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  • While you’re not required to, we encourage everyone who requests feedback to also reply to at least one or two other bloggers who need some help. Spread the love!
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  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
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  • No running on the deck.

Are you a new blogger looking to share your very first post? We have a special forum for bloggers just like you in our weekly First Friday posts.

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  1. Hey! I am a college student blogging her way through the experience of it, including being away from home and in an LDR! I also just posted my fisrt DIY!! give me a look! xx

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hey there! I have started a new series of poems where I use real world events as an inspiration and give my take on it in the form of a poem,they are titled, ‘Sleep well,my child’ and ‘Don’t leave Eli,stay’ . ( https://aksmithoo.wordpress.com/2016/11/26/two-souls-amidst-terror/
    https://aksmithoo.wordpress.com/2016/12/03/dont-leave-eli-stay/ respectively)
    Also,apart from the series,wrote a new poem yesterday,Love is not enough -https://aksmithoo.wordpress.com/2016/12/05/love-is-not-enough/.
    Would love to get any feedback on them specially because it’s a try at a new series!
    Thank you, have a great week ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi everyone !
    Began blogging in Jan as a new year challenge (to do something new )which has now turned into a passion , an obsession . Yet somehow I never felt confident enough to post a link on the C Pool , till today . Would love some feedback on what I’m doing and I promise to return the favour .
    Oh ! And I write about life , universe and popcorn ( basically that means anything that strikes my fancy and I’m an aspiring iPhone photographer too) .
    Lets connect ! 😊


    Liked by 4 people

    1. Great post! Like you brought up in the post, this was not a new topic to the world of bloggers, but you definitely came at it from a unique angle and made it your own. Life will always present you with adversity, yet it is how you handle this adversity that will define you, not the adversity itself. Wonderful message and insightful post. Bravo.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. I love your page! Really cool idea to write your poetry on here, and as a fan of fine literature I really enjoyed it. I am a very new blogger myself so I probably cannot offer much in the form of mentoring, but I may have some feedback as a consumer of your writings. As an author of poetry it might be interesting to see you analyze some famous poetry. This could grow your reputation as a writer and consumer of literature, in fact historically speaking many famous poets also reviewed the literature of other poets writing at the same time as them. Just a thought, either way I think you have a great blog and I plan to follow your material in the future!

      Liked by 3 people

    1. You’re very pretty and I adore your sense of fashion. If you’ve got some free time, maybe you could try playing around with one of the many grid-like themes WordPress has to offer? I feel they’d lend well to the theme and feel of your content.

      Oh, and it looks like your Instagram widget might not be working? I don’t use Instagram so I’m not sure how to help you, though.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. First impression is always important and looks like your front page has nothing to display. That’s a big no no.. Make sure you set up your page showing your posts rather than having a static front page :)..


      1. Its the other way around dear! 🙂 I will send you a letter. If you want to receive here are the instructions for you:

        1. Your name or your nick name or code name / whatever name you want to call you
        2. A funny / fictional / topic you want to ask. (Example: Why aren’t blueberries blue? )
        3. your current situation (whatever it may be)
        4. your interests
        5. One question you have for me

        You can check it here:


  4. Hi everyone I’m a relatively new blogger. Just a mom running on caffeine Chaos and Cuss words. Here’s a link to my post on how I lost 120 lbs any feedback would be awesome . Or any tips still pretty new here and want to make this work! Thanks!! http://wp.me/p7X0Q1-4r


    1. Congrats on losing that weight!
      Overall, I think your blog definitely fits your target audience. I like all the images you use. Gives your content a lot of personality.

      One suggestion I’d make would be to put your About Me page in your menu. I know that it’s a sticky post now and that’s a great idea, but putting it in your menu might help the visibility just a little more 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi everyone, please connect with me at buzzswati.wordpress.com. I have recently created my blog and I would highly appreciate any feedback/suggestions for my blogs.


    1. Hi! I read through some of your posts and they are spot on.. I think you have a great way of capturing your idea in just a few words and make people think about it a little deeper. I found your posts as an inspiration to look at things from a different angle. Great job.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Hey! This is my first time making a blog so could anyone give me advice. I’m only 14 and I don’t know how to get noticed or anything like that. So can u guys please help me out. Thank u!!


    1. To make it easier for people to find your posts, put some tags on them. You could also use your WordPress Reader to find posts on topics related to yours. Once you get those, you can put likes or comments on them to increase visibility to your posts. https://gracelead.co


  7. Hi,
    i am a new blogger who posts articles of famous and non famous hindi writers in my blog, but i don’t know how to increase traffic on my blog. I get no likes and no comments. Please help me.


  8. Hello fellow bloggers.
    I am new to writing and has been trying really hard to post quality content. It would mean the world to me for any one with some experience could review my writing and give me feedback.

    PS. I am a motivational Speaker and dreams of changing the world one day.
    Link To my blog- http://karthiksurya.com/

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much for the feedback. I’ll definitely proofread my posts. And I had to write a long post because I was narrating real situations(what i did), i just didn’t want to make a point rather I wanted my readers to go through what I had experienced.
        Once again thank, and I’ll try and make my post’s a bit shorter from now on if you think it’ll make a difference.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, I enjoyed reading a couple of your posts – they reminded me of how much there is to discover right outside my own back door! However with no plans for a trip to Europe for me in the near future most of your advice is a bit too niche for me! Have you thought about broadening your topics at all? I’d also love some feedback on my blog, which is very new compared to yours so I’d love too hear what about to experienced blogger thinks of it!
      Just follow my name and pick one that catches your eye. Thank you 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you for your feedback, I really appreciate it 🙂 I know that my blog is a bit too niche but I just love writting about my country.. I will go traveling soon so I guess I will cover more places around the world and hopefully extend my audience.

        I checked few of your posts and I like that you have a bit of everything mixed in your blog.. Sad and amuzing stories, advise, ideas, etc.. It is easy to read and you learn something new in every post. Maybe might a bit of a an advice or suggestion is to add links to your posts some other way – maybe you can have a quick look at this – https://wordpress.com/support/links/
        Keep up the good work, you have a great blog.

        Liked by 2 people

  9. Hi fellow bloggers.
    I recently started a blog about hiking. The trip reports are (and will be) full page width posts. The jurnal however has a sidebar. In the sidebar is the option to follow the blog with the e-mail subscription.
    I recently had the remark that there was no option to follow the blog, as some sites do have on the bottom (with some kind of hover follow button).
    As I am using a selfhosted site, do you know of any plugin to solve this, or is jetpack going to introduce it ?
    Any other feedback is more than welcome as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Good Morning everyone.
    Please take a look at my page


    I write reviews, news and other movie/pop culture related posts as often as possible.
    From recent releases to Movies I Should Have Watched Sooner, there is a wide variety of posts that will hopefully generate a number of exciting conversations

    I look forward to hearing from you


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your latest post about dogs and cats was interesting. You taught me something new 🙂 It would be easier to read with some grammar fixes. For instance, “why does my dog brings” should be “why does my dog bring” and “Pet dogs thinks of its family as it’s own pack” should be “A pet dog thinks of its family as its own pack” https://gracelead.co

      Liked by 1 person