Community Pool

The place for advice, feedback, and friendly blogging chatter.

Have you just published a new post and are dying for some feedback? Did you recently start your blog and could use some layout or design advice from your more seasoned peers?

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  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we frequently remove them to make the comment reading experience smoother.
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  • No running on the deck.

Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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    1. It looks good to me. I would do more visuals if you could people are attracted to visuals but that’s up to you if you want just a suggestion. Other then that I like your information so far it keeps me wanting more.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog; I know that as a senior in high school your schedule must be rather tight. 🙂 My post today included a picture and a song, so hopefully those are good enough in terms of visuals. 🙂

        While I don’t game, I think your theme totally and perfectly fits what you’re blogging about. Keep blogging! 🙂 Merry Christmas, and God bless.


      2. Thanks merry Christmas and god bless you too. Thanks for being honest to about you don’t game. Some say they do but only played Mario once thanks and I’ll keep my eye on your blog. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you. My post today has a picture and a song, so I hope that works in terms of visuals! 🙂 I encourage you to keep coming back!

        I like what you’ve done with pictures in your blog. I see what you’re saying – it definitely adds to the content. 🙂 Merry Christmas, and God bless!


    2. Quite a simple look, which I like. I too echo the visual comments, but for me, it’s the fact I had to scroll quite a bit before I got a feel for what the blog was about. There’s a lot of great information, but it’s drowned in blocks of text. Some people like that, I’m just not a fan of it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you. My post today contained both a picture and a song, so I hope that helps to break stuff up. 🙂 I encourage you to keep coming back!

        I think your header totally fits what you’re blogging about. I like how you said you usually post on Mondays – gives followers something to look forward to. 🙂 Merry Christmas, and God bless!


    3. I like the videos you include in your posts! I would love to know more about your interest and engagement in Christians across the globe and their lives – perhaps this could go in your about. Merry Christmas!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank you! My About page is a work in progress. 🙂 I plan to create a page to list all the imprisoned Christians I know and their current situations.

        I enjoyed your blog (following!) and especially liked your sentence, “I realized I need my relationship with God more than I need my relationships with people, and placing your worth in that truth is freeing.” Very true and very cool. Merry Christmas and God bless!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for the feedback. My post today has both a picture and a song, so hopefully that’ll make it more visual. 🙂

        I enjoyed your blog. I’m sorry about the loss of your brother (I know that’s so cliché, but I truly mean it.) But I enjoyed your most recent post, because, like you, I try to smile at everyone. It can be hard to smile at people who look, well, mean, but everyone deserves something to brighten up their day. It can be a way of showing Jesus’ love to those who pass by you. Following! 🙂

        In terms of feedback, I would recommend adding the Follow widget that allows people who aren’t on WordPress to follow you via email. It’s a way to get more followers. If you don’t know how to add widgets (no offense intended), let me know and I’ll tell you how. 🙂
        Merry Christmas, and God bless!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I will go and check out your most recent post and I will let your know what I think on it!

        Your kind words mean so much to me, thank you very much! It’s so nice to hear that other people go out of their way to smile at others! It just makes the world seem that much better. 🙂 It is always wonderful to spread the joy and kindness that Jesus has given us the opportunity to give. 🙂

        I will absolutely go add the Follow widget! Thank you so much for the suggestion. Are their any other widgets you would recommend adding? 🙂

        Merry Christmas and God bless! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. That’s a great way of putting it: “It is always wonderful to spread the joy and kindness that Jesus has given us the OPPORTUNITY to give.” Every second we’re given the opportunity to show Jesus. 🙂

        In terms of more widgets, I might also add the widget that lists your recent posts, and/or perhaps the widget that lists your most popular posts and pages. (It’s called Top Posts and Pages.) I think the main thing with widgets is to get enough but avoid cluttering your blog with them. 😉 Oh, and perhaps a Search box widget and/or one that lists the most recent comments on your blog. 🙂 There’s even one that will show a sample of the users on your blog.
        Really, just experiment and see what you like. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I finally got the chance to read through your post (I have been extremely busy)! It was absolutely beautiful, inspiring, and so well written! Great job! 🙂 (I left a comment on the actual post as well). 🙂

