Community Pool

The place for advice, feedback, and friendly blogging chatter.

Photo by <a href="">Beachfront Solutions</a> <a href="">(CC BY-SA 2.0)</a>

Have you just published a new post and are dying for some feedback? Did you recently start your blog and could use some layout or design advice from your more seasoned peers?

Did you just start blogging and you’re not sure how to get going? Has your blog been dormant for a while but you’d like to give it a jolt of life? Join our free Blogging 101 course (or any of our other offerings at Blogging U.).

Tap into the wisdom of The Daily Post blogging community and leave your question here in the comments. Others can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

To help us make the Community Pool a productive space for discussion, here are some tips you might find useful:

TIP: To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.

  • While you’re not required to, we encourage everyone who requests feedback to also reply to at least one or two other bloggers who need some help. Spread the love!
  • The Community Pool comments section can get quite big — and starting duplicate threads doesn’t help. Thanks for not posting the same question more than once!
  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we frequently remove them to make the comment reading experience smoother.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. The idea is to have fun — it’s a pool, after all!
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.
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  1. Hey guys! HoiHoiSoi here! I’m currently writing a serial fiction on a blog I run with my friends! X) It’s called Corridors Of Gunterlacs and is a Mystery/Thriller genre serial. It uses the theme of science and psychology to drive the plot and I’m planning for it to last a pretty long time to come. I update it weekly on every Saturday.

    If you have the time and are interested in reading or just picking up something to read on your spare time. Do check it out!

    Thank you some much guys!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. hey Sam, i agree with the theme of your blog – looks great and welcoming – not convinced of the SAM font so maybe play around with that but like the font of the byline so something a little more subtle or artsy might work – cursive even?

        Looking at your Achebe post i would say it could do with some spacing to break up all the text – big lines of text tends to scare people away so bold and headings and pictures and spaces between paragraphs can all help with that.

        But otherwise your writing and your commentary on life and happenings is very interesting and fun so i think you are doing a lot right and can maybe just tweak a little bit here and there.

        Hope that helps
        love brett fish

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey genius people!

    I just started my blog over the weekend and published my first two blog posts! I owned a small childcare center for ten years, and just recently closed my doors, to be a SAHM! I would live to blog for a living!!

    Let me know what you think! And I will do the same!

    Thanks in advance!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Welllll alriiiighty then, this always feels awkward to me when I post a comment that isn’t directed towards anyone specific, I just had to throw that out there. Anywho, I came across some amazing blogs and unique perspectives from this community this past few days. I actually have a blog, not the start of one. So if the feedback and support helped me and my blog in so many different ways, I’m excited to get more into this whole new world. So to show appreciation, I’m going to comment on Community Pool and whoever would like my feedback, advice, constructive criticism, or just someone to talk to. Haha. Just reply to this and I got you, or however you are comfortable with expressing whatever it is I might can help with. Soooooo happy blogging! 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

      1. I did! I subscribed immediately after reading. (I can’t wait for Part 2!!!) I am going to be reading some of your other post tonight. I literally couldn’t put it in words yet how much I enjoyed it and I’ve been typing this for like 30 minutes. So I simply must say… Thank you for posting such an amazing piece of work, and I loved the style and presentation of the post. Very genuine, which is hard to feel through typed words on a screen. But I felt it from this time. Keep up the good work!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I love how the layout of your blog is. This made me laugh because my family always jokes about who, my brother or I, is the favorite of the day. I can’t wait to read some of your experiences as a mom! htpps://

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I read 4 post so far, followed you after first reading the Preamble page of course, just that page alone was fantastic! The sense of humor, is huge quality to me. It gives something’s, such as a website the unique touch only you possess. I honestly admire how personal yet professional the whole blog design felt. That’s the way I want to present my blog, so if you ever have a moment I’d actually like you to drop by my page and see what you think? I ended up learning, the only thing I can tell you is your personality is the blogs most important content, so keep doing you, it’s working.

        Fresh Outta Press


      2. Thank you for the follow and the kind words! I perused your site and I think the layout is professional enough. As far as content, I’m not sure what direction you are going? Is it going to be a blog about how to blog? Or is that just the first few posts as you get started and it will evolve into more personal? I totally get when you say “But I was using my studying as a way to put off the start of my own”. I gave up on writing for over a decade, letting daily life get in the way as I waited for some great inspiration. But the truth is, creative work comes from action, not inspiration–the old “1% inspiration, 99% perspiration” adage. So I decided just to write even if no one reads because its what I love. I’m totally in for your “I realized I have to post and learn as I go, embrace the mistakes that come with, and better myself as a writer by learning from MY mistakes” attitude so I’m going to follow so I can see where you go with this.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I have multiple ideas for series and directions I intend to create on this blog, but have to pace myself so it can be my best. I’m naturally hesitant and indecisive about anything I create that represents a part of me. If that makes sense. I have to slow my roll. Dream big, start small! But if you get a moment then email me? Commenting is still nerve racking for me on here, it’s weird how it bothers me. Haha. My contact page has my information if you decide to! Thank you for the feedback though, so much!


