Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for feedback, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else.

If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment.

TIP: To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling. If you simply leave a link to your blog, it’s likely to be overlooked.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. I try to write some short poems every morning at six a.m., using prompts from all over the internet. Would love for you to take a look…………opie


  2. HELP!!!Hi Guys. I have tried to change my blog THEME. I thought it was an easy thing and it is. but I want 1. A theme where people can like the post by just scrolling down(not click on each POST and like) 2. Not small format on the pics(Bigger format or like I have right now) is good. (I’ve been trying for hours and not found any so I’m still keeping mine)Any Suggestions?ANYBODY?


  3. Hi and greetings from Toulouse, France! glad to have come across your awesome blog… I need some time to read your posts, meanwhile my very best and good luck in all your endeavours, Mélanie


  4. I originally started this blog as a way of sharing my new photography and thoughts with friends and family, and I am becoming more serious about it. Any general feedback is welcome. Specifically, does the visual theme / background distract readers? And, does it feel focused or all over the place?


    1. Hi cerikson, I don’t know for readers but, for me, as a firstly visual person, I do find your theme very distracted; especially, along with your heder image. I would rather prefer a much more modest one if any! That way, your images (some of which I consider are fabulous) would be the genuine center of attention of your posts.


      1. Jaime-

        I really appreciate the feedback on the images. The distracted nature of the background images was what my instincts were telling me, but I wasn’t sure. I updated it so that the posts are more readily visible from the top of the home page, without the header taking up too much space, and changed the background to a solid color, a dark grey that will hopefully highlight the photos I share.

        Any more feedback from you or others is greatly appreciated.


  5. Hi Everyone !!!!

    I started this blog a month back about books( mostly children and some for all age group). I have a little son aged 7 years and am slowly introducing him to the world of books in my own way. I blog about these wonderful treasures that I come across in my search.

    # I personally love reading the photoblogs and the once with humor and twists. Will my blog idea click ?
    # are the post titles with the name of the books too predictive ?

    Love to hear your opinions !!!


  6. Hi I want a blog theme. where I can have big pictures and able to press like without clicking on each post. Anybody?


  7. Hi guys,

    I’ve recently started a blog with the intention of combining my writing and photography in some kind of strange, mystical fashion but I’m not sure if I’ve found that marriage, if anybody would like to peek and let me know whether they’ve found connections between the piece and the photo, or if I need to spend more effort trying to bridge that connection, I would be very much in your gratitude. And just as a general question, is there much room on wordpress for aimless blogs? Let me know, thanks.

    Aaron @


      1. So I add the link you posted above to my blog post for the day (ping back) and it’ll go to the blog host for moderation?


      2. It should do, yes 🙂

        Each time you look at a daily post, make sure the page has fully loaded before copying the link. The correct page should not have a date in the URL.

        I too would be interested in a response from admin or mods for why this happens.


      3. Thanks fro your help. I bought a book on understanding WordPress but haven’t really had a chance to read it yet. I guess it’s going to have to be trial and error for now. : ) Thanks again!!


  8. I have a question for Ben Huberman. I’m a follower and a participant of your daily posts. I LOVE them!! However, after following all the directions regarding pingbacks, none of my responses are making it to your comments page. I was just wondering if I was writing something you didn’t agree with, or if I somehow managed to upset you. Today’s prompt: Right to Brag. I was very specific by letting everyone know that I am in no way judgmental. I like to hear people happy. I’m just curious if I did something wrong. If so, please don’t hesitate to let me know. This goes for anyone else. If I have offended anyone with my posts, please know that this is not my intention. E mail me and I’ll do my best to rectify the situation. Thanks…
    ~Kate (


    1. Hi Kate! Sorry to hear you’re having difficulties with our pingbacks.

      First, just to clarify — no one at would ever delete a pingback to a daily prompt just because they disagreed with its content. The post is on your own blog, where you’re entitled to express yourself in whatever way you see fit (as long as you don’t violate our Terms of Service).

      As for the pingback — looking at the post you’ve written in response to the Right to Brag prompt, the only link I see there is a link to the post itself — in other words, to the very same page your visitor is already on. I think you can safely remove it. To create a pingback, the URL you actually need is that of the prompt you’re replying to. Copy it from the address bar — in this case, it’s:
      Then, in your own post editor, insert that link wherever you see fit. Most people highlight the prompt title, the words “daily prompt,” or something along those lines, then click on “Link” in the editor tool bar, and paste the prompt address there. That’s what creates the pingback — having the prompt URL linked to in your post.

      Give it a try — if it still doesn’t work and you can’t see your pingback on the prompt page even after you’ve followed these instructions, let me know and we’ll take from there.


      1. I did what you said, at the bottom of the post. The writing went from blue (my normal color) to red. Can you let me know if it worked? I’d really appreciate it. Thanks for your help!!


      2. Yes — it worked! If you visit the original prompt page, you’ll see your post as part of the pingback grid (yours is currently all the way down, as it’s the last one to be added at the moment).
        Glad I could help.
