Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
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  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. I’m curious, does anyone else have a lot of “traffic” and not as many “followers”? Yesterday I received 200+ views (a record) and today I’m nearly reaching 300 (a new record). Of those, I’ve gained 3 new followers. Is this the norm for most?


    1. That is some really great traffic and it means your content is well liked. Followers take awhile because people want to see if they want to follow you and maybe they did not have time to read several article.


  2. I’ve recently started a blog, and I’m trying to make it more lighthearted than it started out. Any helpful tips would be appreciated. 🙂


    1. My older blog which is my portrait photography blog I had a hard time over the last year and a half keeping up with it. Mainly because I did not want to be a typical portrait photographer blogger and throw images on there and leave. I wanted to tell the story of that photo session. I started my new blog in January it is for my landscape and nature photography. Since I started it I have done a few challenges and written quite a few blog post on both blogs. I have no idea why it worked out that way. I seem to be on a good track for blogging on both blogs hopefully I keep it up. I think if you have a picture of something it gives you something to talk about. Try starting with a picture and write you blog using it as your inspiration.


    1. You have some really nice poems. Add some color to your blog whether it is in the lower border of the header that is there or maybe add a image. I think a bit of color will make it more appealing.


    1. Cute story. If I were you I would use smaller paragraph. It seems when they are smaller they are easier to read. You might look up the Zero to Hero challenges and do them even though its over.It teaches you about how to add menus, widgets. about sections and pages.. It makes your blog a bit fancier.


    1. Nice blog. You need to break up that very large paragraph into smaller paragraphs. They are easier for people to read and keeps them from getting over whelmed. Look over the zero to hero challenges and add some widgets in your side bar that will spruce up the look of your blog.


  3. Newbie here! So awesome and exciting to see encouragement and tips. I just started and any input would be nice

    I have lots of questions and things pop up in my head all day! I guess that is a good thing that my mind is constantly churning.


  4. PLEASE PLEASE help. For some odd reason, I can no longer link text in my posts. I click “link”, I enter the url and the name, and when I finish and preview or post, there’s nothing there. So now I am just adding the links at the end of the sentences, which works, but looks horrible.

    Someone on a wordpress support group thought it might be my chosen theme – that some themes are “just wonky”

    What is Self-Love?


  5. I posted a while ago and haven’t gotten any feedback 😦
    would anyone be so kind enough to look at my blog and let me know your thoughts / opinions? Obviously the subject is very close to my heart – but do the general public CARE enough to want to read and share?
    opinions please and thank you 🙂


    1. I like your blog I like the way your layout is clean and crisp not cluttered and it is easy on the eyes.. I think juvenile diabetes has got to be tough to deal with. It is great you are educating people about it.


    1. I love your blog and I love where you going with it. I watched the Jillian interview that is a sad story and I am sure there are many more out there in every city around. The good news is shes out and she survived it. I love happy endings. The videos are great but I do not always have time to watch them are you going to add in more writing in between videos?


      1. Yes. I have a few stories that I am writing as well. But I am still working on them. Its hard for me to be satisfied with them so they take a little longer 🙂 Thanks for the feedback!


  6. We are new to this blogging world and would love feedback, criticism, followers, et cetera to check us out. In particular, I’m curious about what you all think of the info and advice in my Dealing with a Fearful dog post. After years of behaviorally rehabbing fearful and aggressive dogs successfully I know this info needs to get out there because what I’ve discovered about humans is that they often do the wrong things with their dogs (sometimes the complete opposite of what they should do!) Check us out at


  7. Hi People, brand new to this, just published my first ‘piece’ – any comments or suggestions would be really welcome (style, content, tone – the blog look, anything really). If anyone has any suggestions for publicity or how to improve my stats they would be well received as well!


    1. I took a look and love how honest you are in your writing. I think those are your best posts are those that come from the heart, like the one about your friend (“terrifying day”).
