Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for feedback, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else.

If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment.

TIP: To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling. If you simply leave a link to your blog, it’s likely to be overlooked.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. So, I’m brand new to this and have written an ‘About Me’ entry and my first blog entry, as well as including a ‘Recommendations’ page where I can rave about my favourite things. Appreciate there’s not a lot of content as yet but I would really appreciate any readers and any feedback! Thanks a lot!


    1. Lovely. I am now following you 🙂 Curious, are you one of the many recent grads who is having a bit of a difficult time finding work that fits your academic interests (question mark still not working). I think you will do well with your blog, you have strong writing skills (sorry if this sounds like a comment on a graded paper, professional pitfall or habit I suppose).


      1. Thank you for your comments, and for being one of my first followers! I have found it difficult to find work that suits my interests but, to be honest, I was rather naive at uni and didn’t look for enough opportunities to gain experience whilst studying; then, after graduating, realised that most jobs relevent to my interests required previous experience/exposure to, which I didn’t have and couldn’t then afford to get (most meant working for free). Hindsight is a wonderful thing hey!


    1. Hi there, I stopped reading after the first two sentences. There was a grammatic error in the first sentence. Profanity and a life threat in the second.


      1. Bonjour, that should be grammatical error, which there isn’t as there were multiple ways to structure that first sentence. You yourself have multiple grammatical and spelling errors in your blog. I understand the profanity is not for everyone, however, it is supposed to be comedic. Everyone’s sense of humour is subjective. That also means that the death threat is not serious. To even regard it as such is ridiculous. The point is, Game of Thrones is a tremendous show and there are people who have read the books and therefore spoil the multiple twists and turns. Anyway, thank you for your input and have a pleasant day.


  2. I would really appreciate feedback on two issues –
    1) Do people bother to read fairly long humorous verses?
    2) When one would like to promote one’s writing, is it a mistake to mix in a conglomeration of other sorts of posts, from personal journals to rhyme, to one’s music compostions, to guides on grammar, and the occasional rant?


      1. Thank you! I have often thought about shortening my Blog title, but you just might have given me enough reason to keep as is 🙂


  3. Hey guys! I’ve just started my first blog a couple weeks ago but decided that it already needed a makeover! My blog revolves around style and fashion so its design is very important to me. If someone could take a look and let me know what you think of the background color or any other visual aspect that you like or think I could improve on! I want my amateur blog to look as professional and as stylish as possible! thanks!


    1. Looks really solid– I’m not sure what would be wrong this time around (since I can’t see the previous design). It makes a really great first impression, IMHO, so apparently, you’re doing it right.


      1. Well thank you! I really appreciate your feedback! I was just having second thoughts about the background color (it was previously a brighter green but I do like what I have changed it to) and my header image of the daisies in the jar (it was previously a more colorful picture of some purple lavender). But I am glad you think that my layout makes a good first impression, that’s something that I find very important!


      2. The green is very soothing and provides a good contrast to your text– I think you made a great choice.

        How much photography do you do? If you take more photos, I think you might do well to link to a photography site, specifically a page of your photos (SmugMug, maybe; I have my doubts about Flickr lately) instead of the slideshow.


      3. Well I’ve always loved taking pictures and I’d like to think that I have an eye for it but I really don’t know the first thing about photography! I’ve never taken a class or anything!


      4. I wouldn’t let that stop you. My father-in-law has taken photos for 40 years but he still is appreciative of the photos that I, my wife, and my daughter all take with a digital camera that’s basically a glorified point-and-shoot. If we take especially good captures, oh, he lets us know.


  4. Hi everyone. I have two blogs that I have made several post to. I have a start-up social media marketing business where I want to eventually have testimonials from clients, show my blog posts, and tie back to my FB page. Nothing very fancy. I purchased a domain name from GoDaddy but everyone says to use WordPress as a website. Any recommendations for an inexpensive theme? I don’t have much content right now other than my blogs but want a website.
    Thanks for any help!


    1. You can have your website hosted by anyone and still use WordPress as your publishing suite. All you need to do is upload the WordPress pack to your server. I use GoDaddy to host my blog and they did the install for me.

      WordPress has hundreds of free themes. Making a decision can be difficult. Just browse through them, install the ones you like, and then from those activate the one you want to use. The others will still be there if you change your mind later.


  5. I write about Joseph Campbell’s idea of the Hero’s Journey, as written in “The Hero With A Thousand Faces”– not just in modern stories like movies, but also in my personal life. I’m struggling to engage a discussion with my readers, especially when I write about how modern movies fit this Hero’s cycle.

    I wrote a series of posts about how the movie Equilibrium fits the Hero’s Journey: (each post ends with a link to the next post in the series) which I think is some of my best work, but… few comments.

    Am I delving too deep? Please let me know your thoughts– thanks.


