Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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    1. I am sorry, you have asked for good feedback, sorry I don’t know what you are trying to say, there is no rhyme or reason behind it, you ask questions that don’t mean anything. For example you ask about True Blood, you have to remember that you are talking to people all over the world so how many people in China has seen True Blood, I certainly haven’t and I live in the UK.
      People coming to read your your blog wish to read something. I say your post ‘Live for some or Die for nothing’ All it shows is a image which is to small, and you don’t say anything except for
      “Everyone has a code they lives by. Here is theirs, what is yours?”
      How about telling us about why you chose that image with those words, have you served, if so what do you think of war and your outcome.
      Read blogs and see how people set theirs, what they write about, tell the viewer something.

      I did write a replay to the “Everyone has a code they lives by. Here is theirs, what is yours?” but I decided not to post it.


  1. Evening everyone. I am quite new to blogging and have just got my basics together and was looking for some comments on the set out and content. I know that set out has a long way to go and every day I learn something new, but just want to make sure it is easy to navigate right now.. The content is from the heart. I am unsure if it is something that is of interest to the outside world or something that I should just keep low profile. thanks in advance


  2. Daily Prompts are posted in the order they are received. If they are in early that person has a better chance of getting more visits, hardly fair for someone in California who hasn’t awakened yet.
    Is there perhaps a way of scrambling the order in which they are received. Let’s say every fifteen minutes they are scrambled into a random sequence.
    Some bloggers may rush to be near the top (as I have) and because of being hurried their best work is not published.
    I realize that the blogger in California will still be asleep when the prompt arrives, but at least later in the day his or her prompt may randomly be placed on top, at least for a while.

    Kenton Lewis


  3. Hi Blogging is an entirely new experience to me which i started more as a means of expressing myself in a more healthy way. my inner need to feel validated by expressing myslf to soul mate turned me into a vulnerable person and i thought blogging would revert the need into a more constructive and healthy communication. Right now im implementing changes to my lifestyle due to toxic life experiences i went through lately and it includes changing my personality. Given all this I would like to have a more interactive bloggin experience and your comments on my latest attempt are greately appreciated.


    1. Nice blog, my only suggestion would be to try to proofread a little bit better before publishing, as there was like a random T in one sentence and some other places where words could have been inserted or removed.


  4. I know this may sound like a very basic and naive question, but other bloggers keep finding my page and liking it (ok, only like 5) but I have no idea how to search for otehr blogs?! I can look at “recommended for me” or other generic categories, but how do I search if I want to find like other poetry bloggers, or people blogging about being single moms, etc???


  5. Hello everyone,

    I would like constructive criticism on my blog and on the way that I write. I usually have trouble posting the stuff I write because I think it’s too lame. I always end up blabbing or putting too many ideas into one piece that it all becomes meaningless in the end.

    I have created many blogs before but I always delete my account for those reasons.

    Thank you so much,