        Thank you so much for the suggestions! I will definitely check out all of those! I am pretty much LOST when it comes to widgets! So all of your suggestions are truly sooooo helpful! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

    4. I really, really love your blog. Its super inspiring, filled with thought provoking messages. I just had to follow you. I also love that you incorporate some news topics in your writing, it keeps it fresh with tje introduction of new topics in each post.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you so much for the inspiring feedback. 🙂

        I enjoyed your most recent post. All four ways to “looking your best” are good suggestions!
        I have one bit of feedback, and that would simply be to add the Follow widget that allows people who aren’t on WordPress to follow your blog via email. 🙂 Just a way to get more followers.
        If you don’t know how to add widgets (no offense intended), let me know and I’ll tell you how. 🙂 Have a merry Christmas, and God bless!


    5. Hi Rach, I just visited your blog and I was impressed by what I saw. I hope you make it to my blog too. looking forward your visit and feedback and perhaps even follow.


      1. Thank you for visiting my blog. 🙂

        I visited yours as well, and I enjoyed your posts, especially “The Plan Starts Now!!!” and “Be Grateful” – both inspiring reads. 🙂 I like what you said about being grateful: “…be grateful. what if you have all the money but there’s no one to do the work for you. Will your money grow legs and run your errands?” I most certainly will follow your blog.
        One thing I would suggest is adding the Follow widget that allows people who aren’t on WordPress to follow you via email. It’s a way to get more followers. If you don’t know how to add widgets (no offense intended), let me know and I’ll tell you how. 🙂
        Merry Christmas, and God bless!


      1. Thank you 🙂 I love the snow effect too and wish I could keep it all through the year :O
        I can never find pictures that go well with the topics I write, but I will make more of an effort to do that 🙂 Thank you 😀


    1. Love your blog! Love the layout, love the colors! I looked through a couple of your posts, and I was impressed. I’m intrigued most by how you will write out whatever is on your mind without sugar-coating it. You have a new follower in me! One thing I will say is that I’m a very visual person. I’m attracted to pictures and other visuals. If you were to add more of these, I think you would get a broader audience! Just a suggestion! Great blog! 🙂


    2. Very simple layout, which love 🙂 As for the new tradition, someone I knew decided to only ask for food/clothing donations, and maybe an extra hand, so she could go and give them out around the shelters and people on the street on Christmas Day. There wound up being quite a big group of them in the end 🙂


      1. I love that idea of asking for an extra hand.. I can definitely imagine a huge group of people that would willingly come together for something like this. Thank you for the idea. I will probably do something along those lines when it’s not festive season – most people leave town during this time.
        Thank you so much 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    3. I enjoyed your blog a lot. While I am usually a visual person– I have made my living as a photographer for almost 20 years– I think your blog speaks from the heart and doesn’t need an overload of images to make your words sing. If there’s something that speaks to the topic, then go for it, but I think the beauty of your blog lies in its simplicity and honesty.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. That was interesting to read. I like the way you broke it down into the individual components involved in a hospital stay and then spoke about each one individually. In terms of constructive criticism, you do have some typos and spelling errors that intruded at times. For example – “I will probably have to go back at some tine” or “This was I could figure out” (instead of “this way”)

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Definitely an interesting read. I like your style of writing. It’s very to the point and well organized. I liked the way you separated each section out. It made for a very clean read. I don’t have any criticisms I would point out. I was going to point out the little spelling errors made, but that has already been covered! Great job!


