Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. We’re here to help and support one another, not to beat anyone down.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by t_a_i_s.

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  1. ~ Wow, great insights from fellow bloggers there! 🙂 I basically blog about life, work and writing. I am on the lookout for tips and I tried sharing my tips on writing, too. Please feel free to share yours and leave your urls on the comments area. Your comments and suggestions would definitely help. Here’s the link: Thanks! 😉 – Bliss from The Lurker’s List


    1. You write well and I love your topic. Quality over quantity. I heartily agree. That said, I think your post divided up into parts and posted weekly could tackle both quantity and quality.
      I like your site because it is clean and sensible. I found it easy to navigate and clear to see what you previously posted.
      On your writing, more action verbs. And, if writing is personal and vulnerable, sharing more specifically about yourself and more detail about your observations could take it up a notch too, in my opinion.


  2. Hello. Im new on wordpress and I blog using my creative writing skills to talk openly about my life struggles, love, and mental illnesses while living with a sick parent. Life is interesting and I would love to find more blogs to read!


    1. What do you expect from your well wisher…I have started Your Well Wisher Program about 2 months back. can you suggest a problem from you end.. i will write on it…thank you


  3. I began blogging a year and a half ago. My content revolves around everyday life struggles and observations of life from a Christian perspective. I also live overseas which gives me an enormous amount of inspiration too!
    As my posts increase, I’m looking for any thoughts on how to better organize my site. I welcome any layout suggestions, general writing critique, or next steps to improving my blog.
    For those who check it out…thank you!


  4. What do you expect from your well wisher…I have started Your Well Wisher Program about 2 months back. can you suggest a problem from you end.. i will write on it…thank you


  5. Hi Everyone!

    I’ve blogged here and there on some various topics, but recently started a blog focused on my literary writing, with contemplation and musings as my focus. As I’m working on the style of the prose, I’d love for some creative criticism on the style of my newest entry:
    I haven’t been putting much focus on the blog’s features itself, but want to develop my prose style. Would greatly appreciate comments and some good discourse, especially as this newest entry deviates somewhat from my normal material and is still a work in progress. Thanks in advance!


  6. Hi everyone. Have been blogging for a few months. My blog is a reflection of my world, hence the title ‘Omnia’s World’. However, I feel like there’s too much going on at times and is lacking focus: my journey through postgrad life, photography, poetry & fiction. However, I don’t want to have more than one blog. People seem to enjoy it though and I’ve been nominated for 2 blogger awards. Feedback appreciated!


  7. Hi guys and gals! I am in my 3rd year of blogging (with some gaps, I’ll admit) and have been struggling to build a following. I don’t know if it is my writing or if I am just going about it wrong? Any ideas, thoughts, criticism or praise will be greatly appreciated!


  8. One of my problems is that my Blog was set up a couple of years ago. At that time Posts were marked by ‘stars’ as opposed to being Liked ( I think ). My most popular posts are graded by how many ‘stars they get but now few people bother to click the stars. They only click the ‘Like’ button, which means all my latest posts are ignored. I have no idea how to remedy this situation


  9. Hullo! I’m fairly new to blogging; I’ve had my blog for a bit now, but took a break from posting regularly due to some major life happenings. Please take a look and any criticisms would be very helpful as far as writing style, organization, and how to increase reader feedback. Thank you!

    Also I have a side idea I’m working on that is an extension on my blog, I would love to get together with a few people and bounce some ideas around. It’s a very raw concept right now and I’m not quite sure what it could morph into.

    Thanks! xoxo


  10. Hey guys, so I’ve recently opened an account on WordPress recording my life and all the travel experience that I made throughout the years. I would love to have more feedback from you guys :)!!


  11. Hello readers and bloggers!
    I recently started a blog as a way to get constructive feedback on my short stories and to attract readers for eventual published pieces. As a reader, would it encourage or discourage you to follow my site if you only get a sample of the stories?
    I also blog general thoughts on writing so I feel I am offering enough to keep people interested. Is that enough to keep people coming back?
    What are your suggestions to make people want to return to my site?
    Thanks for your help.


  12. Hi everyone, started a blog a few days ago, just looking for some feedback on it so I can make it better! I’ve been experimenting with a number of different subjects and formats so I’d love it if you can take a look at it and give me your views!

    Thanks everyone!!


  13. I would love to receive feedback about my recent post, “About Loneliness and Growing Older,” I’ve been blogging about health and healing for elders and their caregivers for a year and a half now at, Does the topic of this post appeal to you? Is it too long or too short? Should I use the “more” function to break up the text? Does reading this post lead you to explore the blog further? Thanks for your help!


  14. I’m looking for help in designing a widget image to use under each of my headings. I’m using Koi theme with a modified background that I added. I want to find out if I can make a rectangular image from something a bit darker than my background and add a border to it, then superimpose the heading.

    Judy Smith


  15. I would like to know if my topics over this past 11 months are of real interest to readers, of marginal interest, or no interest at all. Are my topics within my blog to varied? Should I write only about a smaller collection of topics? If so, what would my readers like to read more of?

    Thank you! 😀


  16. Okay. I am very new to blogging. Like most people – I’m wondering how to get followers and likes. Most of my friends are linking from Facebook and just comment on there. Ideas? I have no idea what I’m doing, truthfully.


      1. I really enjoyed reading your blog and I think you have a warm and honest style of writing. The best way to get new readers is to visit and comment on as many blogs as you can and just open up conversations with people. Also commenting here in the Community Pool can bring new readers. Good luck and keep going 🙂


  17. this tool has helped me to improve on my the look and feel of my blog because of the feedback I get. but I still need feedback on how to get people to comment on my post. I get a lot of likes but the comments are few. my blog is
