Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for feedback, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else.

If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment.

TIP: To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling. If you simply leave a link to your blog, it’s likely to be overlooked.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. Que se passe-t-il ? depuis plusieurs jour je n’arrive plus à publier mes chroniques. “enregistrement” tourne en boucle ??? qui peut me venir en aide ??? Merci d’avance !


  2. Hello, I have set up my blog in order to give me an outlet for my writing, and encourage me to write more regularly on a range of topics. I have also posted examples of writing that I have had published, to act as a sort of online portfolio for prospective employers/editors to look at.

    I am currently working as a teacher, but would like to ultimately earn part or all of my income from writing. I would really appreciate it if you could have a look at my blog and perhaps comment on any of the posts, or comment here with constructive criticism about the blog in general.

    Thanks in advance.


    1. I like your blog. Simple and not too flashy. I think budding writers should let their content do the talking instead of making it too garish. On the side bar though you seem to have duplication of Categories and Recent posts. Not sure if this is just my computer acting weird or a bug.


      1. Thanks for the feedback. I’m glad you like the layout, and I agree with your comment about the content being the central focus, rather than the design of the blog. Thanks for the tip-off about the duplicated Categories and Recent posts sections in the sidebar, I hadn’t spotted that, so will fix it now. Thanks again.


  3. Hello fellow bloggers!!! I’m still 14 years old and I already have a fashion blog! 🙂 later on it would be a travel blog or etc. There’s no rules in what you’re gonna blog right!?? Just be yourself! I love to inspire people! 🙂 but I want to share it with the world!!! I like to get 50+ comments as much as possible. But how!?? Please, it can start from you! 🙂 let’s help one another! I’m from CDO PHILIPPINES BY THE WAY! 🙂 here’s my blog: please share! Hope you like it! Your opinions and comments would be meaningful! Thanks sooo much!!!!! :)))


  4. Hi, I’ve started a new blog on helping and advising graduates who are looking for a job, as well as sharing my experiences with Type 1 diabetes. I would love if you could have a look and let me know what more you would like to see from my blog? Thank you so much!


  5. Hello Hello, I am 100 % open to any ideas people feel could help this page flourish:
    the basic concept of the page is to create a journey of Enlightenment through stimulating content. Some Social media sites like FB & Twitter are also linked to share more content.

    Looking Forward to some more engagements. From the WP Community 🙂


    1. Hi there. My personal opinion would be that you should change the font size. It is in my opinion too large. Might be easier for those people who read your blog on a mobile device.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hello! I’m working on a new project called, “Confessions of a Young Conservative.” My plan is to write about my daily encounters with political matters in the real world and online.

    Ermahgerd! Bergdahl!

    I’d like to know you would rate the content of this post and a way that I could improve the structure/presentation of this blog post.

    I have a relatively small network of friends who like politics, so my goal is to write in depth about my conversations and experiences with those few people over a long period of time.


  7. Hi, I have to sell my house in The Gambia. The Estate Agents in this part of the world are useless so I’m trying to do it myself. Would you buy this house? If not, how can I improve the site?


  8. Hi!

    I’m a new pro photographer and write a blog to show my pictures.
    It’s very difficult as a photographer to know what people like with my works and they don’t like.
    The objective of my blog is to get feedbacks from people whether they like my pictures or don’t.
    I attend many international competitions with my pictures and many of them have been finalist and distinguished. My main concern with these competitions is to choose the pictures I send. That is why I need your feedbacks to help to send the best pictures!
    My website is
    I’m looking forward to know if you like my work 🙂

    Thank you very much


    1. Hi. I like the simple design of your blog. I’m also in the same boat and trying to build a following. For now, I am only focussed on creating compelling interesting content. To twist ‘Field of Dreams’ Kevin Costner’s quote – If you write it, they will come. An about section would be useful to know who is behind the blog


    2. I like the colour and layout of your blog. Just like you and Aidan, I don’t have many followers either. I didn’t write for a month and what little traffic I had dropped to nothing. I’m going to post your url on my facebook page. Hopefully my daughters and their friends will stop by and check your blog out. Your writing is clear and well-written. Keep it up!


    1. Really enjoyed your writing dude. I see what you mean about telling your story as prose almost but I guess since this is your life a few pictures wouldn’t hurt I guess. If it’s important to the story I say wire in!


      1. Thanks for the feedback and follow H+F. You have some great content on your own blog. Will need some inspiration when I return from my travels to get back in the gym so will be staying tuned to your blog for a kick in the right direction!


    1. My blog is witty and snarky and humorous and that tone works perfectly well for the challenges. The editors don’t want to wade through 100 posts that look the same… and neither do readers.


  9. Hey guys I am starting a community workout group . My goals and dreams are to make a USA team for track and field and start a non profit health and fitness program for inner city outreach! I would love feed back and ideas on how I branch out to showing people my passion and to get them along on the journey with me :)


  10. Hello bloggers.. I gave a lot of thought what I wanted to blog about. The world is a funny, scary, place and I knew I could just write about life.. But I decided to just share what I like to do.. Ive no questions and no comments and probably no followers.. But sometimes life has to be simple..and that’s what I decided to do.. keep it simple..
