Community Pool

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Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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  1. Hi Everyone! I’ve recently done some fairly major layout/navigation edits to my site. I’m still slogging through trying to learn WordPress and making things at least serviceable and somewhat easy on the eyes. Any feedback on this would be much appreciated! Also, I’m still very new to all this and trying to find my voice, so any feedback on any of my posts would be most welcome as well!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you Hammad! The blog has changed a lot in the last 7 years, as it should have. I’m still struggling to get a wider audience for it, any tips perchance? And I’d love to take a lot at something of yours as a thank you 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I started my blog a few weeks ago. I blog mostly about books, with a splash of farm life thrown in. I have played around with the template and settings a bit to make it look cohesive and attractive. I dislike blogs that are too cluttered or inclear. Can anyone take a look and give me some feedback? I do very basic html and coding at this point. Thanks!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I too like an uncluttered blog page and yours works well I think, particularly as a book blog. As you get going a little more I would suggest adding tags. Widgets to recent posts , categories and Instagram are all good (and worth it) but I would suggest adding tags. If I land on your page and glance at the tags and see an author I like, I will click that link, or links. If I see a lot of categories and have to wade my way through, I may not be so willing to spend the time. I write about music, so my tag cloud is full of the artists I have written about. Otherwise, I think you started without the bells and whistles that I and other first time bloggers generally do.


      1. Oops, I just realized that you do in fact have tags, but because they were at the bottom of the page I didn’t notice them! If your theme supports them I would suggest putting them on the side widget


      2. I definitely loaded mine up the first several months. A category widget even though I only had one category at the time, FB, Twitter, Instagram widgets, a massive tag cloud, contact information, etc.I trimmed down my tag cloud and reduced the number of posts visible on the Twitter and FB feeds so it didn’t take up as much space. It is all trial and error. One thing I tried recently was keeping the side widgets, but putting a link on the bottom of each post-Follow Me On Facebook-http/ etc, etc. I feel like more people may actually be doing it from there rather than the side. I did make the mistake of not scrolling all the way down on your page to see your tag cloud. That may be because you don’t have a lot of posts, but it may be a layout glitch.


    2. I loved it!
      I enjoy reading so your blog is quite helpful. I found it so cute how you write about books and also showcase your farm life! I gave you a follow 🙂 I would love it if you could also check out my blog. Any feedback is definitely welcome. Looking forward to seeing more 🙂 Cheers!

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Looks really cool 🙂 Very clear, definitely not too cluttered in my opinion.
      One suggestion is to use more links … like there are a lot of words/phrases in your blog in bold, and I would love to click on them to get more info, like a link to the book/author site, or event page, etc. I’m a science nerd, I love information and references.
      I also love both books and farm life, and I don’t have time for enough of either these days, so I followed you to get a bit of a sense of home.
      Cheers, Em


  3. Hey everyone,

    I started posting a continuing fiction, a story that is being told in parts.

    Here is the link for the 1st post:

    And here is the link for part 2:

    I would love for some feedback and advice!

    Here are some of my concerns:

    Is the ending cliche?
    Since the story is being told in a flashback mode, is it too predictable?
    Are the lead characters (Anna and Dave) believable?
    Did I describe their characteristics enough, or did I over do it? (this is something I always struggle with!)
    Is the length of the post good enough? Is it too long or too short?

    I know I am asking too many questions, it’s probably the insecurities of a first time writer! 😀


  4. Hello everyone!
    I’ve been blogging for a little less than a year and would love some feedback. Anything to my layout, photography, or even the contents is definitely appreciated. I write stories, talk about the places I travel to, and just my daily musings!
    I’d be more than willing to check out your guys’ blogs as well 🙂 Thanks!


  5. hey Community

    Hope you’re all having a good week – my latest post i’d LOVE for you to check out is this one i wrote to everyone who shares provocative headlined stories via social media without first checking their legitimacy:

    Before you favourite, RT, forward…

    Would love to hear if you have ever been that person…
    Have a super great week and will check out some of your blogs tomorrow
    love brett fish


  6. Hey guys~ I’m Tabby, and I’m kind of a new blogger. I started in September, and I was hoping you could check out my blog and tell me what you think. I’d like to make it more interesting. Could you guys help me? Thanks…
    PS I’m only 14 so I don’t expect my blog to be that good.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I started blogging around age 14 too so I know what it’s like! You’ll grow as a writer overtime and it’ll be fun!
      I love the colours on your blog! In terms of making your blog more interesting, my advice is to write about what you love and organize it all. Use tags, make a categories list, and keep on adding your own style to your posts! Happy Blogging!


