Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. Hi! I would love some feedback on my blog. I’m just starting it out, I’ve never done one before, and I’m trying to kind of see what kind of things people would like to see posted for its type! Thanks!


  2. Please email feedback. I’ve been having trouble centering the photos. I’m looking for someone to help me migrate from thesis to genesis. Please let me know what other changes you suggest. Thank you.


    1. Hi, I really enjoyed reading your blog! You really are on the move and the blog depicts the fun you’re having along the way =) p.s. I also love Groupon!


  3. do you mean to centre the text too? if you don’t want to you need to click the left indent after you have placed the photo…

    any tips on running a competition from your blog– I want to keep a mxiture of subversive and comic stuff without being too offensive:

    might be fun to take photos of bosses desks– all their soft toys and mini-confectionary– a feature about managerial prevarication in the workplace


  4. If anyone would check out my site that’s be awesome! It’s a joint log with a cousin of mine. We’re fairly new (about 3 weeks) and have 18 posts up. Feedback/comments/likes would be great on any of them, but if you don’t mind I’d particularly like some thoughts on these three :

    And the homepage is at Thanks!


      1. I am digging your blog, and I plan to “follow”. Question: how did you get the white balloon on the model for your most recent post?


      2. Thank you so much!!
        And for your question: if you change your blog’s theme to “Balloons” then they sorta do it themselves!!


  5. Hello, I would love to find ways to make my blog more “delicate” and feminine, without losing clarity and easiness of reading. For example, I don’t want to use fancy fonts that would make it hard for some people to read and wouldn’t work on all computers.

    Right now, I see my blog as a big, dark, square slab of concrete and I am getting really tired of it. Thoughts anyone?


    1. I do like the theme you’ve chosen because the images are quite eye-catching. If you want to make it more feminine, I’d begin by changing the background color to something softer – maybe a pale pink or green that would contrast nicely with the purple of the post titles. I agree that the dark brown is a bit much.

      If you want a complete overhaul, I knew wordpress has more feminine-looking themes that aren’t too overpowering. However, I do like the images and layout of the current theme you’re using, so that’s up to you. Overall, I think you’re off to a good start!


  6. Hey everyone, this is interesting. I have enjoyed some of the blogs mentioned here! I’d really like it if someone can take a moment out to look at our blog and give us some feedback!! Thanks a lot!! 🙂


  7. I am new to blogging, and on my front page, it says, “A topnotch site”. How do I change this to put in something more personal…thanks.


    1. Hi Duster,
      I went to your blog and it looks like you got it fixed. I was going to say to go to your dashboard and make changes that way.
      Hey – Dusty is a cutie!


    1. It may just be me but I find the highlighting effect slightly annoying when scrolling. I was kinda confused by it at first. But overall I really like the writing,Keep it up.


      1. thanks so much, danielle! iʻll see if i can turn that off. it wasnʻt something i was entirely excited about to begin with, so I totally get it.


    1. So far so good on your blog! I would say just add a picture or two every or every other post. A picture of the finished “cup” cake would have complemented the post very well.
      I just use the camera on my phone. I’ve yet to invest in a real camera. 🙂
      Other than that, great job!


  8. I’m new to Blogging.. I could use help on everything…. and I mean EVERYTHING… I am an author trying to get feedback on my books, my blog.. helpful hints advise… encouragement.

    I’ve only done about 10 posts.. and most of them are daily prompts which aren’t showing up as entries on my sites linked back to my blog. I’m not sure how to read the comments on my posts. Right now it looks like people are not commenting on my entry, but more or less somehow submitting their own entry as a comment on my post.

    Help? Thanks 😀


    1. Welcome to the blogging community. I enjoyed your blog. The comments you are talking about are called pingbacks, its when some links from their blog to yours . Often happens when doing the daily prompts.


  9. Evening all! Didn’t really get any feedback last time, so I’m trying again.

    A lot of my blog is about theatre and how I view aspects of it and/or performance (with occasional other forays) but my query is whether it might come off as a little…know it all? I want to engage people in their views on whatever I’m talking about, but I don’t know if it reads as a bit brash and I’m yet to receive any kind of constructive feedback thus far. This is the most recent example:

    Thank you in advance!


    1. Hello there,

      Just had a read and no, i don’t think it comes across as know-it-all. You’re clearly opinionated, which is fine – but you also seem to know what you’re talking about, and you make little jokey asides which lead the reader not to take it too seriously.

      Brash is fine for me, as long as there’s a certain warmth to it.

      Hope that helps


    2. I liked the blog post you linked to, however I was a little confused. I had a hard time following what it was about. I only read that one post so maybe I need to read previous posts to understand.


      1. Thank you!

        Well in that particular example it’s a three-parter: (my view on) comedy history and then two following entries about shows I had seen in connection, which as you see are linked into the post. Or was it something else you got a lost with?

        There are earlier examples if you look under the category Theatre Thoughts (you don’t have to, though!) which is my attempt at exploring other theatre aspects in a similar vain to the post above.

        Let me know if you have a look!
