What would you like 200 more of?

Topic #200:

In honor of reaching topic #200, what in your life would want to have 200 more of? Some people say they want to live longer, but would you really want to live for another 200 years? Others claim they want to be smarter, but how would you get along with your friends if you were 200 times smarter than they are (assuming that’s not already the case)? Perhaps you’d like a new car, but would could you possibly do with 200 more of them?

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  1. i wouldn’t mind living for 200 more years if i still look young during that period. being 200 times smarter wouldn’t be bad at all, especially if i’m smarter than the asians!! WHOOP! 200 cars? i guess that would mean id have to crash 198 times to use all of them..
    my answer: 200 times smarter without the large martian head.
