Do you agree with the death penalty?

Topic #268:

Do you agree with the death penalty? Is it ever right to kill? And under what circumstances? Is it worth the risks of being wrong?

For an interesting and surprising history ready Wikipedia’s entry on Capital Punishment (Only 58 nations actively practice it anymore).

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  1. I do personally oppose to dead penalty which is not the most hurting punishment for horro criminal.Instead of giving death penalty,the law should have the punishment which is more hurting than even dealth. I am sure that it make more equal to injured victoms


  2. Flaying. Look at this word. It sounds innocent and it has the same feature of the word ‘flying’. But there’s nothing flying about it if I tell you that flaying refers to an act of cutting or slicing the flesh of the body; alive! Damn son! That’s crazy! Now you tell me that’s not disgusting. I can’t even stand the look of my maid skinning dead chickens at the back of our house. But to think that a living person is being skinned alive is just a nightmare that I do not want to have again. Is this a beautiful sight to see? Shit no.


  3. What deterrent do we have, that is any more effective, most criminals don’t care if they go to jail, they don’t have to work, meals are provided, and all they give up is going to bed when someone else turns off the lights. All the bleeding hearts have taken every tooth out of the prison system; all it is now is a 1 star hotel. You have to make prison harsh, some place you never want to go. And the select few, the killers, pedophiles, the people that don’t want to fit in or be rehabilitated, they should have to pay the the price. They should expand the use of the death penalty in my opinion. The justice system has it’s flaws, this is true, but it is all we have. Until someone comes up with something better, I say carry on.

    Prism 24


  4. This post is going to be POLITICALLY INCORRECT, just so you know…

    I find it interesting that this world has NO problem exterminating unborn children by calling it CHOICE, and yet, we get into a knock-down, drag-out debate over exacting justice against those who prey on others (raping and /or killing). What is wrong with making the punishment fit the crime? If there is to be a death penalty for murder, there should be VERY STRINGENT safeguards to make sure that the person charged with a capital crime has every opportunity to prove their innocence.
    As well, there`s the issue of INTENT. Someone who ACCIDENTALLY causes a death somehow should be treated much differently than someone like Clifford Olsen, who murdered 15 or more kids, or that guy who murdered a whole bunch of prostitutes in British Columbia, Canada, I think it was.

    The reason our society is having problems with crime is because, instead of PUNISHING it, we`re trying to `understand` it. A good socio-path can wrap most judges around their fingers these days, sob story and all. Result of which; they are LITERALLY getting away with MURDER! It`s time the justice system started defending the VICTIMS of Crime, rather than those who are doing the deed.
    At this point, it`s the sentences being handed down, to repeat offenders, that`s truly CRIMINAL!


  5. For those who are for the death penalty, I think it is absolutly disgusting that you feel a life for a life is the way to solve the problem! If someone has sadly passed away or if they have been made a victim by the offender, how is executing the person making the situation any better? Is it going to bring the person back to life? No! will it give you peace now that the offender is dead? If your a human being with a heart, I doubt it!

    I don’t believe we have any right to take a persons life because of a crime they have committed. Living with the guilt and the shame is enough to torture someone for life! Have you ever imagined what its like being locked away in a cell, separated from reality and having your freedom taken away from you? I guess its ok to be for the death penalty if its not you that’s on it!

    And what happens for those who have been pardoned so may years after their execution? Innocent people are dying because of the mistakes and misjudgements of man and it has to STOP!

    It hurts me to know that we have become such a heartless society and things like the death penalty still exists!!! Would you feel the same if it was your friend or family member on death row?


  6. That is a good point. There seems to be a disturbing push in this country to prove that sociopaths are too crazy to stand trial. They apparently can’t stand trial because they don’t understand the ramifications of their actions. In my opinion, that’s why we SHOULD kill them. We should focus first on rehabilitation of criminals simply because it really does work; sociopaths cannot be rehabilitated. Kill them.


  7. I understand what your saying, but I still disagree with the death penalty. It solves nothing. And Its true, rehabilitating that person may be impossible, and could pose a threat to society. But I don’t see how the killing them is a better solution… in my eyes they are still human, with a right to life just like the rest of us.


    1. I agree in principal. The problem is….. WHAT ELSE can be done?!?! If there is a VIABLE solution for those who commit MURDER on a ROUTINE BASIS, and it doesn’t include the death penalty, then that should be utilized. Question is, what is that solution? I return to my initial point, that we dispose of UNBORN BABIES as casually (maybe not you or me, but society as a whole) as we would go shopping. Those babies haven’t committed a single crime, apart from being alive at an INCONVENIENT TIME. But that’s not their fault. Those kids are put to death for OUR foolishness. For those who want to stand against such an evil done to INNOCENTS, we are told. “MY BODY. MY CHOICE” and the child is ignored. Yet, the same person, who is extolling the right to kill their own baby would turn around and defend kidnappers and murderers of women and young kids. Again, the INNOCENT are hung out to dry.