      1. I’ve always been aggravated with people not taking responsibility for mistakes made or flaws in ones self, we all have them, but anything that we do is always because of someone or something else. I may be 19, yet in that amount I’ve experienced, lets just say “alot.” So I’m not blind as I would be, had I not been through the things life has thrown my way.
        With that said, I think we all need to be accountable for our actions because no matter the influential factors of life are involved, it still is our actions. So thank you, for addressing and expressing that, that’s awesome in my opinion. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      1. i’ve been writing a little bit about Hashtagging games recently as my blog is quite serious [on issues of race and poverty and life and so on] and so it’s nice to have a bit of a fun break in the middle of all that – tomorrow’s game [if you’re on the Twitterer come and play] is going to be a fun one and we’re trying to get the members of Monty Python to come play which is where this piece came from:

        How to Catch a Python

        love brett fish


      2. I actually really liked your style. You broke up the paragraphs nicely and made it easy to read. You might consider putting the images at the top though or in the post. I had to keep scrolling to see it.


      1. I literally meet more every day, just from this comment alone I think 5 people have replied and I’m just like that’s more than I’ve met in person in months!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Your comment was long to be quite honest with you. I have a feeling people probably just eyeballed it and kept scrolling but I’m glad I stopped to read it through.
      You seem like an honest and genuine guy. I admire that about you. I took a look at your blog and I enjoyed it very much. I can tell the words you write come from a very personal place. Keep doing what you’re doing 🙂 Your kindness is definitely appreciated, I’m sure!
      If you could take a look at my blog and give me any type of feedback, that would be awesome! Thanks in advance!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hey friends! I started on WordPress a couple of years ago with a baby blog, which was more of just an experiment (hence the name experimentation). I created another page (, which has become my blog. My first site is still there, and every once in awhile I get a new follow, though I don’t use it or post on it (it is linked by my mutual profile setting/I only have and use the one profile). I’d like to delete my first blog (Experimentation), but am afraid that I will delete all that I have put into my other blog. Help! Does this, first of all, make sense? What would you recommend I do? Obviously, the first of the two blogs does not have any recent activity from myself, so I don’t understand why people follow it. Thoughts?


    1. Great posts! However, I suggest choosing a different theme that will highlight your writing as the theme you have now seems to be more photography focused. Hope this helps and all the best! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. hi there – great post – really powerful and you capture the heart of the message well which i assume is through the pain you carry being a part of it – really hard to make yourself vulnerable like that but thank you – it is a gift to your readers and hopefully contains some form of healing for you

      love brett fish

      p.s. i think you might be missing a word towards the end: She imagined that her life had ended on night of his phone call.


    1. Keep up the great work! I enjoyed reading through a few posts. It feels like a “journal to self” almost because it seems like it comes from a personal place. I encourage you to keep doing what you’re doing 🙂 Don’t give up!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome! If you feel like it’s too personal, perhaps you can add categories about other topics aside from your musings. Perhaps topics like what’s going on in the world, or something of that sort. But honestly, I think being personal is fine. This is YOUR blog which means you can post what you want on it.


    1. Hi,
      I definitely enjoyed going through your blog. The layout is very clean and elegant. I loved the categories as well 🙂 You’re quite the talented writer. I encourage you to keep doing what you’re doing. I noticed that you’re a Christian as well. It’s always nice to meet fellow followers of Jesus! I will be giving you a follow! I wish you the best of luck! God bless 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Join the party! Widgets have been driving me insane this past week as well. But the current setup you have, I think is perfect; adding to the blog but not taking away from it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much Anna! Just took a look at yours as well and they look good. Was excited to see some common ones like the map 🙂 The only change I would make is to move your Follow widget above the Calendar. Just a suggestion 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Why don’t my Sharing Burtons show under each of the 3 articles on the home page of my blog, but only on the separate pages for each article you see when you click on the titles on that home page? I want the buttons to show for each (full?) article on home page al.

    Also, how do I get a full article for my most recent article on home page, and a brief bit of the next 2 articles on home page, with a “read more” under those 2? I would need the Sharing Buttons to appear for only the most recent, full-length, article.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You can edit your posts to put in a “read more” link at whatever point you want. I don’t believe there are any themes that automatically show the full text of the most recent post and then change it to “read more” when it gets bumped down the page. You would have to do that manually in the post editor.


    2. Alex is correct that if you’d like a mix of full-length posts and excerpts on your homepage, you’ll need to set your blog to display full posts, and then manually add the “More” tag ( for those posts that you don’t wish to show in full.

