Topic: could you live without the internet?

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  1. Is it so sad that the idea of no internet is making me hyperventilate? LOL I need to know if there is a UK Chapter of Internet Addicts Anonymous! HA! 🙂


  2. Promises, promises!
    Actually, I could chuck it all in an instant. What a vision! I’d actually have TIME for my life instead of trying to avoid the anesthesia of someone else’s purported life.
    Amazing this web tempted us with more time for leisure. Amazing. And more money–as if we could actually make MORE money without also amassing inflation . . .
    They don’t call it a web for nothin’. They’re drawing the net tighter, daily. Can’t move without permission from the holders of the drawstrings. Somebody, PLEASE, cut us loose!
    However, wouldn’t it be incongruous to post such a rant?


  3. Live? Sure, but would I want to? I’d find other things to do but we really are a house of internet addicts…I even met my husband online 😉


  4. Tricky question, to which others have attested in their comments.

    I’d very much like us to return to the old days when we communicated face to face, and mailed hand written letters, and visiting the local library was a trip to which we looked foward. But then would we want to return to the days before electricity, telephones, not to mention cell phones, automobiles, paved roads, supermarkets, refrigerators, stoves? The list is endless.

    I’ve heard mentioned recently, “the only consistent thing in life is change.” So it seems there’s no turning back the hand of time. But in the case of the internet, perhaps a disconnect now and then teaches us to appreciate when we have it, and to appreciate other things in life, when we don’t. We can enjoy having both, as long as we live in the moment, and not stress out.

    been there, done that…see my posts on “Comcast”…hugmamma.


  5. nos dias atuais éimpossivel viver sem a banda larga internet; no empresa, indústria, nos estudos, e a nossa aliada para todos os fins, etc…


  6. living without internet is boring
    a computer without internet like a car without seats
    internet connects people together across the whole world
    all my work depends on online work with customers


  7. I absolutely could live without the internet a good amount of time. It doesn’t mean that I would not have withdrawal symptoms, but it is very much something that I’ve done before and could/would do if needs be.


  8. Yes! If it suddenly vanished or I wasn’t able to use it then I’d miss it for a short while then I’d feel free! I love being able to access information in an instant, watch movies, listen to music, shop and communicate with others but there have been other ways to do this…long long ago in the before time.

    I’m the type who yearns for a bit of beach and the means to catch fish, no internet or phones, no tv either. Just me and the beauty of silence. Bliss.


  9. we say: no… but we could learn to live without it again… we grew up with not having mobile/cell phones, and the big w-w-w was just like watching startrek… we could go about with our business, but really had to rethink our strategies and marketing plans…



  10. thanks alot has help me with my research i can lived without the interner i have a life i dont need the internet


  11. диетологи в щелкововакуумные машины методы похудениягде можно купить массажоры для похудениятравяная диета от геннадия малаховаатопический дерматит у взрослых диетаджуди мэзл новая голливудская диетабезопасный способ похуденияпохудеть с помощью печеных яблокпохудеть на 10 кг за 6 днейчто есть чтобы похудеть вчера передача на первомдиета с редискойдетский врач диетолог в санкт-петербургедиета от кима прокуринасиндром жильбера диетагречневая диета кефирнаядиета эффективная для животадюфастон лишний веспри диете можно пить безалкогольное пиводиета майя сельдерейкак похудеть по системе доктора барменталя