  7. Hello people!
    I’ve just uploaded the first in a three-part series of posts on my (mainly film) photography blog, consisting of some shots I took on film of my recent stay at the English seaside.
    you can find the post here:
    or my blog here:

    I would really appreciate it if you would take a look and give me any feedback you might have! Also, let me know if you have a photography/film photography blog you think I might be interested in as I would really like to widen my network of fellow film enthusiasts. Thanks!


    Liked by 5 people

    1. Hey Annie,
      I fell in love with your blog. I think it’s absolutely beautiful. I went ahead and gave you a follow 🙂 Definitely looking forward to seeing your photography work develop. I myself am an aspiring photographer. I’ve always felt a bit unconfident since I just started. It would be awesome if you could perhaps take a look at my blog as well? Most of my pictures are in my “travels” category. I would love some feedback as a beginner photographer. Thanks in advance!


      1. Hi John,
        Thank you so much for your kind words, my head is getting bigger with every sentence haha! I took a look at your blog and you have produced some beautiful photos-you certainly have my permission to ignore any lack of confidence you have about your ability. You seem to have an eye for it, I followed you too and look forward to your posts in the future. I have only two suggestions for you,
        1. Maybe consider playing around with some themes that give you a ‘featured image’ on your photography posts (i.e the way each post on my homepage has a cover photo on the homepage) as I think this puts your photos on show more effectively. Although you may not like it of course!

        2. Maybe add a little note to the end of posts with photos in saying which camera (and if you used any, which film) you used.


        Liked by 1 person

      2. You’re definitely welcome 🙂 I thoroughly enjoyed your blog! You deserve the praise haha.
        And thank you for your tips. Perhaps I’ll give them a try. I never thought about it but perhaps that would help. Your feedback was very constructive and informative.
        I look forward to seeing more 🙂


    2. Hi Annie – I agree with John – lovely looking blog. I like the way you question the effects/colours that you’re getting. I don’t think you’re doing it on purpose to draw your readers in, but that’s what it does. Sometimes photography blogs can be a bit like being shown photo after photo with no character or human interest to connect the reader with the photographer. Your blog is friendly and you seem to be inviting your readers to jump into your photographic world with you – like jumping into chalk pavement drawings with Mary Poppins!
      Good luck with your blog

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Elaine,
        Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you! I really appreciate your comments, I didn’t even realise it would draw anyone in haha! I just genuinely wanted to know if anyone with a better idea of photography that me knew what was causing it. I agree with what you say about a lot of photography blogs being quite cold and matter of fact, I know this because I think mine used to be like that! I went through a phase of really not being confident about writing the story of the photographs and so just gave a brief, matter of fact description of where they were taken. But in my last few posts I have become more confident and am trying to make the story of how/where/when they were taken more human and detailed, I’m really pleased to know that you think it has worked! Thanks again, your comment was wonderful and really gave me a boost!

        Liked by 1 person

    3. Hi Annie,
      You photos are really nice. They’re very sharp considering that its film. I love film photography but unfortunately I can’t seem to find any shop that process it where I live. Because of this, the closest I can get to film is by using my polaroid. I also own an SLR. I have one of my polaroid pictures in my post Don’t Stop Trying if you’re interested in seeing it. I will upload more in the future because I have quite a nice collection.

      Anyways, keep up the good work! I love anything with sunrises/sets like your Fields Of Gold post 🙂


      Don’t stop trying

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Asyraf,

        Thanks so much for taking the time to look at my blog, I really appreciate it. Thank you for your kind comments, I’m really glad that you liked my pictures.

        Yeah it can be really frustrating when your environment doesn’t support film photography! The only thing I could suggest is if you attend a uni/school they may have a dark room you could use?
        I like the photos on the post you linked me to, I also love the stuff on your VSCO grid, you should post some of those as blog posts in my opinion! Maybe with the story of when you took each photo. I also really like the way you write, you drew me in on a lot of those posts. Good luck with it! And thanks again.


        Liked by 1 person

    4. I am about to leave work in a few minutes so was only able to take a quick look (for now).

      I am generally not a fan of that theme but I think that it suits your blogs because the photographs are good quality and clear. I see you have an about page which is good too.

      The 1st two posts (which is all I had time for) look superb, the Devon trip I love the vintage feel/colour palette of the pictures.

      But I have to say the fields of gold pictures are outstanding, I love that evening/sunset/dusk look.

