Calling Emily Post: A Blogging Etiquette Roundup

From the politics of reblogs to the art of troll-starving, blogging has many “soft” rules you should know about.

If you’re a new or recent arrival on the blogging scene, there’s definitely a lot to process: themes! Widgets! Stats! Taglines!

Then there’s the large set of (mostly unwritten) rules that govern the smooth functioning of the blogging community. Just like going to a dinner party in a country where you’ve just landed, you want to make a good first impression, or at the very least not appear like an irredeemable oaf.

Thirsty for more? You can browse our entire archive of blogging etiquette posts.

Being kind to others and asking questions is always your best bet. For more specific cases, though, we’re here to help with some of our most popular posts on blogging etiquette.

The ethical use of others’ content

If you’re a blogger who prefers to restrict access to some or all of your posts, be sure to read about your blog’s privacy settings, as well as on post visibility. And if you ever think your copyright has been violated, we have resources to help you.

When we blog, we make our writing (and photos, and illustrations, and recipes, and everything else, really) publicly available. That’s the point, after all. That doesn’t mean we allow others to do whatever they want with our stuff — or that we can use others’ content freely. Here are some thoughts on sharing things created by other people.

Reacting to unwanted attention

If a visitor on your site crosses the line, feel free to add him or her to your Comment Blacklist. You can also read more about tackling unwanted comments and spam.

The web is big, and while the vast majority of people you’ll encounter via blogging will likely be friendly, supportive, and generous, you might occasionally run into someone who doesn’t fit that description. Don’t let that discourage you, though — there is always a way to address those elements of the blogosphere you wish to keep at arm’s length.

  • How to Starve a Troll
    Most people will respect your polite requests to leave them alone. A few might not. Here’s how you deal with them.

  • Responding to Critical Feedback on Your Blog
    Sometimes criticism is welcome; other times, you wish people who didn’t have something nice to say just kept their mouths shut. And since it’s your blog, you get to define the rules.

  •  Isn’t It Lovely: Understanding Blog Awards
    For many bloggers, a blogging award is a coveted token of appreciation from the community. For others, not so much. There are friendly ways to respond to them no matter where you fall on the award question.

  •  The Art of Snark: Creative Disagreement
    Even if you don’t agree with someone’s post, comment, or opinion, there are always productive ways to move forward and learn something from the experience.

How not to appear spammy

Sometimes, in our eagerness to connect, befriend, and impress, we may come across as a tad pushy — even if our intentions are pure. Here is some friendly advice on keeping a balance between asserting yourself and respecting others’ (online) spaces.

Sensitive topics and sensitive readers

Some of the best posts we read are also the most viscerally personal, the most exposed, and the most unflinching when it comes to controversial topics and raw language. But while you should never refrain from publishing something just because it’s a personal or touchy topic, it’s also good to keep in mind those who might be affected by your posts, from people in your life to your readers.

What’s the best etiquette advice you can give to your fellow bloggers? Is there any unwritten rule you wish you knew more about? Share your take in the comments.

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  1. Thank you for sharing this. I am new to the blogging community. Although, I think that a lot of the etiquette boils down to some commons sense (reply to comments, read other blogs and comment on them, always be conscious of providing good content, giving back) there are some unwritten rules and I certainly don’t want to start off by alienating any of my fellow bloggers. Blogging is, by nature, vulnerable. I appreciate the advice.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for this. I am also new here and your post are very helpful to me even with simple questions. I love your writing, detailed and to the point and it never leaves me guessing. Thanks


  2. thank you so much for sharing this. I am new to this world and i hope to go a long way commencing my journey from here.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is a much needed list of blogging etiquette. Probably the best I’ve seen thus far. I’m still confused about the purpose of the re-blog since we get penalized (from google) for having the exact same content as someone else.


    1. The idea with reblogs is to use them sparingly, and to always add your own context to the post you’re reblogging. You’re right to point out that a site made up entirely of reblogs would rightly be judged — by humans and, probably, search engines as well — as a spammy site.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I don’t think I’ve touched widgets because they seem really confusing and its been almost a year since I started my blog😅I found everything really interesting, and succinct with all the advice portions. Are there any posts about choosing the most appropriate theme for your blog? I need a bit of help on that


    1. I just did a google search for “choosing the theme for your wordpress blog” and found lots of info you can use. For me, I just tried a few themes until I found one I like. It isn’t written in stone that you have to choose only once. Just don’t change your theme too often. Susan:)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you I will try the Google search myself and also check out yours^^ Sorry to bother you but do you also know how to contact WordPress? I can’t seem to find their details :/ someone commented on my post but its not coming under the ‘recent comments’ so I wanted to contact them.


      2. At the bottom of your blog, there should be something labeled “forum” whether you are or Contact support through the forum.


      3. You can go to or and at the bottom will be the forum to click on. Sorry


    2. We actually ran a number of posts on choosing your theme!
      You might want to give these a try:

      It’s sometimes also really helpful to see the kinds of things other bloggers have done with their themes — so here are all our posts featuring beautiful theme customizations:

      I hope these help!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I think the reasons you stated are the main reason I don’t just delve in deep and blog hard. It’s not that I don’t want to or have something good to really say, but at times I’m my own worst critic. Thanks for this list.


  6. I have been blogging off and on for a few years on different social networks, and I’m thrilled to finally find some tips and “rules” to help my blogs to be more readable and interesting… now if only my muse would come back home, I could actually put some of the tips in action! 😭

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This is a great compilation of articles.

    On the ethical use of others’ content:

    On my site, I used to add “My thanks to So-and-So on Flicker (link to the original license) for making this image available under a free-for-commercial use license.” (Even when it wasn’t commercial use, I just prefer to use this license, then you don’t have to re-work your entire site if you want to monetize it later on.)

    After I joined the Google webmasters’ forum, I realized that this might be problematic, because the relevant keywords included only two keywords that were actually relevant to my blog, while images, commercial, Flicker and so forth ranked extremely high on my relevant keywords list.

    I then decided to have a dedicated image attribution page on my .org site instead. So, if you click on one of the images on my site, instead of going to the media file, it goes to a custom url, where all of the image used are listed and the people who made them available thanked.


  8. After two years or so of blogging, I still feel like a newbie sometimes. This is a great summary of reminders. I’ll have to come back later and read further on the links provided.


  9. Thank you! An avid writer in my younger years and an extremely opinionated person with a vast array of thoughts/experiences, I have wanted to start a blog for quite some time and, after numerous people (those reading my Facebook posts, opinions, “rants,” etc…) suggested it, I finally decided to do so. I have not yet, however, even attempted to publish anything because there is so much to learn- and so very many (often conflicting) recommendations on what one should/should not do available out there, I’m not sure I’m ready just yet!
    The info provided here has given me some much needed insight into this new world I’ve only just entered! I REALIZE I still have ALOT to learn, but this has helped immensely!
    With much appreciation,


  10. As a newbie to WordPress there is an awful lot to take in, it can be quite daunting.
    These small snippets are great for gaining a broader understanding of it all at a paddling pool level, making those deep plunges less treacherous.
    Thanks ^_^


  11. I have been blogging for getting closer to 3 weeks and this really put not only the public part of blogging but the metal thinking/ personal part as well. Great advice!


  12. Really useful article, thank you.

    I’ve only been blogging for a short while and it wasn’t until fairly recently that I realised there were rules. Luckily, common sense, manners and general politeness will get you through but it is good to know some of the finer points, for instance, it had never occurred to me to look anywhere other than the actual post I wanted to re-blog for any objections to this activity. I will definitely look for this in future. The last thing I want to do is upset this fabulously supportive community.