    1. I liked what you had to say. It was helpful for me, not because I have lost a spouse, but because one of my closest friends lost hers. We have moved to the other side of the country now. I want to know how to help others in their grief. Your blog will be a valuable resource for me. Thanks for being brave enough to share and love others!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Since my blog revolves around style and fashion, the display of my clothes through photographs is very important. I don’t have a photographer to take pictures of me in my own clothes and I don’t want someone to model my outfits for me but I’m slowly running out of ways to creatively display the clothes I want to post about! you can check out my blog to see what I’ve been doing and some outsiders opinions and tips would be very helpful! thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hey guys, my blog (in it’s infancy still) is mainly about being trans, do you think I should focus on that, or just make it a part of it? I mean am I kind of labelling myself (not sure if that makes sense) Anyway, have a look, comment, opinions are appreciated 🙂


    1. If you’re comfortable with putting so much personal information out there and if you’re not risking any professional repercussions, it’s a good idea for you to focus your content on being trans. It’s something that distinguishes you from a lot of other bloggers, meaning that you will have some relatively unique insights to offer. In the blogging world, one might consider it your “brand” and that’s something we’re all encouraged to have in one form or another. So the “labeling” of yourself has positive and negative aspects…


      1. Ah very good points, I’m not too concerned about the personal information part, I try to keep it just about my opinions, not any actual detail (names etc) & as for professionally, well I’m pretty lucky as I’m in a good position there & am able to be very upfront about things.

        And unique is always a good thing in my book!

        Thank you, I appreciate your input 🙂


    1. Hi there, Your About Me page makes me want to follow you. You seem like the kind of girl I would be friends with.

      I would like to see more of the background picture. DId you draw it yourself? Your overall blog appearance is easy to read, clear of clutter and fun.


      1. Hi, Rebekah!

        That’s exactly how I want readers to feel when they visit my blog! I would love to be your friend, and I’m so happy that you left me feedback!

        I did not draw the background picture myself. I am working with a graphic designer to make my own background design, as to promote and grow my blog =)

        Thank you for your time and feedback!! Please follow me as I’d love to stay in touch!!


  8. If anyone has a chance, if you could visit my blog & let me know if you like the variety of topics on my blog or if it’s a bit too everywhere maybe. It’s still fairly new so I’m still finding my feet/voice. I blog about parenting, photography, diy, travel etc.


    1. Hi there, I like the variety of topics on your blog. It give me a good picture of who you are and what you are all about. I like the ‘one box at a time’ idea. I’ll be using that.


    2. On first visit, your site looks excellent – very clear, well laid out and beautiful photos. Very professional looking. The content matches that. You write very well and it already looks like you have a good following on the social channels aswell as WordPress community. Keep up the good work!


  9. I’d like to invite visitors to my blog at My theme is reading e-books that I have obtained completely free … some are still free at the time I publish my blog, others are not. I’m looking for feedback on whether I should restrict my blog to books that are still free at the time I’m blogging and also what genres would build more interest (I read all genres of books). I’d also be interested in feedback on a new feature I’ve started, reviewing a short story each Saturday. Does anyone bother with reading shorts on the Kindle?


  10. Hi bloggers, I host a page for bloggers to post their links and I will surely visit and comment. This is a community page especially for new bloggers or anyone and anyone that requires some comments or feedback. I started this page not long after I started actively blogging and it was an effort to share the good posts with others. All are welcomed to check this out. Thank you to WP for this community post which is indeed a great way for bloggers to interact.

    littlegirlstory ‘Must Read’ blogs


  11. Hello folks. I have just created a blog and I was wondering where to start. I have had an amazingly interesting life in the eyes of many people who judge such things. But still..


  12. Hi! I am a new blogger. I would love some feedback today’s entry. It’s titled, “Love”. Is it better with or without pics? Also please feel free to comment on any of my other writing as well. I want to know what resonates with you.
    I love to check out new blogs. Leave a comment, click like or follow and I will check yours out.


    1. Hi there… I visited your blog. I liked the ‘love’ post. Love is one of my hugest values so it lifted me to read all the virtues of love and I found myself saying ‘yep, uh huh… Totally’ as they were listed. It’s a challenge to find photos and though the ones you used were appropriate, they were a bit ‘corporate-y’ (I made a word!! Lol) if you know what I mean. Photos can really add impact. I manage a FB page and regularly use photos to compliment the (what I hope is an inspiring/encouraging/empowering) status/thought/idea and I aim to choose images that really speak on their own. But I would leave images in.. Maybe just more ‘beautiful’ ones to compliment the beauty of what you’re writing about.

      I read some of your other posts and what I liked was how you draw analogies from everyday occurrences and transfer them to your own personal internal experiences. Eg.. The boxes that are delivered to your house & the thoughts that are delivered to your soul. I love that kind of reflective writing. (That’s what resonates with me… An Honest glimpse into a person’s interior world) You have some dingers in there (a dinger is slang to mean a good although I did find some posts quite long and fell in to the trap of scanning. I also tend to write long (my blog is brand new.. I have only posted twice) so this will also be a challenge for me.. I’m going to aim to keep posts under 500 words. Eek. From what I can gather the suggested way to deal with Long posts is through a combination of editing and subtitles for paragraphs.