      To display sharing buttons on your homepage as well as on individual posts (what we call “single-post views”), you’ll just need to tweak your settings. Go to this page:
      If you have more than one site, select the one you’d like to work on. Then, scroll down and check the box next to “Front Page, Archive Pages, and Search Results” in the Options box. Click on “Save Changes,” and you should be all set!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. hey Loon

      That was a really great post – i especially loved the growing lists from the top – the way you did that was spot on!

      i would suggest maybe some bold print or headings through the post to stop it from becoming a big sea of similar looking text – at the top you have the expanding lists which i think work but after that it’s just a whole lot of text so pics or headings or bold or italics or something to break that up would help the reader stay invested.

      But a great idea and well executed
      love brett fish


      1. Thanks so much for your feedback brettfish! I agree that it could do with some breaks so that the reader doesn’t get bored – I appreciate the advice.

        How did you find the content?

        Thanks 🙂


        Liked by 1 person

    1. Your blog is neat! The layout is very clean and crisp. I prefer minimalistic layouts because it’s always easier on the eyes haha. I enjoyed your posts as well. They’re very thoughtful and intriguing. Keep it up! I encourage you to post more because you’re doing great 🙂 Goodluck!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you very much for commenting my blog. Readability is always my main focus, because I don’t want to destroy my follower’s eyes, you know :). And be sure to subscribe too, it would definitely mean so much to me.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Everyone,

    I am working on my writing and have recently tried to integrate more storytelling into my posts. I would love it if someone would tell me what they think about my latest post. This is the second post I have done this way, so keep in my I am still practicing.

    Thank you all so much! Looking forward to hearing your feedback. Would also be open to feedback about the blog in general, if you have time.

    Cheers, Tiffany

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I loved your blog post. I love reading about travelling and people’s experiences of it. Great writing skills and the pictures are amazing! It’s a shame I couldn’t find a like button though!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hello Everyone,
    Just wrote a short story called Gaijin( Outsider) at my blog, it’s about a boy who struggles with changing schools, it has a bit of a twist at the end. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for sharing – really hard story to read and i really feel for you and hope you find a way to find a different ending…

      One thing to try is to add some spacing to your post so that it is easier on the eyes of the visitor – one huge chunk of text can be hard to read and off putting but your words are so great and worth a read so do what you can to make it more enticing- pictures, headings, bold and italics are other ways you can experiment with.

      all the best
      love brett fish

      have you tried poetry at all to express your feelings? i imagine you might be quite good at that!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey,
      I loved going through your blog. The artwork is very good and detailed. You have talent! Don’t give up! I know you’re young and all, but if you keep doing what you’re doing, I know for sure that you’ll be even more amazing in the future 🙂 I wish you the best of luck!


  8. Ok So I have just created my blog. It’s about creative creations. I have worked very hard at this. I am just 14. My main concern is the layout. Can someone PLEASE give some feedback?


  9. A little while ago I wrote a review of an album, I am looking to get some feedback in terms of the readability of the review (regardless of if you have heard of and/or like the artist/album).

    It has been a long time since I wrote a review and when I did them before it was on movies which I think is a whole different animal to reviewing an album.

    So does the review explain itself adequately, if you have never heard of this artist/album before does it give you a good idea of what to expect MORE IMPORTANTLY when you clicked on a link to listen to at least one track did the words of the review correlate with what you actually heard. Ie was my description accurate. I wanted to give more emphasis on how the tracks make me feel or what I visualise when I listen them, I thought that a valid way to do a music review.

    Is there anything missing that you would like to see?

    (for the record I think a review should be like a starter at a restaurant) not too big to spoil your main course (the main listening) but enough to whet the appetite).


    Also I wrote a post which was a bit of a fun post on creating an album cover, sadly only I and one other participated, I would love to see others peoples creative efforts, this post is at…


    would appreciate some feedback on one or both


  10. Would love some feedback on my new blog!! I posted earlier, but I have two blogs, and it linked the wrong one!! Just in case, here is the blog I would like feedback on!!


    I just closed my doors from owning a childcare center of ten years to become a stay at home mom to my eight month old daughter!!

    I’ll take any feedback I can get!, Thanks all my fellow bloggers!


  11. Hey everyone! I’m looking for a little bit of help. So my blog is and I love it the way it is but I really want to be able to change the theme a little more. I don’t have the cash at the moment to pay for a different theme other than free however I heard you can sometimes install two themes using a plugin. Has anyone done this? Any tips or ideas? What I’d really like is a photo gallery on the front page that I can add to but I don’t know how to do that. Thanks in advance!


    1. I actually really like your blog layout at the moment! Regarding Plugins I believe you have to have the premium plan or higher in order to add plugins + fully customize it. However, please don’t count me on that. Anyone else can vouch?


  12. Hey guys!

    I have started a new kind of challenge for all the creative writers bloggers out there! The topic for the month is “Losing things” It’ll be great if you all could check it out and try and help me out!

    Topic for November Released!

    Anyways I write poems and shirt stories mostly so here is my work too
    Really want to know how you all found it!

    Cheers! 🙂