      I am a terrible photographer myself, but I have a old dSLR indoors, but I am almost tempted to pick up an old film camera myself and give this a try. Outstanding photography, Ill add you to my RSS reader, Well done.

      PS, always good (and seemingly rare) to find another UK based person/brit on here.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi!
        Thank you so much for your wonderful comment, it really has made my day and sorry for only just getting back to you now! I really appreciate you taking the time to look at my blog and give me some feedback, its so helpful and its really interesting to hear which photos really capture other people.
        I would so recommend anyone having a go at film! Its such a magical medium of photography in my opinion, and I find it so much more rewarding than using digital cameras. You really have to think hard about the photo you’re taking; is the angle optimal, are you capturing the best light, is your focus spot on, is your image too flat, would something in the foreground make it more appealing and is it even worth capturing, to be stamped onto a piece of film forever, at all? You ask yourself all that within about 20 seconds before every shot. Whereas if I’m using my phone or someone’s fancy DSLR I just hit the shutter mindlessly and can take 50 photos in about a minute and a half with no real thought at all. Using film makes me a more intelligent, patient and creative photographer; I think with the right attitude I think it would do the same to anyone…plus its so wonderful to create something physical for a change in this ever increasingly digitalised world!
        I would highly recommend the Canon AE-1 program, you can pick it up for about 30-50 quid on ebay I think (just make sure its in good knick) and I think the Ektar 100 film is a really versatile one to use. Thanks again for your comment! And agreed about the finding another Brit on here, a rare thing indeed!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I may go for one again, at that price you cannot do wrong really. Although I dont have the tools for processing myself so anything I do would need to go to boots for processing, although as I said on the reply to your other comment, I may just practice with what I have 1st, but still try and take on board the attitude you have wen setting up for a picture.

        Do you go out to a specific place for a photo shoot or is it that you just happen to be in those places?


      3. Yeah for the price it really is worth having one lying around, ready for when you want to have a go. I would definitely practice with your DSLR, that way you can make all the mistakes on manual mode that would cost you valuable film on an SLR! Then you can apply what you know.
        Its a mixture of both regarding the places I shoot, as someone who lives in the city and whose heart is in nature, I have to get out to a nice big space in the country at every opportunity (forests are my favourite, I find them very calm places to be) so often I’ll find myself in those places anyway, but I’ll always take my camera along with me (natural settings happen to be my favourite places to shoot anyway). When I’m away/somewhere I’ve never been, I’ll look up natural beauty spots nearby/go exploring with the same intention to both soak it up and grab some shots too. Also, having a dog makes me go searching for nature too as he loves nothing more than running alongside me for a few hours and getting totally filthy haha!


      4. I too am in the city (London) but live in the burbs which is very close to the countryside. I think Ill take another look at that camera though, At that price it would be rude not to.

        Do you tend to go places early/late in order to get the better light?

        Liked by 1 person

    5. I’m not a photography/film enthusiast (though I love selfies!) but I enjoyed looking through your posts.

      I also like how you have recycled something old… As I’m quite new to blogging, I can’t give any advice but I do feel you will do very well with this blog – your username is catchy and you appeal to a wider “non-film” crowd.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you Temi, for taking the time to look through my blog and give me some feedback, it really is so valuable. Its wonderful to hear that my blog doesn’t just appeal to people who do the same thing as me, I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it. And thank you for the compliment on the blog name. You’ve made my day!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I do have an About page, and since you didn’t see it that means it’s not really visible. lol
        Will work on that – thanks!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel like the font is a bit small (or maybe the header is too big…?)
      I’d suggest adding pictures into posts, but you do vary the text styles enough to make it totally readable without visuals, so that’s your call!
      Happy blogging!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I planned on putting in more pics, so I’m on the right track 🙂 I’ll look more into the font and see what I come up with. Thanks for the suggestions!


    1. Hi there! I am also new to blogging and have been reading for a couple of weeks now. The most insightful book I have found is the Golden Rules of Blogging by Robin Houghton. I also found her book Blogging For Writers particularly helpful, as it had lots of helpful screenshots specifically referencing WordPress for how to fine tune your site. I am currently in the middle of Blog Inc. by Cho and Ilasco, and I have found another perspective helpful. Not sure if you have an ereader, but I found a lot of free books about blogging on my Nook! Good luck!

