What would cause you to protest or riot for something?

Topic #160:

What would cause you to protest or riot for something?

Background: Last night riots broke out in Vancouver, after their hockey team lost in the NHL finals. Many people have criticized the people and the city for being so destructive over a sport. But people are very passionate about sports. What are you passionate enough to participate in a protest? Or a riot? Or is there nothing at all?

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  1. May day! To arms! Plowshares to swords!

    Most probably when these 4 conditions are met for the government, bodies of authority, or entity that has a significant impact on society:
    1. They no longer listens,
    2. They are no longer fulfilling their promises to its citizens / staffs / partners,
    3. They have taken on a dictatorial stance,
    4. The above 3 conditions happened out of the blue,
    5. Slow devices are noticed to be introduced and they have the effect of neutralizing or limiting the citizens / staffs / partners ability to object or to choose their participation.


  2. Well, before I even read the background and only saw the title, I was going to comment I would riot if the Blackhawks wrongfully lost the cup, and I would riot even harder if we had another lockdown!


  3. To me, i would protest or riot if they permanently banded Homo-Sexual s from all churches without say. I believe that everyone has a value on this earth. To say that Gays or Lesbians are abominations of the human race under gods eyes is a bunch of bull. God as said in the bible “loves everyone”. Why should Gays and Lesbians be excluded from that group of everyone. The first day they do that is the day i lose faith in my beliefs in god. And im sure that if half the people that hate Homo-Sexual s actually met one and got to know them, They would see that there people just like us and that there actually great individuals.
