A Message on Pingbacks

We’re working to resolve pingback issues as quickly as possible.

Here at The Daily Post, nothing thrills us more than seeing so many bloggers come in every day to share their work with the community. Whether it’s in response to our Daily Prompts, Writing Challenges, or Photo Challenges, we love to witness the discussions and friendships that emerge from interaction on our pages.

Which is why we’re particularly sorry that many of you have been experiencing technical problems while creating pingbacks to our site in recent weeks.

We’d like to thank all of you for the patience you’ve been showing while we work to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. It’s already taken us longer than we’d hoped for, but we want to make sure we get it sorted out once and for all.

In the meantime, those affected should feel free to share their challenge entries as links in the comments of each challenge post. We’ll let you know as soon as pingbacks once again work for everyone.

The Daily Post Editors

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  1. During this technical problem solving period for WordPress, you can connect readers to your responses on the the Daily Posts, Writing Challenges, and Photo Challenges, etc. by bookmarking this page “A Message on Pingbacks.” Whenever you write an article in response to the DPs, WCs and PCs, post a comment on this page. Include the title of your piece in your comment and tell readers it’s on your site. That way, readers can access your site with your articles from this page. 🙂 I tried this, and I’m getting to know a bunch of new writers this way… Keep your comments coming here until WordPress can solve the difficulties. Keep the thinkers in your prayers…They are working hard for us…

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