What do you hope your kids will say about you when grown up?

Topic #293:

What do you hope your kids will say about you when they’re adults?

(Don’t be a weenie – if you don’t have kids, pretend you did for the purposes of writing this post. Imagination costs nothing).

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  1. i do hope that they have learned discipline, gratitude, love, cleanliness, respect as what my grandmothers thought me, as i have no children let my nieces and nephew think of me as a disciplinarian aunt


  2. My imaginary twin adult children would say: The coolest Mommy ever ♥ among other things – Scott you inspired me to make a blog about this… đŸ™‚


  3. I think if mine said something along the lines of, “I’m proud of my Mum.” Then I’d be forever satisfied. Now it’s just about doing something with my life to earn that…


  4. The older my dad gets the less s** he takes!…He is now at a point in his life that he generally says exactly what he thinks and DOES NOT mince words. Dad is definitely NOT someone you would want to piss off!! He loves his family and friends and GOD HELP anyone who should pose a threat to Dad, his family or his friends!!


  5. “Don’t be a weenie”. As a childless-by-choice individual, I thank you for that. /sarcasm I don’t want kids forced on me, even imaginary ones.

    This prompt could’ve just as easily asked, “What do you hope people who knew you will say about you in 20 years?” or “after you died?”


  6. I hope my children became adults telling and showing me how they love me.
    I hope they will be grateful.
    I hope they will tell they will come at home as often as possible.
    I hope they will tell me I am a good mother.


  7. I hope my kid will say, My mom worked so hard and afforded me every opportunity and spent every minute attending to my happiness! Oh and my mom was very patient with me while I wouldn’t potty train for the first five years of my life, although she tried every tactic there ever was. For the trouble I am going through trying to potty train him, he has to know that I have endless love and infinite patience where he is concerned.


  8. My kids do say that I was a hard taskmaster, but they appreciate it. They understand the fact that I did the best I could with what I had. They now understand why sometimes I would say:” I am your Mother not your friend.”
    I am glad that God allowed me to live long enough to see my children grown up and to see grandchildren that act like they acted when they were that age. I have a super relationship with all of my children. I am thankful for that as well.


  9. My Ma’s a Thunderbolt. You never know when she’s what or where. She’s real cool though. Loads of fun but be careful, she does not stand for any nonsense. But if you’re straight, she’s straight with you.


  10. HI,

    I have a lovely 12 year old daughter who is very active and creative. I would want her to remember me as a kind, caring and loving mum. And yes, fun and cool too!