      I really like your site! Because I am new too, I am afraid I don’t have a ton of constructive advice on that front. I am still working on my site, myself.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi, just read your post We have a Breach! So funny, loved it. Had you not commented on this I would not have found you.
        I have iBooks and an app to read ebooks. What is Nook? Thank you for the information.


      2. a Nook is an ereader by Barnes and Noble. It was cheaper than a Kindle when I purchased it, and that made sense because I wasn’t sure how I would feel about the concept of reading on one. I love my physical books.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Hey Everyone. I’ve been blogging coming up to two years now. I’m confident in my writing ability but I don’t seem to know how to market myself. I tried posting my blogs on Facebook but I don’t get much success. Only occasionally, I can get the opportunity to get noticed on Community Pool but thats about it really. I would appreciate feedback that you have.

    My latest blog is entitled S-P-I-R-I-T.


    Let me know what you think.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Joe.

      I wonder if it is the length of your posts that is hindering your marketing (which I assume you mean getting followers). Sadly people these days in a 140 character or farcebook world seem to like bite sized chunks. In saying that I skimmed a few of your posts and they didn’t seem that lengthy to me (I will read a few a bit more in depth after I’ve written this). They say to get more followers you should interact more, comment on others blogs, like posts, get involved.

      If you are doing all those things and it is not happening then I don’t know what to suggest (unhelpful comment of the day). I know I struggle to find blogs that I can relate to, but then we are all looking for different things.


      1. Thank you for your feedback. I very much appreciate this feedback because no one has stepped forward with advice.

        I’ve found it difficult to communicate with what people want in terms of topics. Like for example, my main passion is sport so I enjoy talking about that. But I also like modern music which people listen to on a regular basis. I take an interest in British history as well but again doesn’t appeal to everyone.

        My main point is that I’m not going to please everyone so reaching out to the people who are interested is rather limited in that sense.

        In some of the blogs, I write comments on but rarely get a response back from some of them.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I think that is the thing. don’t write what other people are interested in; write what you are interested in. you can use categories to separate the sport, music, history posts so people can go to what they ate interested in. just be conscious of sticking on subject as mentioned on that other reply.


    2. I will say this though. (I started reading the first post) Reading through your first post about the band, the post seems a bit disjointed. You mention the band, then thank people for following, then info on how to follow you, then a quote from the song you like that you say is your favourite but not actually saying why it is or how it makes you feel, then excitement about blogging etc.

      The whole posts seems all over the place in terms of subject, I found it hard to follow what you were trying to say, if anything at all. Perhaps these things could all be separate posts of there own, fleshed out and able to stand on their own in terms of content.


      1. LOL, I’ve known myself to do that in my writing.

        That is what I’m thinking at the time when I am writing, In other words, if I’m discussing my day at Windsor, in my opening paragraph I could describe how my job interview went but at the next moment, I recall the things I got up to in Windsor and so I’m probably not consciously aware of what the main purpose or achievement to the reader is.

        I probably misguided everyone in that respect. I’ll take your advice.

        Thanks for checking out my blogs. How long have you been blogging by the way?


      2. I’ve been blogging years but never really been that successful or good at it. I had a livejournal account for about 10 years before I deleted it.

        I’ve had WordPress for years too but I keep on deleting massive swathes of posts.

        I think I do all this as I become unsatisfied with the content and just become disillusioned with it all. that’s why there isn’t much on my current blogs


    1. Your blog is so cute!
      It’s always such a beautiful thing to see babies grow up 🙂 I encourage you to keep posting. You’re doing an awesome job!


    2. Your blog made me LOL… I’m not normally into parenting blogs but yours feels fresh and funny. Can’t believe you’re writing so clear through what I can only assume is extreme sleep-deprivation!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I wish I could write when sleep deprived… tried that when I was writing a thesis and when I looked over my work after a good rest, it was all awful 😛 Maybe this is your superpower.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh my gosh! I love that! That’s how I’m going to look at this from now on! My husband is going to die when I tell him I have a superpower! Thanks so much! And I think you’re normal for not being able to write sleep deprived. Maybe all those years in college as a professional procrastinator trained me for this…

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi guys! After a bit of a break, we’re trying to commit to getting back to blogging regularly again. We write about our travels, and would really appreciate any advice on how to make our posts fun to read. More/less photos? Shorter/longer posts? Whatever you’ve got, we’d love to hear it –

    Thanks team

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Alex, I could get lost in your site for days! So gorgeous and aesthetically pleasing! I loved the layout and I liked the length of your posts and the number of photos. It is so nice to live vicariously through someone else’s travels! Thanks for sharing!


