Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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      1. Hi Jill!!

        Thank you so much for stopping by and giving me some feedback! =)

        I really love your blog! That’s so exciting how you are traveling everywhere and be exposed to so many different people and cultures =) I hope to travel like that one day! Till then, I have my blog! =)
        Take care,


    1. Wow! That’s really a nice piece of writing. I totally agree with whatever you have written. Moving forward is the most important thing sometimes! Nice work!


    1. Hi, I think the concept and purpose of your new blog are interesting! One thought I had from a very quick visit, scanning through headers of the reviews, is whether you are the authors of the reviews or if you are re-posting reviews written by others. Just curious. You also might have this stated explicitly somewhere but I just didn’t catch it in my quick visit. Kudos on your blog.


      1. Thank you for your comment Alison.Mainly I use the description which the authors send it to me,I write a few lines as well and as you see I am using some quotes or articles from media.I am not a writer,I just promote books.


  1. Hey there guys!
    I’m stupid new to blogging and would love some feedback or tips on my writing style, theme, or whatever you can think of. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time but only recently got the balls to actually start it. Let me know what you think.



    1. I love this piece: it is witty, feisty, informative, original and very well written. Perhaps you could experiment with the background a bit – make it a bit more colourful? I go for the word myself – but some people will not even try a blog post if it doesn’t look pretty! Great start anyway. Alienora


    2. I really love this piece. About the theme, I really like it the way it is because it is easier to read. I guess, it all depends on you as a blog author to personalise the theme to suit your character.

      I’m excited to read more of your posts.


  2. Dear WordPressers, I have a very specific question relating to one specific post:

    I’ve written a little tale that I’d like to share (by promoting the post on Facebook, Twitter, etc.), but that is longer than I think a standard post should be if I can expect anyone to actually read it. (It’s around 2,000 words.) It’s called “The 6 Essential Lessons I Learned on Day 2 of Owning (and Breaking) a Bike,” and the link is below.

    SO, my question is,
    a) should I leave it as it is (since I give a little hints at the beginning as to what the “6 lessons” are, and hopefully therefor readers stay interested and stick with it), OR,
    b) should I separate this into something like two or three separate posts, leaving a little teaser on social each day that prompts readers to find out what happens the next day, (so they’re in smaller chunks rather than looking like one intimidatingly long blog post?)
    Any and all CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and advice is welcome. Please leave your suggestions or your thoughts on choice A or B in the COMMENTS HERE, vs. than on the post itself. Thanks in advance for considering!!! I really appreciate it!
    -Alison in Iowa


    1. If you’re concerned about length, you might want to consider turning it into a bulleted list, since your title already lends itself to that. There’s a reason why lists are such a popular article format these days – it makes a long piece feel a lot shorter.


    1. First, go to add media. Click on a picture you want to add, and there will be a list of “attachment details” on the grey column. Scroll down to the “Attachment Display Settings” At the bottom, you can change the size of the image to full size. The picture should follow the actual size of the image.

      Hope this helps .


  3. If anyone likes reading about one’s personal beliefs about the truths of society and the world, then you should check out my page! I write about racism, feminism, and anything else!


  4. Hey everyone, I’m quite new to the blogging world, as I only recently started blogging at the beginning of the month and have only written about 5 thus far. I would just like some feedback on my posts to see what I can improve on among any other suggestions you would like to give. I’m not sure how my profile is set up at the moment, pretty much all I’m doing is writing and submitting. If anyone would be so kind to have a look through and help out. Thank you in advance!


    My page by the way is


  5. Hello, I was hoping to get some feedback on the general look and feel on my blog Midday Spritzer. I post content mostly on fashion and outfit of they day, but also DIY Décor, and health tips. I was wondering what would make my blog more interesting or engaging to my readers, is my content too short or too wordy? Also the category information, is there anything that I should consolidate or remove to increase search-ability. Thank you! All feedback is highly appreciated.


    1. maybe you could change your theme? A black background or something bright might suit well.. Try it out and see if you like. 🙂
      Do check out my blog as well.


  6. Desiring to really hone in on blogging skills.
    My challenges:

    1. Design and layout.
    Want simple, easy on the eyes, and easy to navigate.Uncertain how to obtain a more crisp, professional look.

    2.Planning my blog schedule.
    I write sporadically, sometimes months go by. Not quite sure how to plan the next subject. I would like to write monthly, but have been reluctant because I can’t seem to organize my subject matter.

    3. Blog length.
    My blogs tend to be long. And I have trouble editing what needs to stay and what needs to go. Suggestions would be so welcome on how to write with fewer words so as not to lose readers.

    3. Credibility.
    How does one build their credibility for blogging? Followers are few. And what I write about is not for everyone, and I get that, but for those who may have an interest in this subject, I’m not quite sure how to build credibility.
    I do hold a Bachelors in Science as a nurse (BSN) and a Master of Divinity in Women’s Leadership and Christian Education for a very reputable theological school. How can I use these degrees to build credibility?
    How have you done built credibility? What suggestions would you have for me?

    4. Narrowing my focus.
    I write about faith and addiction. There are many others out in the blogging sphere who are professionals, and have great blogs, example: Changing Lives. Parent of an Addict. Would you read a few of my posts and tell me what you see as my strength and my weaknesses? And help me to narrow down my focus more specifically?

    5. Just look at my blog. What does it need? What should I axe? How could it be improved?

    Thank you so much for offering any feedback!


  7. Hi everyone, I wanted to know your opinion about social sharing, should we attach our blog with our personal twitter account and force our posts in the timeline of our friends or should we have a separate twitter account and start from scratch. Would love to hear from the bloggers who have attached their twitter accounts with their blog and how is their response?


  8. Hi I’m fairly new here and post stories. I was wondering if it’s better to post chapter long segments or shorter pieces. I’ve done both but wasn’t sure if one was considered more appropriate than another. Any views on this would be wonderful, thank you.


  9. Good Day Everyone ….
    I have been blogging for quite some time. In the beginning my following was very small.
    Now, I feel my following is good. My questions is –
    Is it good blogging etiquette to reblog a post that was done in the virgin days of my blog?
    How would I pose the question on search in order to get info on how to do that?
    Thanks for any advise you can give me.


    1. Hi Isadora! I have seen some of your posts before and have really liked them. Even i have had the same problem and hence i have tried asking it at several places,the best answer I got was making a static page of the posts which you want to highlight, this may bring attention of the visitors to those links. I personally don’t know how useful it can be. Hope it some way helps you. 🙂


  10. Hey everybody! I’m new and wrote my first post. Any feedback is welcome and I will put it to good use. I will help anyone else out that wants some input too. Thank you!
    Melissa Richards


  11. I was hoping for some feedback on my work in progress posts on my blog site Please stop by and leave feedback, I’m dying to know what people think or don’t think about my writing. :))
