Community Pool: Name that Blog

Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

This weekend, we’ve carving out a place for those of you looking for help coming up with the perfect blog name. Tell us about your blog’s focus and what you’re considering as a title, and let your co-bloggers take a crack at it.

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. Hi Everyone!

    Well. I’m just about to get started having a read through all these lovely new blogs up there ^^^ – gives me something to take my mind off the mundane stuff. I’m likely to follow you all too!

    My blog is brand spanking new (though I’m by no means a new blogger – this blog is just an escape…and it’s in it’s developmental stage – you’ll see why if you have a read) and I’d welcome any participation, comments, suggestions on the blog, etc al.

    Mrs ASU


    1. The blog name wooed me into clicking and reading. Firstly, congratulations on finding the prince!
      Your post made me smile.
      The theme is so appealing!
      Loved it!
      Following it!
      P.S: This is my blog, in case you have time amidst all the planning.



    I write about pianos, music education, and random topics that interest me. The problem I encounter is how to enable the reader to find the desired topic quickly. There are over 100 blog entries there, and it is a lot to review in order to find the answer to a specific question. From my home page, I posted categories on the second page (scroll down). This helps a bit, but it isn’t concise enough. If anyone has suggestions on how to create a concise directory (table of contents) for a blog, I would enjoy looking at a few examples. Thank you.


  3. I chose press Here as a blog name. I wrote topical flash prose each day for a year in the form of a short newspaper article, in the fictional town of Poppleton and it’s surrounding area. The idea was to be informative and perhaps amusing.

    Here’s an example, if you’re interested!


  4. Actually I re-organized my blog. Delete everything and started a new one, I would like solicit suggestions on the readers insight about my blog. Suggestions for improvement will be highly appreciated, since my blogsite is just a week old. Thank you wordpress for your great services and support to us.


  5. The uncommon thread – I am considering a page in my blog that is different to the main theme – it’s more of the deeper, sweeter – bittersweet “love” related thoughts. May I get some feed back if it’s a keeper – or not?

    Dear Diary…


    1. Wow! Exciting times ahead for you! I’m quite interested in brewing (not that I’ve tried it), so I’m going to follow you to see how your family gets on! 🙂


    2. I love the idea of your blog. I think your journey with the microbrewery will be fun and interesting. My comment is that I would add the location next to the name of your brewery at the top of the blog. Annie


  6. My family and i are becoming homeless on monday 9-16-2013 . We need help to get in to a house or help with a motel room untill we get the money to pay for a home . You see i have already when to Manhattan Ks shealter for help .Just for them to tell me that we don,t qualify for any of there housing programs . Me and my son stayed there while my husband stayed in my sister,s driveway with our dogs in ower van.

    That place was ok but my son wanted to be with daddy too . Plus i did not want to take up space for a other family that does qualify. So for now my son sleeps on my sister,s couch and we r in ower van .

    now my sisters landlord has found out we r there and it is not in her contracted to have dogs.We must go by monday after the game weekend for KS state ( there not room avilible on sat. due to the game ).

    My husband does work every week day and we have the first week ok . And i am selling our van too to help with the cost .We r planning to go to motel 6 for dog are ok and they r reasonable price of $252.00 a week .Not to bad my husband bring home about $300.00 take home didn,t leave alot left for food, dog food, gas for work , suppilies ect..

    Being homeless with pets is hard not alonely for the owers but for them too. M y dogg understands me and everyway . When I recivied the news about the dogs I called dog pound and they dont take strays it would be a $60 fee per dog and most likely they would be destroye them . The same for spca 40 fee and they can,t promise not to destroy them too . For they are hafe pitbulls . It would be like sending my own kids to the electric chair and they did not do any thing to die . They are like ower kids the only sibblings my son knows.

    I am not asking for a handout . i have gone to DHS and signed up for foodstamps but because my husband does work it will take 30 days to even get any food assitance. I thought of ways for any 1 who wants to help w/o giving money, U can help by donating a house or motor home , Or help renting to us .U can also help us pay some of the weekly cost at Motel 6.Donations of food or supplies incl DogFood or u can send a prepaid gift Cards to shop at Walmart cause it is close to us. More than anything Prayers for our family is much needed more than anything. If u want to contact me and would like to talk u can reach me at (785) 539-8830 or u can E-mail me at

    Thank You Kristy Lucero


  7. Hullo. My blog is basically about everything. I rant about Pakistani society and about idiotic people. I post photos of my beautiful county. I even have a short story uploaded! My posts range from dark and emotional to happy and witty.

    I was satisfied with my blog name until I saw many other more epic ones and now I want a cool name for my blog too. But since I have my hand in a lot of cookie jars, I can’t decide what name would be appropriate as it can’t be subject specific.

    Should I even think about changing the name?

    All feedback and constructive criticism would be appreciated.



  8. Hello, I have always wanted to write a blog, and last night I thought today is the day and took the leap into the world of blogging. So please take a look at my young blog and tell me if its an ok start. Thanks


    1. My blog is as young as yours. I like the cosy feeling of yours. The reminder of Christmas approaching, not so much lol. Let our young blogs grow together 🙂


  9. Hey community! Could I please have feedback on my blog as it stands atm… Layout (due to change soon-ish once I change the purpose of the blog), writing style, how engaging it is and so forth.

    Thank you.

    PS: I’m narrowing down the topics of my blog, from the current 4, down to two – news/current affairs and personal blogs. What do you think of that? And would you recommend any blog names? Thank you!


  10. Hii all! Just started a few months ago with wordpress and now I have to use it for my study Journalism. I would love to hear all your opinions 🙂 And it’s just about my life, so don’t get high expectations 😀


  11. Attention word lovers! Please check out my blog; read, like, comment on or subscribe to my posts! I’m going through a series of sharing stories/anecdotes and memories, inspired by words I find after exploring the dictionary. Thank you! 🙂

    Search for blog #3 on WordPress!


  12. Hey everyone! This is my blog:
    I’m wanting to go in a different direction and change the name to “Fullness and Vision for the Journey”. It’s going to have more writing about my journey with photography and faith. Right now I’m in a place where I want to explore my writing more because I haven’t been able to do as much photography as I would like. I am hoping to do a blog redesign also. Please let me know what you think.
