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Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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    1. I really like your blog, it’s a good mix of content and some of the recipes sounds so good! One comment would be that on my mobile device the pictures seem kind of blurry and low resolution? Maybe something to look into…anyway, keep up the good work!:)

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi everyone!

    So glad I found this, it’s exactly what I’ve been looking for! I’ve always wanted to write but somehow it fell by the wayside and now I’m trying to get back into it. I’ve recently started a travel blog but am finding it hard to get much traffic – finding it quite disheartening to be writing silently with no/few readers! Anyone have any tips to help with this or have any ideas on the blog itself?
    Thanks in advance!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Seem to be having technical problems here/ still learning the technology – but looked at wisdomedwife’s site – I really loved the post about your fathers passing, it was very heartfelt and brave and honest. Similarly the post about the necessary imperfection of motherhood! I think these types of posts are really strong and maybe something to focus on. I also liked the health and wellbeing section – the assignment and piece about body image and how it is effecting children. You have a very honest and uplifting tone and you should definitely stick with this! Only other thing I would say would be to maybe cut down the catagories you have and focus on say 3 or 4? When I first went to your site I was a bit overwhelmed and unsure where to start. Good stuff though!


  3. Hello everyone!!
    I started my photography blog just a few months back. I love everything about being able to share my shoots with everyone who is curious. Would anyone mind checking out a post or two and maybe give some constructive criticism, I would much appreciate it, and I will definitely reciprocate.

    Thanks so much,
    Kirsten LaShure


    1. I think you have fantastic shots and I really like your perspective. The one main thing I notice is that on your home page of your blog some of the pictures show up just in the middle, so it cuts off someone’s head and feet which ends up looking funny. If there’s a way to make the entire photo show up, that would make it more visually appealing. Keep up the good work!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! I’m trying to find a new theme right now that eliminates that, but so far i haven’t found one that both meet the standards i have, and is visually appealing to me. Thank you so much for the feed back, and I will continue to work on finding a pleasing theme!


      2. I figured it out!!! They use the last picture you added to the post as the cover photo!! Yayy! There was one i couldn’t fix though, because all the shots were verticle! but that’s ok!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi naturallycurvaceous!

    I had a look at your site – really interesting. I think one thing that would really boost its accessibility would be to have clear categories at the top for different pages – eg: Fashion Inspiration, Being Thrifty etc, just to help people get around your page and focus in on what interests them most. Then you might also find it easier to identify which subjects are most popular.


      1. Thanks so much! Just finding it hard to get it out there, although I have to say I haven’t tried to write “for a market” as such, rather just what comes naturally! Thanks so much for your input. Much appreciated!


    1. I think your blog is a great mix of writing and pictures. The only suggestion I would have is maybe you could be more specific about where you went (shops, restaurants, etc.) And what you ate, bought, etc. Other than that it looks great đŸ™‚


    1. I think you have selected a very clear, uncluttered theme which suits your focus. I was interested in your story, and you have a unique experience to tell. Being British the idea of not being able to seek medical help because of cost is a complete mystery to me!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for your reply and for your interest. Healthcare in the US is a weird thing. I have heard of US citizens going to work in Europe and then suddenly having a medical emergency and getting free care. It boggles the mind


    2. I found your blog to be very clear and welcoming – I like the picture at the top. It all looks very balanced and neat to me. I found it easy to get around.

      I agree with catmab about the shock of reading about how people’s access to medical care in the US is mediated by insurance companies or the lack of insurance. I remember, when I lived there, friends without insurance waiting to see if they got ill enough to justify the cost of going to the doctor.

      Good luck with your blog. It’s a helpful resource for others with Acoustic Neuroma and for those dealing with any kind of illness.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Hello! My blog is nearly a year old which is a bit of a milestone. I started it in case I needed a professional website when redundancy was on the cards – in the end I kept a job but gained a blog! I’ve started to maintain and write regularly now so would love to hear what you have to say. I also added a survey so you could use that to feedback if you prefer. I think the theme of my blog is best summarised as art, culture and travel plus a bit of everyday life.
    Thanks in advance


  6. Hey Kids,
    I’ve recently just started blogging, and while I’ve always enjoyed writing thoughout my life, I sometimes feel that I have not found my voice. I believe you will notice that my writings tend to be all over the place. If you don’t mind take some time and take a look and let me know what you think. Thanks again!


