my page and give me genuine and honest feedback. At the end of the day, I do want to know how I can be a better writer/blogger. Thankyou all. And good luck to all the first-timers out there. Please don’t stop writing like I did. 😉


  6. Hey people! 😀 I’m a newbie just like all of incredible bloggers out there .I made a blog few days back through which I intend to share stuff such as poems and prose conveying the different emotions that hurl our minds in our daily lives. I really hope that readers would be able to relate to the posts. ^_^
    This is my first poem on the blog! I would really be grateful if you give it a read and some honest comments too.
    Thank you so much 🙂
    & Yayy !! WELCOME BLOG BUDDIES ^.^
    Happy Blogging =D

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awesome!! One thing, your title still says site title. Just an observation. Keep it up!


  7. Hi everyone!
    Here we are sharing our very first post. We are two individuals trying to put our pointless thoughts into a context that makes point. The idea is to explore the philosophical ideas of fashion. Since this one is an introductory post it just has an insight to what we will be upto in the coming posts. Do let us know what we could improve at. Awaiting for your feedback 🙂

    Because everything doesn’t need to make sense in order to make sense..


  8. Hi everyone!
    Here we are sharing our very first post. We are two individuals trying to put our pointless thoughts into a context that makes point. The idea is to explore the philosophical ideas of fashion. Since this one is an introductory post it just has an insight to what we will be upto in the coming posts. Do let us know what we could improve at. Awaiting for your feedback 🙂

    Because everything doesn’t need to make sense in order to make sense..


  9. Hi everyone!
    Here we are sharing our very first post. We are two individuals trying to put our pointless thoughts into a context that makes point. The idea is to explore the philosophical ideas of fashion. Since this one is an introductory post it just has an insight to what we will be upto in the coming posts. Do let us know what we could improve at. Awaiting for your feedback 🙂

    Because everything doesn’t need to make sense in order to make sense..


  10. Ok let’s try this again: my last post I was still private but I fixed it. I am brand new to blogging and have written 3 blogs so far. I would love feedback
    I am starting this blog to get the juices flowing to write a book memoir about being dual diagnosis. Thanks ahead of time!


  11. Hi everyone. I’m Shelz and I’ve started a blog to help me make a fresh start after a hard time. My blog will cover my journey as I look for happiness after PTSD and I will be sharing my creative writing. You can see the first poem I posted in my poetry page. Thanks for looking. ✌️💚

    Freedom – Shelz Thinks


  12. Hello World,
    I am a new blogger. I write articles and essays on current affairs. Please visit my blog if you are a student or any other person who finds my posts germane to his/her interest.
    Given below is the link of my first essay post. And many more to come soon.
    Thank you!

    Are Modern Wars Not Holy Wars?


  13. Hi everyone! I’m Jacq Ramos. I’ve been a blogger for the past three years if I remember it right. My personal blog: is about my journey as a mother trying to build my home in a Christian way, overcoming the challenges as a single parent of two boys and my spiritual life.

    I recently created another blog which can help people nourish their spiritual life and start a conversation regarding the connection of spirituality to building family and home as a sacred architecture. It also have book reviews that will help direct you spiritually…

    You can check the site to learn more and feel free to comment…

    Holy Longing

    God bless!


  14. Hi there, I am new to WordPress and have been blogging here for about a month. My writing is centered around my unusual childhood and how I am applying and connecting what I’ve learned so I can be the best version if myself as a parent, wife, friend, and person. I love writing! Here is my first post on Going with my gut. I hope you enjoy it.

    Go With Your Gut