    3. I definitely enjoyed that. I felt the post was broken down into cohesive parts, that it flowed smoothly, too. There were a couple of minor spelling errors from what I could see (always good to keep an eye out for those), but a fine read overall. I’ve followed you!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. In a word– love. I love your blog. I am not bipolar, but I do have clinical depression, and I like the way you write. I can almost imagine you are sitting there talking to me while I am reading. It’s so exhausting trying to explain what depression feels like to someone who doesn’t have it, so your style and approchableness (I know, that’s not a word, but you know what I mean) is so refreshing! I’m now a follower!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks for the kind words! I’m happy to hear that my words are helping you in some form! That is high praise for someone who aspires to be a novelist and I greatly appreciate it. 🙂

        I think you’d be interested in a series of older pieces I’ve written wherein I discuss depression, domestic violence and a multitude of other subjects. Check this out:


      3. I also struggle with depression and I am so glad to have found your blog; I am trying to raise awareness of mental health and it is so good to hear others doing the same. Merry Chirstmas and have a Happy New Year x

        Liked by 2 people

    4. I really enjoyed reading about your views and experiences of hospitalisation; although I do not struggle with bipolar I have been hospitalised for an eating disorder and depression where we did similar therapies, I also wrote a post about my experiences and would be really interested and greatful to hear your opinion/ thoughts about it.
      Thanks for sharing and I wish you the best of luck in your recovery, my blog’s aim is to raise awareness of mental health and to share my experiences and recovery so if you’d be interested I would love for you to do a guest blog post? Please do let me know if you’re interested. Thanks again for the post, keep blogging and raising awareness of mental health! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,


  1. Hello everyone,
    I’ve been trying to figure this out. Why do my posts no longer come up in the reader under any tags? I thought maybe I did too many tags one day (14), but when I looked it up it said 15 is what tips it over. It’s been over a week now with none of my posts showing up. If anyone has any input on how to get back on the reader, that would be great!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Keep in mind that the “15” limit refers to tags *plus* categories. So if you have 14 tags and 2 categories, you’re over the limit. Also sometimes the reader is glitchy – I’ve clicked on popular tags and had it tell me there were 0 results; then I refresh and there are hundreds.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I like the fact that you can see photos straight away as the link for each post, that’s a nice touch. Some of the photos as well were really well composed with good use of light, though some could have done with some touch ups in post production.


    2. I really love the layout of your first blog, I really love photography so this blog is really for me. One thing I would advise is don’t overcomplicate your homepage with too many widgets. I really like your blog though so I have followed it 🙂


    3. Your photography blog looks good for first starting! I haven’t looked through too many other photography blogs, but yours seems to have a good layout.

      Your other blog looks really good. I love the layout. It is very organized and easy to maneuver through.


    1. I absolutely loved this post! The concept was so fantastic. I may do a post similar to this if you don’t mind. It was great!

      The rest of your blog was equally impressive. I love all of your posts! You have wonderful things to say. I really liked your police officers post. I loved it so much that I am now following it! 🙂


      1. Thank you for visiting and following! Oh, and thank you for your blog’s cover photo- your Christmas turtles have literally made my day! I love the advice you give in your post Dealing With the “Not So Friendly”!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks! I have had other feedback saying people are loving my photo dump series. I have stared selling a photo book the prints from the photo dumps in, I’m hoping to make a bit of money to buy equipment etc.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That’s definitely a smart step to take next! I wish I could purchase a copy and help out, but I am in a tight crunch for money at the time trying to pay for college. I still think it is great that you have taken that next step!


      3. I really like the theme and layout of your blog. I don’t know much about photography but your collection looks pretty darn good to me. Only thing i would say is maybe to add an about page to your blog.


    1. Hi Joe – Love your pictures. They are nice & vivid, very eye catching. As a reader/viewer, I would like to see a little more context as to what am seeing, either in a general post about the images as a group, or as individual captions. One of the other comments here mentions having an “about” page, and I would also encourage that. It doesn’t have to be much, just a brief blurb…who you are, where you are, what your focus is…something along those lines. I ‘followed’ – so I look forward to catching some future updates to your blog! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Your theme is so cool! And I absolutely love the photography it’s amazing! Maybe you could add some more widgets to the bottom of your homepage? Anyway, I have followed your blog so just keep doing what you’re doing!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Hello Yousra! I very much enjoyed visiting your blog. It has a nice, clean layout which keeps your images the focus for your viewers. I also really liked the little bit you wrote about the locations and the culture to go with the photographs; it really gives them context in addition to visual appeal, and personally I find that draws me even further into a photographer’s work.