    1. Heya,

      Your posts have a lot of variety, and are engaging to read. I think that’s down to the light tone of your writing, it feels conversational which helps to draw you in. Your voice is coming through perfectly, I also worry about this, and spend a lot of time thinking over my writing tone, but try my best not to over think it. Keep up the great work đŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi,
      I visited your blog and also read your ‘About’ page. To me it sounds fine. It describes what you are here for and what you like to write about.
      I also liked your tag line by your dad đŸ™‚

      Keep writing!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I just started a new blog (written in Dutch) about my satisfied student life.
    I have a problem: When you look at my latest post about my Paperblanks Agenda, you’ll see that the caption underneath the pictures is outlined left, while it should be centered.
    Also, My Instagram Widget doesn’t allow me to use the enter button, so people will see that my Instagram name is Superdork_BM. Perhaps they mistake it for Super-dork_BM.
    Finally, I would like to know how to change the “more” button into “lees meer” (the Dutch translation). I tried to change it using html but it doesn’t work.

    Feel free to let me know what you think about my fresh start, lay-out, content or gimme any tip you want!!

    Thank you very much!


    1. Hello,

      Image captions are aligned left by default; it might be possible for you to tweak that setting with some CSS (which requires the Custom Design upgrade). Your best bet for a definitive answer is the CSS Support Forum, here:

      I just visited your blog, and saw your Instagram username displayed properly, as one word (SUPERDORK_BM); I wonder if the issue was on a smaller screen or mobile device?

      For the translation issue, it might be that, since Suits is a more recent theme, not all strings — the common phrases used on — have been translated into Dutch yet. I’d recommend asking about this in our Translation Forum:

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi everyone!

    I’m trying to get back into blogging and writing more. My blog is more of a personal, tracking-my-journey-in-life kind of thing and I was hoping to get some feedback on things I’m doing well / things I need to improve on!

    Here is my link:

    I would appreciate any feedback and I’d be happy to check out yours, too! Thanks! đŸ™‚


  9. Hello fellow bloggers. I have been blogging for a couple of months now. I have managed only four posts! Rather than posting continually I am aiming for posts that are considered and relevant to my theme. My site is about love, friendship, family and food. Each post contains a recipe and the story behind it. I hope you enjoy, please have a look as I am hoping to build a community of like-minded bloggers! Thanks all. đŸ™‚


  10. Hi! I’m new to blogging. Just started last week and feeling like I just dipped a toe into an ocean. Here’s my site
    Please reply with tips on formatting. Currently I don’t like the BIG social media buttons and front page is missing pic for pumpkin seed post. I’d like a pic to left of each post on home page. I have millions of questions but I’m hoping to learn as I go. Thanks!


  11. I have just started my blog aabout nail polish but have no idea how to publicise my blog and draw people to my instagram account. Any feedback would be gratefully receive. Thanks!


    1. I’d recommend finding your niche and producing your best work. Forums like this allow you to interact with others and there’s the byproduct of alerting them of your existence. Best wishes


      1. Thanks. Yeah, as you see if you read my blog, I have found my niche for the time being and am intentionally focusing on that in such a way that I can spread the Gospel to a wide audience and make meaningful connections.


    1. Hi Bianca! đŸ™‚ Welcome to blogging. :p I enjoyed your most recent post, and I agree with it. What we focus on in life is what we’re going to get. A rather insightful thought. đŸ™‚ Keep blogging! Following!

      Also, just a tip (and something I’ve learned to do) – categorize your posts and include tags. That way your posts will be organized. đŸ™‚


      1. Oh, and I would add some features to your blog too, like a widget that allows viewers to view posts by month (Archives), a widget that lists your most recent posts, a follow button that will allow people to enter their email address if they don’t have a wordpress account, etc. Just makes getting followers easier. đŸ™‚


    1. Hey Cassie! Welcome to blogging. đŸ™‚ I like your blog’s layout. I would suggest adding some features to your blog too, like a widget that allows viewers to view posts by month (Archives), a widget that lists your most recent posts, a follow button that will allow people to enter their email address if they don’t have a wordpress account, etc. Just makes getting followers easier.

      The Archives widget and the widget that lists your most recent posts won’t seem very important now, but once you’ve posted some more posts, people can read one of your posts and then look to your sidebar and get links to other ones too. đŸ™‚

      You said you’re new to blogging and don’t know the site very well, so please don’t be offended, as I’ve included instructions below as to how to customize your side bar. đŸ™‚

      1. Once you’ve logged in, click on My Sites on the top left. corner.

      2. In the center, and under the name of your blog, you should see customize. Click on it.

      3. Click on Widgets on the far right side, and then click on Sidebar. Click Add a Widget, and then you can scroll through the various widgets and add those you want. đŸ™‚


    1. Hi there! your writing is very personal and engaging I must say! and hello again to a 17 year old (I’m 17 too haha, do check out my writings too? :-)) I was expecting much more from your graduation experience but I guess, I’ll have to wait!

      Keep on with the good work and I’m sure your blogging experience will blossom. You have the potential my friend. And your grandfather expressed it brilliantly, “When you lose your reality, you pick up the pieces and smash them back together. Once that doesn’t work you create a new path that others could only dream of.” I concur.
