What’s the best idea you’ve ever had?

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    1. That is my answer too. I’ve always wanted to write a story that takes place in my fantasy worlds but I’d always lose interest. It wasn’t until NaNoWriMo last year where I really buckled down and hammered out an adventure using a couple of my favorite characters so that was pretty awesome.


  1. I use to write stories in my head. I always thought that one day I was going to write this great masterpiece. I even took a writing class once, but that was it. I don’t really know if it is something that I can do at this point in my life. I have to meditate on it.


  2. I have many ideas, I do them in a matter of priority, as a checklist ticked off one by one. My frustration was my impatience because I can’t do them all. I felt I had to sacrifice one for the other. But as I get older, having had so many years involved, I find them being accomplished one by one. Since I still have the rest of my life, I might just stand the good chance of doing them all !


  3. When ever disasters happen in the world, no water , no homes etc, I lie in bed thinking of ways to make things better and then I search the net and see what can be done and write about them. Never hear a dicky bird but keep going.


  4. I have notebooks with many ideas – one of which is the portable leg raiser for people who suffer from varicose veins and for those who want to prevent it. Never came to life as usual.


  5. The best idea I have ever had was writing a book, then a second, then starting a holistic newsletter for it to mature to a full blown magazine. Other ideas are motivational speaking, I think this is leaning towards entreprenurship lol. I had a moment of “A-ha” and it’s screaming no longer whispering and marching forward with a new lease on life.


  6. I have so manyyyyyyyyyyyy ideas. Who do I trust and contact to get them out there? That won’t cost an arm and a leg… If anyone can tell me – please reply.
