Community Pool: Name that Blog

Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

This weekend, we’ve carving out a place for those of you looking for help coming up with the perfect blog name. Tell us about your blog’s focus and what you’re considering as a title, and let your co-bloggers take a crack at it.

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. The name of my blog is “The Frank Diary of Anna” I use my blog to share memories, ideas, and opinions. I try to be frank, honest, and open and do consider it sort of a diary. I recently had one instance of negative feedback concerning the name.

    Do you find the name offensive?


      1. Anna, I find your blog name utterly brilliant and very clever, the person who gave you negative feedback is either impotent and taking out their lack of sexual activity out on you or they have the imagine of a goldfish, have you even tried to listen to a goldfish talk about his friend Bob?……..All he says is”Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob” while swimming around in a circle!!.
        Don’t you worry about it. 🙂 Carry on being Frank Anna……..who wears the pants in your relationships 🙂


  2. Hey everyone!
    Its NCBEK here, and I am wondering what I am doing wrong.
    I want to here what your ideas are on my blog, and what I can do to encourage people to look at more than just one thing on my page.
    Do I need more variety in my content?
    Is it my layout?
    I am wondering what I should do to encourage people to stay and take the time needed to read what I am sharing.

    Any advice at all or comments would really help!

    You continue to steal the nights sky as I see the heavens fill within your eyes


    1. Whoops – guess I replied in the wrong area. See below:

      Hi there! I noticed a couple of things. The biggest thing I noticed is that the page isn’t very personal. I need to know more about you as a writer and what inspired the poetry, story, etc., if I’m going to follow your page and read what you’ve written. Your poetry is well-done, but I don’t have a sense of you as a person from this blog. My advice is to be a little more biographical – in between the stories and poems write some personal posts about your writing process, what you’re doing in real life, etc. Think of your blog like your side of a conversation between friends – personal, subjective, and revealing.
      The other thing I noticed was your grammar – it needs a little help. For instance, the tag line on your page is missing commas and the capitalization is weird. People into writing often notice that kind of stuff.
      I think you’re a talented writer who has a lot to offer. Reveal a little more of yourself to the world and I think you’ll naturally get increased responses.


      1. XINA MARIE, Thank you!

        I really appreciate the comments, and I will certainly be working on the grammar. I also will look into making some insightful additions of personal reflection to be included in each one of my posts. I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to look into this and give me a well thought out response! Thank you for your compliments, and for your criticisms. I will look into all of this and try to make a better product for people to enjoy.

        Thank you



  3. Hi, I would love some feedback on my blog. I’m just beginning to get more serious about blogging, and I feel like my blog is so plain-looking. At the same time, I don’t like a really “busy” look, and right now I can’t spend money on any of the premium templates. Of course, I would love feedback on the writing, too!! 🙂


    1. I see your point – it is a little plain. How about adding a picture to your header – something a little whimsical, perhaps. I like what I see content wise, though, and I do believe I’ll follow you. Also LOVE the pic of you and your parents!


      1. Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I’ve thought about that, but I’m not sure what kind of picture i should go with. Haha, thanks about the picture! I like that one.


  4. Hi there! I noticed a couple of things. The biggest thing I noticed is that the page isn’t very personal. I need to know more about you as a writer and what inspired the poetry, story, etc., if I’m going to follow your page and read what you’ve written. Your poetry is well-done, but I don’t have a sense of you as a person from this blog. My advice is to be a little more biographical – in between the stories and poems write some personal posts about your writing process, what you’re doing in real life, etc. Think of your blog like your side of a conversation between friends – personal, subjective, and revealing.

    The other thing I noticed was your grammar – it needs a little help. For instance, the tag line on your page is missing commas and the capitalization is weird. People into writing often notice that kind of stuff.

    I think you’re a talented writer who has a lot to offer. Reveal a little more of yourself to the world and I think you’ll naturally get increased responses.


  5. I have a two month old blog. I’m pretty firm on the name: Old Ain’t Dead But I keep changing the tagline. Right now it’s “Still in the game with a unique perspective on pop culture.” Is there any way I can improve on this tagline?