    2. Hi Alex,
      I absolutely fell in love with your blog. I recently fell in love with traveling and so your blog is a definite motivator for me 🙂 You now have another follower! Your pictures are phenomenal and so are your contents. It is quite long, but for me, I had no problem with it. It gave me a more in-depth view. Everything is easy to see and navigate which I liked. The only thing I’d suggest is if you made an About page. I would love to know your guys’ story 🙂 It helps me connect with you guys better and also helps me understand your blog better as well. Other than that, you’re doing great!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey John,

        Great news on catching the travel bug, although it can get a little addictive…I like your pics of the USA on yours as well, they really make me want to go back and see more.

        Thanks for the feedback. We do have an ‘about’ page, somewhere, but the format we are using seems to have hidden it away. I’ve added a link to it on the drop-down for the time being, and I’ll add updating it a bit to the to-do list.

        Liked by 1 person

    3. First of all, I love the lay out 😀 I read your blog on Spain I liked that you included a section on food for those of us who are foodies, and I also liked all the really great pictures. Happy travels!


    4. Sweet blog, and fantastic photos, keep ’em coming 🙂

      For me, just cos I’m lazy, I’d say you should change the font. It’s a bit squishy and takes a bit of eyeball power to read properly. To each his own though!
      Cheers, Em


    1. Hi,
      I enjoyed your blog a lot. You’re a fantastic writer! The visuals definitely add depth to your posts. I encourage you to keep writing. As a fellow writer, I gave you a follow. It would be lovely if you could give me some feedback on my writing as well under the “Writing” category on my blog. Thanks 🙂 Looking forward to seeing more of your work!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I really like your blog! You have a new follower 🙂 You have a great sense of humour, and your creative writing adds some nice variety to your blog. I was a little confused by the layout — the emphasis on the first few photos at the top made me think they were categories, but are they just the most recent posts? Other than that my only suggestion would be to put your follow widget, follow button, and categories widget perhaps on your main page to make it easier to navigate. Keep writing, you’re fantastic at it! 🙂


      1. Sure, I always welcome feedback! Right now my main concern is my menu… I got some feedback earlier about how it’s hard to see/not very noticeable. I really like my theme for the simplicity and the header photo feature, but if the menu is a deterrent I might need to look into a new one. Any other feedback would be great too!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I have to agree with that feedback. I used to use a theme (I think it was called the eighties) and I had a similar problem. I would suggest playing around with the themes and choosing one with a built in menu, not a drop down one. It’s a shame because the theme you are using is visual and the heading page is great… I will have a look at your posts too. Your about page is funny and tells me a lot about you.


      1. Thank you for your comment. I love your blog and can’t wait to see it develop. The title is great, it told me so much! Your voice is so friendly and your post is well written. I hope you post again soon. 😉


    3. Great blog, I love your writing style, it’s very accessible and I found myself reading much more than I actually have time for 😛 I look forward to reading more of your writing!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Hello World,
    I’m just getting comfortable enough with my blog to not mind other folks read through it. Though the purpose is mainly for my benefit, I would appreciate some feedback about the layout, writing (style, grammar, errors, etc.), any blogging faux pas I may have made. Constructive criticism welcome! Caveat: topics are cooking, knitting, and crafts.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. No worries! From what I can tell, you write very well! Your style is great, and your layout is also nice. It seems to suit you! I think a lot of your recipes and projects where you’ve written notes are really things that might help you gain a bigger audience, because people might be inspired to do the same as you. I’m thinking specifically of that bench project — the notes you wrote for yourself would actually help anyone else who might do the same! If you wanted to, you could write as if you’re teaching your audience how to do things, but I know you said it’s mostly for you. Besides that thought, I honestly think you’ve got a very cute, very you blog — at least from what I’ve seen of your writing!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Enjoyed reading your blog. The layout is nice. Easy to navigate. Your photos are nice as well. I like your writing style, easy to read and understand. You have a new follower!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Thank you to all who have replied with kind words about my little blog and given me the opportunity to to find yours! Am working my way through what has grown to a rather large and very enjoyable reading list, but that’s no problem for this bibliophile!


    3. Hi,
      I found your work beautiful! I love everything about it. The pictures definitely help immensely to enhance your contents. I think you’re doing a great job 🙂 Keep up the great work!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! It’s good to know I’m on the right track. Looking over yours now, and am impressed with the beautiful language you’ve used to set a serene, yet compelling mood. I appreciate your ability write about thoughts and emotions.

        Liked by 1 person