Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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    1. If I’m being brutally honest the design doesn’t do much for me. In fact it actually gave me the first impression that the content wouldn’t be up to much but I actually found it really interesting and clicked follow without hesitation. I love the honest, candid vibe from your posts. I’ll enjoy reading more. 🙂


      1. Well thanks! I’m not any good at designs and all that stuff, and I try to fix it but then I’m at a loss of what to do. Any suggestions to make it better/more appealing? I’m happy my posts were interesting at least:) thanks for the follow!


      2. Overall the Twenty Ten theme you’re using looks really plain and the header looks low quality and pixelated. Maybe think about using a theme with a bit more colour that reflects the personality of your blog, like Shine On or even Matala with a better quality or different header. All just my personal perception of it of course. 🙂


  1. I just managed to build my blog after attending few lessons following zerotohero. Thanks to wordpress for allowing me to go through this though not all. Though the contents are not that impressive, I’m able to stage to this blog for you all to guide me further. Help me to improve on it further.


    1. on the reader page use the tag explorer feature to search out and interact with bloggers interested in the same things as you are, visit their blogs and leave feedback in the form of comments of likes


  2. I am trying to create a new name and brand for my blog! I started off calling it Lilly Lane, a sort of destination for women to get together and talk about issues as well as a personal blog about my own life and opinions. I realized that I have a decent male blog following and I may need to rebrand. Does anyone have any suggestions? To get a sense of my content, visit please! Thank you all!


  3. Hi everyone, I’m new to this blog thing, but have set up my blog, I think?! Any feedback would be appreciated, I’m still trying to figure out things here and there, but hopefully I was able to put all of my stuff on there, I had a hard time trying to figure out how to save what you wrote without losing it. I think I had to rewrite it 3 times because it disappeared! Here is my blog. .thank you for checking it out


    1. A couple of thoughts…. The link goes to your About page and some bloggers do that … I don’t see a ‘Home’ page … Have you written anything other than the About page? When you write you ‘save draft’ each time you write… or leave it to continue on later… Always make sure to save draft.. Note: If your post does disappear at some point and I think most of us have had it happen If you have ‘saved draft’ you can go toward the bottom you’ll see ‘Revisions’ You can click on the last one and then ‘restore’ it…

      I notice that you have Categories listed on both sidebars. But it says ‘no categories’ Have you done Categories in your settings? Maybe only have them on one side and replace it on the other side with a “Follow Me’ widget… It makes it easier for people to see and follow

      Just a couple of thoughts …. Diane


  4. Human thinking/psychology, life, mortality, relationships and other such subjects I touch on my blog, mixing it up with quotes and photographs.
    Any views/comments/feedback is welcome! 🙂


  5. I would like to know what better themes are present for a Photo Blog like TheShutterStory. I would prefer having a free theme currently and would want my pictures to be of a bigger size too.
    (If it’s possible, even have a side column with a few archives and details)

    Another thing that I needed help with was how do I start with another page on my blog? I wanted to add a travelogue to the blog as a new page. We tried adding it but it just showed as a single post an I was unable to post again like I can do in my home page currently. If anyone could help me with these, it would be great 🙂

    You can connect via this comment in replies or leave a comment on our contact page 🙂


  6. hey everyone! Im a new blogger, sharing my passion for cars of all kind (mostly exotic). I would love for you guys to check out and give me any feedback on what you like and don’t like! If you like it, give me a follow and ill be sure to do the same to you! thanks everyone!


  7. Hello everyone! I’m very new to blogging and looking for feedback on my blog. Would be really helpful. Thanks!


    1. Hi… 1. When I followed your link it took me to what I guess you want as your home page (no widgets etc but that’s your choice. but when I clicked on your latest post it took me to the next page where I had to click on it again to take me to your post to actually read it.

      2. When I went there I must admit I was a bit confused.. I guess because your comment area was at the beginning of the post instead of the end.

      3. then I looked to how to get back to the home page (in case I wanted to read other posts) and there was not a ‘Home’ link and yet there was at the top something that said ?? share (I forget exactly) but when I hovered it said home page But it didn’t take me back to where I’d come from…. but instead to a page that had a lot of tips…etc.

      So I guess what I’m saying from my point of view as a reader I would get confused over how to move around your site.

      1.I believe you should really only have one “home page” and that should be your posts
      2, Your page where you have all the tips etc. should be done by making a “page’ which would go at the top not interfering with your Home with your posts.

      I’m just giving you perspective from how I found it… You have a very informational site … it’s just the moving around it… Hope this helps Diane


      1. Hi Diane, Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it. I am new to WordPress and I am still finding the things. I will try and put the things in place. Jagriti


    1. Hi… I just have one comment.. I found it difficult to read with the black background …which is your choice of course…many like black… but maybe it’s the color of the font that made it so. Just my thought… Diane


  8. Im a budding photographer, female, 27.Recently i moved from Annapolis MD to Clovis New Mexico. Im a new blogger, new to the website and I’d love some advice! Check out my website:)


  9. Hey Community,
    I am relatively new to the blogging circle and I am not much of a writer. I write about social issues, behavioral problems, a little bit of my poetry and a few art related activities on
    I would really appreciate every sort of criticism. Honestly I am pretty happy with my theme but your feedback is highly awaited.


  10. Hello, my name is Erica. I recently just switched my blog from Blogger to Word Press. The name of my blog is “Freely I Give” with a subtitle of “Daily Wisdom from a Wise God”. I am asking for suggestions, feedback, opinions, advice……whatever can push me closer to my goal of becoming a better blogger while pouring out my heart of love for God and His kingdom. My site is


    1. Hi Erica,

      I went through your blog and loved all the posts! Very beautifully spreading the message of Christ. I am not an expert, but a learner and I have a lot to learn from you. Praise God for such wonderful blog. 🙂



      1. Wow, to God be the glory for you, Precious Awakening. Thank you for taking the time to visit and read my blog. And thank you for your words of encouragement.


  11. Hi, I’m new(ish) to blogging, and mainly blog about training for rock climbing, running and travelling. I’d like to widen my audience and wonder if I’m too specific in how I write about training, climbing and my running approach. I would really appreciate any comments about my writing style, posts and what you guys think is missing from my blog. Thank you very much!


  12. Hi all. I have been writing on this website for about 6 months and it’s not really going anywhere. It’s my creative outlet and it is just a good place for me to speak my mind. I would absolutely ADORE it if some of you would go have a look and give me some advice or feedback or criticism. The link is thanks so much!!!!


    1. I think I know why your blog “isn’t going anywhere.” You need to be adding tags to your posts. See here:

      Without tags, virtually no one on WordPress can find your posts.

      Also, what’s the file size on your background image? It took a long time to load. Since its dimensions are 2340 x 1700, you could reduce the file size by cropping off the parts that don’t appear on the screen and then selecting the cropped image as your background. Cropping can be performed in your media library, which is accessible via your dashboard.


  13. can anyone help me with where to find ‘free’ stock images. I find lots of websites but ultimately you have to have credits which means paying for them. I know somewhere here there was some info on this but simply cannot find it now, would really appreciate some links to sites where I can get copyright free images, thankies in advance for any help! 🙂
