Why is it so hard to forgive?

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  1. Elizabeth, your point about forgiveness implying acceptance is what makes it difficult for me to forgive these coworkers. I do not accept what they have done because they knew what they were doing and did it on purpose because they didn’t care about my feelings and just thought about their own convenience. If I had seen someone do the same sort of things to other people, I would feel the same way. I don’t accept deliberate rudeness.


  2. Forgiveness is hard and forgetting about it is even harder. But even through hard times we gain something positive in the out come! My best friend and always talk about forgiving people in our past liefs events. and we agreed that time really doesn’t heal wounds! So he told me about this alchemy that he had purchased online! So purchased it and it was very inspiring! It enlightened me basically on tolerating certain people and to just surpass over some people that are out to cause us harm. To find this info my friend sent me to this website you can click here >http://ac27b7m4kbbxax53s3pexmp3yp.hop.clickbank.net/


  3. Forgiving for some people may be easy, but for others, it can be quite the challenge. I’m caught right in the middle of both of them. It’s easy for me to forgive at times, because I know it is the right thing to do. I don’t like to hold grudges for too long. Also, sometimes people just deserve another chance. It becomes challenging for me, when the person has truly hurt me, or I have given them more than enough chances and they just did the same thing again. Sometimes I feel like if I don’t forgive, then that will keep them from hurting me again. In the end, I always end up forgiving them, sometimes it just takes a while. I always feel better after I forgive, it’s like a heavy burden / weight has been lifted off of me.


  4. To forgive we must be willing to aknowledge “hurting people hurt others”and with these people an act of kindness such as forgving them will sometimes turn out to hurt them in a productive manner. Your forgivness can cause them to see a reflection of their own attitude and by retaliating we maybe the one s seeing a relection were not proud of. There really is no easy answer it is something we must be willing to practise in our daily routine and the best place for that is in traffic as we drive, its were I began to. Just as in reality when someone hurts us it is also helpful to weigh up the cost to not forgive.When in traffic sometimes you end up with the debt by not chilling, as forgivness is not as bad for our pysical/mental/spiritual health then holding on to the negatives when we dont forgive.(anger,loss,resentment,vengence, etc,.Some people are better at forgivness off the road then on, as when on the road, its strangers that offend/hurt us.Wether it was personal or accidental seems to be the last thing we think of. Wether it’s personal or not also seems to affect the art of forgiveness but a healthy ego i beleive makes it easier and the bigger the ego the harder it is. So even with practise i forget myself and my ego gets in the way of forgivness.If we want to lose weight forgivness is a good a place as any to start.


  5. I feel it is so hard to forgive because why do they deserve another chance. If someone has already broken your trust once, they how could you ever be sure they wouldn’t do it again. And if they cared enough for you they would have never done anything to you, to make you feel however you do about them. There are a few people in my life who don’t deserve my forgiveness. If I continue you to let you in and I continue to get hurt, then whose fault is it?


    1. I agree with you. Until someone has been in your shoes, they can’t tell you how to feel. I’ve been in the same situation as you and I can definitely relate to what you wrote.


  6. Forgiveness is salve for the soul. In order for us to remain unencumbered with the hurt, pain, loss, embarassment, or whatever feelings we hold toward another individual, we must learn to forgive. Forgiveness is more for us than it is for the other person. It is biblical in nature but human nature prevents us from forgiveness because we think that by not forgiving them, that they will hurt as much as we do. That is far from the truth. When someone hurts me, I forgive them and move on. If they hurt me more than once, I forgive them and wash my hands of them. You can forgive someone but you must exercise your right to prevent them from hurting you again. We should remember that even when we love someone and they love us, they can still hurt us. It actually hurts more when it comes from someone we love, which makes it harder to forgive. It does not come automatically; we must LEARN how to forgive by practicing it on a regular basis.


  7. Because you still feel angry inside and it eats away at you. You have to let it go or it will take the good part of you, Age helps you realize that if people want to hate that much nothing in the world will stop them. The devil has a real good time working his evil in your head.


  8. Why is it so hard to forgive? Forgivness is hard when one feels as though they have been wronged beyhond repair. The problem with this, is that it is a weight, a weight that only adds further insult than good. When you allow yourself to release something that only creates a negative tension within your soul, your freeing yourself, so simply letting go not forgetting, but moving forward is way easier on your body in the long run, and forgivness although hard to can be overcome, dealt with and put in it’s place, horray for the power of choice!


  9. It is hard for us to forgive when we don’t know how to do it. For most of us, we were not shown how to forgive. Forgiveness is a tool that is used to set us free from what binds us. Most of us learned to be unforgiving in our most formative years when as children we felt overwhelmed or violated and helpless to change what was happening. And if we are still stuck in a past emotionally charged occurance, then we are unknowingly bringing it forward into our current day relationships. We are repeating the patterns we learned in our relationships formed in our earlier years. I have found that to be unforgiving towards an other is to continue to give them the power to control my peace. And it has taken me years to get back my self responsibility to be the owner of my happiness, joy and peace.


  10. As Ive read the posts, Ive seen your weak if its hard for you to forgive. This is easier said then done. I think everyone is deserving of forgiveness. Now, forgiving is not forgetting. I Believe that forgiving is so hard for some people because maybe they had a parent always letting them down and forgiveness was always expected and then they get older and realize that forgiving didn’t change the fact that mom and dad missed the recital because they had to work late. Therefore, realizing that forgiving doesn’t do anything for you, it only gives the other person that satisfaction. So forgiving is hard due to the fact that they know the reality of forgiving.


  11. Forgiving is very hard to do because you can ne ver forget what some one has done to u, every time u remember this thing the more u hate that some one, but there is an easy way to get along this, always remember to do ounto others what u expect done unto u. No would love not to be forgiven, the thought of this and how u would feel if not forgiven will prompt you to also forgive others.


  12. This is a great question to ask the bloggers of WordPress. I don’t think there are many people in the world who have not had an issue with forgiving someone/something. My thoughts on it were interesting, to me, at least. I surprised myself and possibly forgave myself a few things too.


  13. If it is too hard to forgive, at least learn to forget. I had to learn to forgive (me or others) – because you can’t go on with life happily, if you do not forgive – or at least try to forget. If you can’t forget, you will destroy yourself.
    greetings by grandpa frizz


  14. Many confuse forgiving with forgetting. They are NOT the same. We cannot decide to forget. Trying to forget that someone has wronged us leads to excuses. We whine, “I can’t forget this; how can I ever forgive it?” We have memories for a good reason, to help us learn from our mistakes. We are wiser if we remember past wrongs, but we must not remember them AGAINST the wrongdoer. It is okay to be sadder but wiser.
    Some confuse forgiving with saying, “Oh, it’s okay.” That is just living in denial. Doing wrong is NOT okay! It is wrong. We should never say that it is okay, unless we really would not mind if it happened again, such as a little matter like spilled water. Murder is not okay, yet we must forgive it, and some have done so.
    Forgiving also is not the same as trusting. Never trust someone who has shown he will turn on you. That is foolishness. Trust God to protect you, but do not trust the untrustworthy person. That goes nowhere.
    Also, it is not difficult to forgive. It is impossible. For mere humans, that is. Only God can forgive sin. However, He can work that forgiveness in, with, and through us, doing it, basically FOR us, if we only ask Him.
    The word “forgive” actually means to give it far away. When we give it to God, that is as far away as possible.
    And He has proven that He can take it!
    Read more. Search “forgiveness” at my blog: katharinetrauger.wordpress.com