    1. Virginia, I am a professional marketing person and freelance writer. I popped over to your blog and before I can even suggest anything, I have to say, “I love you”!!! I so wish other seniors would embrace the technology they are either; A) fearful of, B) intimidated by, C) hateful of or D) all of the above…by time my Mom finally took a crack at it (and immediately fell in love with it), she was in the final stages of her life and her ability to operate a mouse or touch pad was limited. Her two OLDER sisters jumped on our little band wagon and got online as well and the three — who all lived hours a part in the same state, were able to at least get instant messengers and email figured out. From there they discovered games and more. One aunt got a webiste (she was an artist). What sucked is that they waited so late in their life to let down their wall against tech resulting in less than 3 or 4 years to enjoy, grow and connect from it.
      Now, I do see where you are going with your blog and I understand the point/punch you want to nail home with your tagline. It is a little long (IMHO) and can say the same thing with less and punchier words: “A gracefully aged perspective on pop culture”, OR, maybe you can use digital technology terms and refer to being upgraded or high-speed, or something along those lines.
      I really like your blog and wanted to “follow” however, I am not seeing a follow option…?


  6. Hey all! I am new to the world of blogging but really keen to make a go of it. I have had my blog a week and only made a few posts, not 100% which direction I am taking in just yet but I would love feedback for what I have so far.

    Comment on titles, content, weak areas that could be improved. All feedback will be taken on board cause I would love to post interesting things that people want to read 🙂


    1. I enjoyed reading your first post ‘Struggling with Self-Worth’; I found it very relatable.
      It was well written too! Worth a follow, so I look forward to future posts 🙂


  7. Hi everybody, I am just wanting some opinion not so much as on my blog but on placing comments on other people’s blogs. I had an encounter when I read another blogger’s post with regards to a topic I had earlier written (see below link). I liked the blogger’s post and commented placing a link on mine talking about coincidence and I was surprised to receive a not so welcoming reply that placing link on comments according to that blogger was a ‘spam’. I honestly had no intention to spam. I only felt connected and was more wanting to share a link on similar topic. I have other bloggers who placed link on my posts even on my ‘about’ page which is totally irrelevant and I have never seen that as a spam. I see comments and sharing of each other’s posts and blogs as a community thing. I am now very careful that I do not get carried away and share my links while commenting. However, in this post, I believe sharing of link is welcomed. What do you say on placing links while commenting in other’s blog? Is that a spam or not?

    The coincidence of 13, 13, 13, 13 or four times thirteen


  8. I like the twenty eleven theme but would like to just have the first few lines of each post on the homepage, any suggestions of other themes that are also”clean” that can do this?


  9. My blog is called “Sincerely, Ms. Roberts” because I talk to my readers. I like to think that I am making out letters to them. I hope that WordPress decides to make a “Letter” form theme for me! That would be really cool! Come and check it out and tell me what you think…..


  10. I am working on a rebrand that will include anonymizing The Book of Alice. The blog is sappily irreverent. And hell, probably a bit reverent as well. I worship this kidling o’ mine. I would love to hear thoughts from folks who have never visited before and might have an objective opinion.


  11. A special shout out to all FIRST robotic FTC teams!!! We are the Nuclear Unicorn Girl Assemblers (aka NUGA) and we are excited to compete this year. Check out our blog or facebook page to learn more!


  12. Hi friends, I have had some very very small success with my current blog ( mostly from friends and bloggers who want to hear more about my daily life and how I juggle things. So I am starting a new blog with a different topic…

    That said, I need a name! Please check out my blog above for my general writing style, (no nonsense, slightly scarcastic, honest and to the point). The new blog topic is what is floating my boat at the moment. Full time actor, full time toddler mom, part time stylist, full time “my husband is away for a year on a broadway tour”.

    Thank you so much for any input!


    1. oh man, I’m racking my brain for ideas for a name for you….really as a fan of theatre, toddlers, and fashion I just wanted to say I’m excited for your new blog! My initial thought is towards theater expressions for a name, I like “The Show Must Go On”


      1. Thanks! I love where you’re going with that suggestion – gonna brainstorm it, thanks for taking a look 🙂