      I’m NOT ‘for’ the death penalty so much as I’m for the idea that the PUNISHMENT should fit the crime! Particularly if it’s serial crime. If there is another way of dealing with these people, I’m all for hearing it.

      Someone asked, “How would you feel if your son or daughter was facing the death penalty?” LOUSY. But how would YOU feel if your son or daughter was the victim of the actions of my son or daughter? If my son or daughter was running around killing people, you, as a parent, of a murdered child, have EVERY RIGHT IN THE WORLD to seek justice, whatever that form of justice would take. If it means my son or daughter spending the rest of their lives in jail, fine! The problem is, the justice system is toooo P.C. I could kill half the people I work with, then show up in court, telling the judge that my mother didn’t buy me a Malibu Barbie for Christmas and made fun of me when I had teenage acne, so now I’m taking it out on society and unless that judge’s name is Judith Schiendlin, I could snow that whole court into believing that I was hard done by and I was entitled to a break. Then I could turn around and do it again. THAT is the problem with our justice system!


  8. loooool you made a good point there (in regards to the Malibu Barbie lol)
    And its so true, people abort their babies and then turn around and judge murderers.. its the same thing!

    I just wish more people wouldn’t die by the hands of a system that doesn’t always made the right decisions! what good does it do offering someone a pardon after they have died? none! Same way it does no good executing someone because of a crime they have committed.. it changes nothing, and it solves nothing, guilty or not.

    All said and done, I choose to live by this principal: He who is without sin cast the first stone…


    1. That’s the major problem. You or I could be tried for a crime we didn’t commit, and the system could just say, “Justice is served’ and you or I are left to languish. True! There simply needs to be CONSISTENCY within the legal system. If the death penalty is put aside, those who commit REPEAT offenses STILL need to be held accountable. A life for a life. Commit mass murder and lose your freedom for the rest of your life. That’s almost a FATE WORSE THAN DEATH. I’d almost rather be dead than being passed to one cell mate after another as a sex toy, just to exchange cigarettes!


  9. I agree with the death penalty as punishment for murderers, especially ones who have murdered children. Someone who purposefully takes another person’s life does not deserve to live in my opinion.


    1. Guys like Clifford Olsen and others like him are a waste of space! If I may take it a step further….peodophiles should be physically CASTRATED. When it comes to creeps like those, I have little mercy, if any!


  10. Killing is a deliberate act of ending a life and makes you a killer, whether you are wearing a black cap in a courtroom and pronouncing the death sentence, putting a signature to a document authorising death,assisting the killing or doing the actual killing by injecting, gassing, pushing even a single electric switch or using a gruesome axe. There is no justification for it in a civilised society. The guilty does not learn from his mistake as he is dead, or suffer agony and punishment as he made others and his victims loved ones suffer.


    1. Hmmmm….gotta admit to having a problem with the ‘MISTAKE’. There is a difference between ACCIDENTALLY bumping someone who falls down a flight of stairs, or whatever, and SERIAL MURDER. You can’t ACCIDENTALLY commit MASS MURDER. That is a purposeful act, of someone who just doesn’t give a toss about anyone else. THAT is where the death penalty should come in. On the other hand, if you know a more constructive solution of how to deal with serial killers that DOESN’T involve the death penalty, but where the end result is that serial killers STOP Killing, I’m SERIOUSLY all for it!

      It’s been said that a society can be judged on how it treats is youngest and most vulnerable citizens. Babies are aborted and children are abused. Senior citizens are shunted into homes. THAT is the bedrock of what defines a ‘CIVILIZED society’. And we no longer have a just society.


  11. I can’t believe that so many people actually support the Death-Penalty! It goes to show that using a computer, does not signify intelligence. There isn’t even an issue – IT’S FUCKING WRONG!!! I can’t quite understand how it is that so people, who are FOR the Death-Penalty are Fundamentalist-Christians – ONE OF THE TENETS OF CHRISTIANITY IS FORGIVENESS!!!
    For all the people moaning and whining about the keeping these idiots alive, money should be spent on education, then you people on Death-Row, because of desperation! The Death Penalty is fucking wrong!!!


    1. I am NOT ‘for’ the death penalty, but in favor of an EFFECTIVE deterrent to make sure that SERIAL KILLERS are not given a free pass to do it again. And ‘forgiveness’ is all well and good but that is also NOT a free pass. “Do NOT use liberty as a cloak for vice.” Simply put, just because someone is forgiven for a wrong should not given the person cart Blanche to continue doing it! Even God’s patience has a limit.

      If you have an EFFECTIVE deterrent for serial killers that does NOT impliment the death penalty, then please share! I’m all for it!


    2. Would it be possible for you to get from point A to Z in a statement without using F sharp like it’s the only key on a piano? It’s like no one can find better adjectives anymore! I suggest a Thesaurus.


  12. Execution = killing someone who has been rendered defenceless.

    Capital punishment should be eradicated everywhere.
