How’s your Post a Day/Post a Week progress coming along?

Congratulations to everyone who’s become a more active blogger since joining the Post a Day/Post a Week challenge that we issued at the beginning of the year. You’ve already completed a whole month of consistent posting!

If you’ve missed a day, it’s okay. It’s not about how many posts you can publish — it’s about establishing a routine that helps you to achieve your own personal blogging goals. If daily posting starts to feel overwhelming, feel free to adjust your post frequency. Whatever you do, don’t give up!

So tell us, what are your thoughts so far? Are you enjoying the challenge? What have you accomplished this month? What strategies and techniques are working best for you?

We’ll continue to post here every day to support you throughout this challenge. If there’s something you want to see more of, be sure to let us know. Happy blogging!

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  1. I’m enjoying the post a week challenge very much. The prompts are helping me think outside the box a bit and be more open with my writing. I’m hoping that as I progress I will not need the prompts but will be able to just sit down and write, which is my passion.

    But for now, keep the prompts coming!


  2. I found out that this is difficult thing to do, since I’m a highschool student in Indonesia who will face a national exam and entrance exam for college. I abandoned my blog for almost two weeks, I confused how to managed my time, divided it into study and blogging 😦


  3. Enjoying the postaday challenge although for the past few days I get stressed out if I haven’t thought of a topic to write about by lunch time! I really need to start blogging more in advance…


  4. I continue to find the post-a-day challenge both beneficial and renewing. While the quality of what I write varies from day to day (as whose doesn’t?), the most important outcome for me has been making my writing a daily priority instead of putting it off altogether in anticipation of that “some day” when I “can afford” the “indulgence” of spending time on personal writing.

    I’ve also become more sensitive to ordinary things that happen in my life that are actually worth writing about. For instance, after a painful visit with my mother who lives in an Alzheimer’s facility, I wrote “Today My Mother Didn’t Know Who I Was.” This experience marked a turning point in my understanding of what life has become for my mother. I hope that by writing about it in my blog, I might also have been of help to others going through similar trials with a loved one or friend.


  5. I got started on January 5th (hey, I was busy over the holidays!), but yesterday was my 29th post in 29 days.

    I haven’t run out of topics to write about. One of the techniques I’ve used it the draft status. When I get an idea for a blog post, I create a draft with a title and a jot a few thoughts down. I add to this over time as new inspiration strikes — a link to related information, an idea for an image, and so on. When I’m ready to sit down and write the article, all the research has (mostly) been done!

    My biggest challenge has been finding the time. I’m still looking for the right forumula. So far I’ve written early morning, mid-day and late at night. It really depends more on my schedule, and maybe that’s okay. I’m sure I’ll work this out over the rest of 2011.


  6. WoW! I am number 222. I have been a pretty consistent WP blogger since 2009, but this challenge pushed me to do something a bit unusual: publish an online novel via my blog. While friends think it’s something worth “stealing” and discourage me from posting it, I have found that my online commitment to WP keeps me at it.

    With that said, I have to add that “my” novel is actually a mash-up of one of my favorite Thomas Hardy novels. So, in a sense, it’s already been “stolen”. I’ve had a joyous time remixing a classic with the ever-popular werewolf!

    Thanks, WP for motivating moi.


  7. I am trying to cope, but its a challenge. I like it. Some topics are not that nice, but most of them are really cool


  8. Enjoy writing the different posts on different subjects. It’s bringing back a lot of memories. Memories I long ago lost. I’m also writing a lot faster. It’s taking half the time it used to.


  9. The daily ideas for posts – how are you going to keep going to the end of the year? – that’ll be an achievement.

    One suggestion – have as a topic for a day – suggest a topic.

    Getting back to the question I’ve decided to answer most of the questions asked on my dormant personal blog

    The ideas are triggering things that I haven’t thought about for some time.

    In addition I’m doing geekish things on my other site.


  10. Thanks for posting this blog. I’ve been under the weather the last few weeks, but it’s all good…the topics definitely help me to keep things going…Now I just need to start reading other’s posts for more inspiration. Keep up the good work, folks!


  11. I really enjoy this! But I wonder… what do we have to do when we are on vacation? LOL maybe set up some posts so they will be automatically posted or just… wait till we get back?


  12. Not too great actually. I had my PhD quals a week ago and I had to turn off all email/blogging/etc so I have now made my way back to blogging. Luckily for me the cricket world cup is going on – so plenty of fodder for my blogging brain !


  13. I have only just started to become an ‘active’ blogger: prior to this I would limit my writing to emailing my friends.

    However – a tactic that I will be employing to sustain a post a week is to use the age old strategy of keeping a notepad close at hand; and by night by my bed (in this case, my iPhone).

    As soon as an idea for a blog comes to me I start a new draft using the WordPress App for iPhone – scribbling out the concept, title and perhaps the random thoughts running through my head.

    I currently have 3-4 such drafts sitting waiting for me to come back to them and add some flesh. Hopefully I will continue to do this throughout the year and will therefore always have something to fall back on if my inspiration runs dry.


  14. My thoughts right now are that I have done a months work down to just five days, but I think I can be more detailed once I have caught up with everyone. So far, I am enjoying the challenge and most importantly I am starting to network with people. Basically, what I have accomplished is the will to write and a persistence to finish. The strategy I am using right now is just answering the questions and not really worried about the details. I think the details will come once I get caught up and become more daily.


  15. Also, comments with more than X number of links will get held for moderation, since spammers tend to have lots of links.

    What is interesting is that my prior comment, to which this is a reply, will probably appear after this one. 🙂