      You could use a little editing for your punctuation on your About, Disclaimer and Get In Touch pages. I find that things such as that will give a page a more “polished” look, for anyone who may be looking at your work at a professional level.

      I hope this feedback is helpful, and I look forward to seeing more of your photographs!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Love your blog! Fun to read through! I especially loved your “Favourite Words” post! I am now following your blog! Once thing I will suggest is to put up more visuals. I am a very visual person, and pictures are really attractive to me. To get a broader audience, I would suggest adding some.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I like the layout – the top part shows that you are active in WP and twitter. Since most of what you write is short, I would suggest you add a picture once in a while. This is because as I scroll down your posts, they’re just a bunch of words. Some people need pictures to grab their attention (minus the images of people who like your posts).

      As for content, I think it’s fun and interesting. You can be serious and you can be fun.

      Happy holidays.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I like the travel theme on your blog because it showcases your photography. Your photography also captures your visitors’ attention (“The ‘Horny’ Man” was funny).

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha.. yea,, that was funny, but the whole series was not meant to be funny 🙂 Thank you fro your visit. I really appreciate it 🙂


      2. I don’t recall, do you have a whole series on this? Since your point is there are everyday heroes, I totally understand. It’s hard work trying to sell stuff, trying to feed yourself and possibly your family, especially if you’re selling stuff people don’t need.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. It took me a couple of clicks before I found the series, but I really like it. The Tree Climber’s post is festive for this time of year, is it not? Certainly everyday heroes.


    1. I think an “about” page would be helpful to let the reader know what you are…well all about. Also your widgets linking to previous posts would be easier to get to if the reader didn’t have to scroll to the very bottom. Hope this is helpful to you 🙂


    2. I double on what jinx0923 said about your “About” page. Also, I don’t want to click on a link to find out more about you when you have that same hyperlink at the end of every post. Use the “About” page to your advantage.

      I also agree with jinx0923 about your need of easier navigation. You can create pages and/or categories.

      Use the “read more” tag correctly. Access last week’s Community Pool or the one before that for my “read more” tag stuff. I think I helped my 2nd blogger with the “read more” tag and there was a message telling me that I already posted about that. I’m sort of new so I don’t know if there’s any repercussions for helping people with what I can help with. If you use the “read more” tag more effectively, your visitors will see more posts that you have written in one screen rather than having to pass the post to see your previous one. (If you need help creating pages, I think I also addressed that in last week’s Comm. Pool).

      Something that bothers me: Your most recent post is to set 3 goals. I didn’t read Blogging 201, but I read what you wrote under that title and you didn’t set 3 goals; you only set 1: learn how dashboard works.
      This post really needs a face lift. It’s nice that you want to “pop pictures” but seriously, why does your example have to be that one? It’s really long and at the end, you don’t round back to your initial desire to learn how to “pop pictures” or use dashboard.
      Take out the social security and write that in another post and title it appropriately. When you do that,
      1. Create 2 L-graphs (I forgot what that is called)
      2. Save it
      3. Upload it to your media library
      4. Go in your post and click on the top left button, “Add Media”
      5. Select the pictures (you can align them left, center, right, and none)
      I write this because your description is clear and boring, but it’s helpful for blind people who have others read to them. So insert the charts before your description of these charts.


  2. Hi everyone 🙂
    I would love any feedback that you have on any part of my blog! The more I get – the better it will become!
    I mainly try and put my own ‘tell it how it is, sarcastic tone’ onto the subjects I write about. Most of the time – nothing too serious 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sare,
      I was following you, but you haven’t shown up in my News Feed lately. Did you lose your WordPress followers when you changed your platform? I don’t see a Follow button anywhere? Is there a way to follow other than by email subscription?