      I hope this was helpful. I’d appreciate if you could glance over mine also. I only have 2 posts (so it won’t take but like you, I’m wondering of there’s anything so far that would resonate. I’m also hoping to get feedback on my about me page.. Have I ‘introduced’ myself and my intentions adequately. Have I laid a good ground to help you feel you could connect with me? And I spent quite a while on the overall appearance also.. Thank you if you do xxx this is a new world!! Best of luck to you on your blog journey!!


      1. Amanda Grace- I loved your pics! Very cool. I also love your 10 random things…let’s the reader get a bit familiar with you. I may have missed this, but have you explained on your blog how and why you began painting? Another suggestion would be maybe to take each one of your random 10 ten things and write a short blog entry a day on each one. You may need to double check your punctuation in a few places. (that one always gets me) I like you caught myself scanning a bit. I like the idea of keeping it 500 or less. Thank you! nice to meet you through your blog writing. I am doing a guest writing on marriage on a friend;s blog. What other crazy traditions do you guys do for weddings? (I may use some traditions in my guest piece) really loved that part of your blog


    2. Hi there, I have a whole blog dedicated to Love it is…
      The pictures you posted are beautiful and help move the reader through the post. Nice work.


      1. Rebekah,
        I stopped by your blog. Thanks for sharing it with me. Immediately loved the pics and lay out! I really like how you share your family rules.


    3. Oh Dawn, that’s a question I’m tempted to give an answer that is stereotypical! Irish weddings!! Have you ever been to one? They are a full day long… lol. Early morning to early hours and usually entail a lot of drinking… Great fun… we spend a fortune! The glamour is unreal, our Irish ladies hold no punches in the style stakes. There are as many superstitions and there are traditions.. here’s a link that lists some

      If you’ve every seen the movie, ‘the Quiet Man’ you might remember Maureen O Hara’s character fighting with her brother over her ‘dowry’ and was too proud to marry (John Wayne) without it. A dowry is a sum of money or land / something of value, that was paid to the groom and/or his family. Traveller weddings (Below) sometimes still honour this.

      Weddings within the Irish Travelling Communities are particularly interesting and remarkably different, socially, than our ‘settled peoples’ weddings. Maybe research that a little. They have also been featured in reality tv show called “My big fat gypsy wedding.

      I don’t remember having any particularly ‘strange’ rituals on my wedding day… other than suppressing the fear I was making a mistake! Lol (Turned out I was right) I’m happy now though 🙂 Thank you for your feedback on my blog.. that was helpful and good ideas… how I started painting and the posts to elaborate on my ‘random facts’… thank you.. and nice to meet you too 🙂


    1. It depends on the context.

      I never translate song titles or band names unless understanding the name is important.

      If something needs to be understood, I put the translation immediately after the foreign words or phrases.

      What you did is good when you need to avoid clutter. Since your post was so brief, the footnotes made sense because the translations would have taken up more space than a lot of your post’s lines.


  13. I have a question not directly related to a specific article: Is it better to write longer, but less frequent blog articles, or post more often with shorter pieces?

    Right now I am posting one article per week. Each article is in the 1000-1200 word range. Would it instead be better to post a 500-600 word article twice a week?

    I do not necessarily want break up a 1200 word article into two parts just for the sake of bumping up my site traffic. But I also don’t want to feel obligated to deal with two separate topics a week (and cut the the attention given to each topic essentially in half).

    What got me thinking about this is that my blog is six months old. I’m slowly building a following, but it’s slower than I think it should be. It occurred to me that of most of the blogs I follow, the ones that seem most popular post short items several times a week.

    Blogs that have been around less time than mine have a lot more activity. I don’t want to come off as self absorbed here, but I think mine is better than many of them. Either I’m impatient or I’m doing something wrong.

    Or maybe I’m over thinking this?


    1. Hi Chris. Why don’t you try one month with shorter snappier posts, and one month with several longer pieces. Should be quite easy to use the Stats to see which is preferable to your readers.


  14. If you talk Spanish and want to read about the difference between traveling for business or traveling for pleasure, you can contribute on my latests post. I came back from Honduras feeling like my body was there but I couldn’t see anything cultural related. Have you felt like that?


  15. I recently heard about having companies comp trips in exchange for written articles.

    I learned about it on linkedin and have tried asking the poeple who have posted their interest, but for some reason my posts disappear might have better luck here does anyone have this type of writing experiences. How did they do it?


  16. recently on linkedin I learned of writers being comped trips in exchange for written articles. I tried asking questions about it on the discussion threads, but my comments and questions disappeared. maybe i will have better luck here. has anyone been comped trips (airfare, hotels, cruises etc) in exchange for written articles? If so how?


    1. Hi. I just quickly clicked on your sight and did some speed reading… I’ll be back. I don’t like reading from the mobile so i’ll check it out on laptop later but just wanted to say I love your blogs name. Flowers grow through dirt.. 🙂 I’m a flower.. A daisy in fact.. I’ll make better suggestions on what you requested later… Here’s me: I’m also new. Very new.


      1. Thank you so much!! Flowers grow through dirt can be interpreted in many interesting ways, to me it means that incredible people start from the bottom and have to get past a lot of obstacles during life (dirt) to become a flower 🙂
