Have you ever protested for anything?

Topic #309:

Have you ever protested for anything? What was the cause? If you haven’t, what would it take for you to go stand up and protest for (or against) something?

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  1. Sure. I guess I grew up in a generation of protesters. I protested the Vietnam war over and over again. I even hitchhiked to Washington D.C. in a snowstorm to join one of those protests. Back in the day, when nuclear winter (Reagan’s nuclear policies) was a threat, I camped out in front of the local courthouse for two days under the chill of a cold Michigan November. I hit the streets to protest against George Bushes Iraq war policy. Oh yeah, there was also the time when a group of us walked into an Army recruitment center and proceeded to sit down. Only after negotiations did we voluntarily leave the premises (it was also closing time). I could go on, but I think you get the idea. If you take anything away from this post, know that America and Americans can come together when aroused and voice disapproval against injustice, ignorance, inequality, and unfairness. I am one of many; I am the 99%!


  2. I attended a Florida College for a semester, and there was a group of homosexuals that wanted to start a club, but they were voted down because that college was not about “those thing.” Later the school newspaper tired to print the story, but were not allowed to print. So I gathered with a group of students for a silent protest.


  3. No, I haven’t. I’m not sure. Something very personal and yet something that felt supremely unfair, I’m sure. My sister, a varsity cheerleader, once approached me, a band nerd. “What would it take to get you to cheer? If I can get you to, I can get everyone.” Sad commentary on me. I do care, but I do more watching.


  4. Yes I remember protested vaccinations once when I was younger. It didn’t do any good because my mother marched me right back to get them. Thinking back on that, it is funny but it wasn’t funny at the time. Way back when, the Health Department would send a nurse to the school and line up all the children and give them shots. I didn’t think it was fair, so I was not going to allow them to give me a shot. It was three or four of us that protested the shots. Our parents didn’t think it was funny, and we soon found out that we didn’t have an opinion.


    1. That is so funny….I also remember being “paraded” through the school library for the shots. I remember thinking…”There’s Mary So and So….she’s popular and I can’t let her see me cry.” So I didn’t cry. But I do remember the sight of those hypodermic needles…looked more like the vet came to give us vaccinations than a doctor’s office!!


  5. Yes, one and only time, A strip club was moving into our neighborhood and I couldn’t believe it, so I boarded a bus with other supporters and stood outside in the freezing rain hoping beyond hope that it would make a difference, It opened a short time later but shut down in no time, Doubt it was because of the protesting just lack of customers.


  6. I wanted to, but my parents didn’t feel comfortable about letting me protest at “El Tahrir Square”! I protested by my heart instead!