      1. It should have happened now?! I looked into it and I hadn’t changed the settings from my site… I’ve gone from 12 followers to 359 so I think it will have worked 🙂 xxx

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow! Fhank you so much 🙂 as far as i know that means you should get emails when i post…. If if doesnf work lef me know – im knew to all rhe self hosting business xxx

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Heya everyone! Merry Christmas to you all 🙂

    I’m considering switching the theme I use on my blog as the current theme I use (Twenty Fourteen) doesn’t fill the full screen on larger displays which is bugging me a little! I love the theme generally, and it’s very functional, so I’m a little cautious to do so….

    Would it be possible for you to take a look at my blog, and let me know whether you feel that the small display area is a problem, or if I’m over thinking it lol? My blog’s at:

    If you do think that I should switch the theme, are there any you can recommend? Any other general feedback is always welcome!

    Thanks very much 🙂


    1. Hello Mr. Luke, my human is looking at your blog on a 15″ laptop, and She says it is no problem. She likes a bit of white space on a screen rather than having every inch filled, and the text is large enough to be read easily.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Hi again,

      I took a gander at it again, and I still like it.
      (The “About” page is full, so in this visit, I paid more attention to your other pages, and I realized that I overreacted about it last time. I scrolled down your “Home” Page and “Games’ News and Musings” and it looks good.)

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi 53:5. You should break the story up. It’s asking a lot for someone to spend 15 minutes to read through your story. Thought I should give you honest feedback because no-one has commented yet. Even some images to keep the mind focussed would help.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I agree with Aidan. I would not read one post that is this long. However, I did recently read a short story that a blogger posted in nine separate installments, one posted each Sunday. I actually looked forward to each new post coming out on Sunday mornings, so perhaps you could try something along those lines. Best, Karen 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. HI there. I finally got my theme set for now, but I’m wondering.. If I change my template, will all of my info change with it without messing it all up? I’m not very computer literate so it’s all pretty Greek to me. Thanks for any advice you could give.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi,
      I have changed themes several times on my bog, and mostly, everything was still fine after the change. One thing to look out for when you do the change is how featured images are displayed if you are using them. Some themes only show them on your front page and others show them both at the front page and at the top of the post. Other than that, it is really very smooth and convenient and I never lost anything when I made a change. You can use the preview function in the classic dashboard to see what your blog will look like with any new theme.
      Happy blogging!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. As perelincolors observed, your content stays the same regardless of the theme you’re using, but different themes might display some elements of your site differently (lile featured images, header images, etc.). Also note that different themes have different widget areas — this will affect your widget positioning, since a theme with a sidebar, say, will look quite different from a one-column, widgets-in-the-footer theme.


    1. Okay, so first of all I absolutely LOVE your blog name. In fact, I might steal it. Just kidding.

      So since you’re new to blogging here are some suggestions for you from a ‘somewhat old blogger.’

      1.) Make an About Page. I went on your blog and I had no place to drop my feedback.
      2.) A little decoration of the blog might make it more ‘blogger-friendly.’ As in adding more widgets or maybe a gallery.
      3.) I really like that your blog is so crude,and I swear I don’t mean to be snobbish but take care of the grammar.
      4.) This is getting too much and I love your ‘rants.’
      5.) Don’t plan to kill me.

      Merry Christmas and cheers!

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Thank you very much. That is all great advice! Yes, I shall indeed make a more user friendly blog. I suppose that should have gone without saying on my part. The grammar is again something I know I need to work on. I will… eventually ha. But yes a Merry Christmas and cheers to you as well!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Yea. I’m gonna do some learning on this here site to figure all this technical aspects out. There are just so many buttons and options. I thought at one point I was tech savey… I have been proven wrong.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I would really appreciate some feedback on my posts, the layout and content. I am a small blogger hoping to grow and could really do with some constructive critisism. Thanks! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi,
        did you do a Blogging101 class already? They are run by The Daily Post, just like this Community Pool and they are great for starting or small blogs. I did one and I loved it. You have a community there to interact with everyday for four weeks and they teach a lot about branding which I think that is something that is a little bit missing on your blog. I think it is not yet easy enough to see at a glance what your blog is about. Just my opinion though. To improve that, you could write an about page and link it right from the top. Or you could create a header image that relates to the subject(s) of your blog. And if it is all about you, you could just make it more personal and let us know more about you.
        All the best and have a great Christmas time!


