How’s your Post a Day/Post a Week progress coming along?

Congratulations to everyone who’s become a more active blogger since joining the Post a Day/Post a Week challenge that we issued at the beginning of the year. You’ve already completed a whole month of consistent posting!

If you’ve missed a day, it’s okay. It’s not about how many posts you can publish — it’s about establishing a routine that helps you to achieve your own personal blogging goals. If daily posting starts to feel overwhelming, feel free to adjust your post frequency. Whatever you do, don’t give up!

So tell us, what are your thoughts so far? Are you enjoying the challenge? What have you accomplished this month? What strategies and techniques are working best for you?

We’ll continue to post here every day to support you throughout this challenge. If there’s something you want to see more of, be sure to let us know. Happy blogging!

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  1. I would enjoy the challenge much more if someone at WordPress would respond the the question I’ve asked three times now! Within a few days of the start of the project, I wrote to customer service, but no answer. Then I asked in the comments of the post asking what we think of the prompts and again later on another blog post here.
    My question is that I’m wondering if the fact that my blog is closed to search engines is preventing it from being included in the group when I use the tag “postaday2011.” I couldn’t find my blog listed early in the project when we were directed to visit others doing Postaday. So do I have to open up my blog to search engines? Is there a setting in which I can open it to WordPress search, but not Google, etc?
    Thank you for helping.


    1. I’m sorry you had trouble getting a prompt answer. Yes, that’s why your posts aren’t showing up on tag pages. Your blog must be visible to everyone if you want your posts to appear there.


  2. I love blogging. I enjoyed the Post A Week challenge. I will continue to blog about everything.


  3. first thank you for your help.
    After a rough 1st week I’m now posting more often, not just with your suggestions but with my own ideas. I noticed that after reading this blog for the past month I have more ideas for my own blog and i’m fighting also the urge to hit the publish buttom. now I write,have a cup of tea, watch a movie, review the text and then publish it


  4. Thanks for asking how we are doing! I missed a few days due to other deadlines – and because it takes longer to write in English than in my own language – but my goal is to have 365 posts by the end of 2011. 23 posts in January vs. 9 posts in whole of 2009 – talk about improvement. Love it.


  5. Olá a todos, estou feliz em ter mais esse desafio, muito bom, mas não posto todos os dias não, agora só vou postar mais para o final de semana.
    Estou a procura de esditoras que se interessem em publicar o meu segundo livro. Como está postado na página principal, vou deixar ficar lá.
    Para ver se aparece algo.
    Abraços Mina!


  6. I’ve managed to post everyday so far, and sometimes even 2 posts….I have to admit, I use the ‘schedule’ feature for posting in the future in case I am travelling or otherwise not able to post, so that really helps ! But most of all I enjoy blogging daily!


  7. I join post a week 2011 and thank God I missed nothing so far.
    I could just be die to write a post a day. I believe that writing/blogging should be something fun instead of thinking a daily target.

    Thanks WP, I think this idea is powerful enough to support me to write more.
    Well done… 🙂


  8. I have been posting daily and love it! I am motivated and encouraged by the wonderful fellow bloggers who have joined the Facebook group and have found much friendship there!
    Thanks, Debbie 🙂


  9. Don’t know where to start so I will just write this for right now. It was a overcast day and cold, hope tomorrow won’t rain.


  10. I’m averaging one post for every week, but I’ve had to cheat, with more than one post in a week where I didn’t post the previous week.


  11. I’ve managed to post on all but one topic (including the bonus topics) You’ve posted here, and the one that I didn’t do was because I had done a big rant on my blog the day before, so I didn’t do the rant topic. I haven’t always posted once a day, but I make up for it. I’m getting on a more regular schedule now, but the last few weeks have been kind of hectic, so hopefully I will start to improve as time goes on. Thanks for doing this though, I really appreciate it!


  12. I love it. While I miss the occasional post due to work, I keep on writing. Feedback k has been positive and the stats show it. Thanks for the challenge an the nudge to just write!


  13. I missed two days, and a few times I posted past midnight so on those days it appeared as though I didn’t make a post. At other times I got a writer’s block.

    But the are good news too.

    Good news #1: This has been my most productive month in my blogging career. Wait, it has been my most productive month in journal writing, EVER!

    Good news #2: This challenge made me take a hard look at my blog, and I decided that I had to discard some posts that are not relevant anymore to the main theme of my blog today. I also took the opportunity to rearrange my blog to make it more user friendly.

    Good news #3: I had visits from other bloggers who participated in Post-a-day or Post-a-week challenge, and that motivates me to visit other blogs to make new friends and get inspirations.

    Thank you for the challenge. This has been my most productive and educative month.


      1. And a fantastic job you do too!

        Your hints and tips for successful blogging are worth their weight in gold. Maybe you could write a guide for all us newbies….

        Juls x


  14. I’m so excited! I’m doing so well. I’ve now been writing up drafts for days that I don’t have anything to write in relation to the given topic. It’s nice when my blog is just about personal opinions and “other things”.
    I’ve been very grateful of the random visitors I’ve had and their opinions and what they can do to contribute to my blog.
    I would love to write about stuff that my readers could suggest, give me something different to write about other than the PaD topics.


  15. I have started my 2nd year of daily posting. So far, after I post today, I will have posted everyday in January!

    I have started to use Evernote to try to keep track of ideas etc. I have a certain time of day I blog and I find that really helps. If I am going to be out of my routine, I try to blog earlier in the day.

    I also have some theme blogs that I use. For example, I do lots of ‘Dispatches from the Swamp’ and then give it an edition name. I find this helps to tie my thoughts my together some times.


  16. I’m not really using the prompts you guys are posting, but the tag and the badge and being challenged to write is very helpful. Plus, it’s nice to be part of a larger project like postaday2011/postaweek2011! 🙂


  17. I only committed to a post a week. Daily posting would feel to much like blogging with obligation and work. I have struggled with the topics this week. I just wasn’t that inspired. Overall, I have been glad for the diversion. I started blogging to meet other homeschooling families. My blog evolved as my oldest daughter, who has fetal alcohol syndrome, reached her teen years and I began to try (and failed) to successfully transition her into adulthood. Recently, my blog felt like a continual whine and complaint. It has been nice to force myself to think outside the part of me that is overwhelming. My blog has changed again and presents a more balanced view of me.


  18. I have been posting everyday sometimes more than once a day. I have the wordpress on my cell now too so I can still post even if I’m not near a computer. Which I am very excited about. I am really enjoying posting my thoughts or doing the daily post topics. I try to do both.. Thanks for the encouragement to help me do this


  19. this is a real great impetus to write more… writing everyday has become a habit now. I have signed up for postaday and the 1st month was challenging, but fun!! But, now it is no longer about a challenge. It is about the love for blogging.


  20. Thanks, Scott and Erica, for all of your ideas and support! This has been far more fun than I imagined it would be, and so far I’ve managed to post daily on all three blogs (crazy, I know!) – one “main” blog and two photo-per-day blogs.

    I’m most enjoying being part of a community of bloggers and supporting each other. I also love reading posts and finding blogs that I never would have found without this challenge. And I’m learning all kinds of things about how to improve my own writing and blogging and photography.

    I love that the Postaday2011 tag links me to such an incredible variety of blogs – it’s so enjoyable (and addicting) to peruse them!

    Again, thank you for starting this challenge and for supporting us in it!