    1. I like that your blog is so ‘Christmasy’ right now. 🙂
      I even voted on that ‘season’ post. 😛

      I’d strongly advice you to change your theme. I had this theme before and it’s very confusing. The discretion is completely yours, of course.

      Now following.
      Good Luck! 🙂


    2. I am also a very small blogger. I just started a couple weeks ago. In my opinion, the main thing you need to change ASAP is your theme. For me, it is too plain, hard to look at and confusing. I read through some of your posts, and they are really great. The theme really takes away from them though. Again, this is just my opinion. I did decide to follow, however, because I think your writing is great. I hope I helped! 🙂

      P.S. I am using the “Forever After” theme, and I LOVE it. I’m not sure if it is what you are really looking for, but it is organized so well and so easy to use! Here is my link if you want to check it out!


      1. Thanks so much for your feedback, I’ll be sure to check out some of the new themes soon and possibly try out a few. Thanks again 🙂 Invisible2001

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m currently doing a micro-film series called Festive Hollow (where the holidays reside) and I finished video 4 yesterday. The final one is due over the next few days, and the feedback I’m receiving on them is pretty low. I’m just wondering if there’s something I’m missing? I’m having a great time either way 🙂

    Jolly Baubles | Festive Hollow – Pumpkin


    1. I just watch the the video from your link. I’m a little confused what happened. Perhaps my art interpretation is lacking, but I don’t know if it’s sad because they get baked in the oven or if they turn into the next holiday.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. While I would probably side with the latter, it is a combination of both, so I’m glad that came through. For me it’s just a silly outcome, but I agree, it’s a touch morbid. What can I say, I’m a little twisted 🙂 Thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I follow Travel blogs without even thinking twice. 😛

      They’re just brilliant;giving you a tour just by sitting on a chair.

      Carry on!


      1. I basically love reading everything. Reading is the second name for bliss.
        But I enjoy reading Life Blogs where people infer their opinions and thoughts. It just explains a lot about humanity and that there’s still hope left as long as ‘writers’ are alive. Yes, WordPress gave me that.

        I love Food Blogs too.


    2. Hi European. I like your site. You certainly cover a lot of ground on your most recent post!

      As a fellow blogger who has the travel bug, it would be nice to hear of some of your own experiences in those countries and maybe an itinerary of where you’ve covered (or are hoping to cover in 2015). Nice work!


    1. I have found that one cannot avoid contemplating suicide if they have given any deep thought to their life. Finding my worth as an individual has kept me from the ledge, as well as the knowledge that others are out there, scattered but out there. Thank you for having the courage to share your experience.


  7. Hello all!
    I’m brand new to blogging. I just started a couple weeks ago. If any of you have time, I would love to get some feedback on any of my posts and my blog in general. I will, of course, return the favor and look through your blogs, let you know what I think, and if I like them, follow you! Thank you in advance!
    Merry Christmas! 🙂


    1. Hi,
      I think you are doing very well for a start! I like that the title of your blog, together with the clean design and the header image make it very easy to understand that this blog is about you and your view of the world. I hope you’ll find many like-minded friends through blogging and that you’ll find that you enjoy it.


      1. Thank you so much for your feedback! I am really enjoying it so far! 🙂

        I looked through your blog as well, and it looks really nice. It’s very clean and easy to maneuver. I also loved the “about me” page! So mysterious and very intriguing!


    2. Hi McKenna.
      I would echo the other comment that your site looks very professional, it’s not too ‘in your face’, leaving the content as the centre focus, and you write very well. Best of luck in your blogging journey. It’s going to be a lot of fun I promise!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. You can get the snow too! Go to settings and you’ll find it. 🙂

        *Visiting your blog now*


      1. Thank you so much! OMG, you have no idea how much the ‘organized’ thing means to me. Like ‘SOMEONE’ said it ..finally. 😛

        I’m a very organized person in real life as well. Oh, and I’m currently viewing your blog. It’s quite entertaining as well. So much so see and read! 😀

        Liked by 1 person