How’s your Post a Day/Post a Week progress coming along?

Congratulations to everyone who’s become a more active blogger since joining the Post a Day/Post a Week challenge that we issued at the beginning of the year. You’ve already completed a whole month of consistent posting!

If you’ve missed a day, it’s okay. It’s not about how many posts you can publish — it’s about establishing a routine that helps you to achieve your own personal blogging goals. If daily posting starts to feel overwhelming, feel free to adjust your post frequency. Whatever you do, don’t give up!

So tell us, what are your thoughts so far? Are you enjoying the challenge? What have you accomplished this month? What strategies and techniques are working best for you?

We’ll continue to post here every day to support you throughout this challenge. If there’s something you want to see more of, be sure to let us know. Happy blogging!

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  1. Actually, I’ve started my photoblog in December and decided to post one photo a day, and then you guys came up with the program, so I just sort of slid in seamlessly. What helps me the most with my blog is the possibility to create posts in advance and schedule them for later.

    January is a very busy month for me and I don’t have much time to go on my photo hunts, but when I do, I take enough time to make sure my photos are properly exposed and that the frame is how I want it, because I know I won’t be able to go back and repeat the shot if I mess up (at least not for a while). Then I make a few post drafts and schedule them in advance. Also, I always have some older photos, that I hadn’t published anywhere yet, they come in handy when I run out of the new ones. And this is the tactics I would recommend to other fellow photographers (well, at least to those who want to *post* daily, not take photos daily).

    My advice for the writers is: from my experience, you don’t have to have a text ready in your head before you start writing, just the general idea. And when you start writing and are focused, everything just falls into place.

    If I may also have a request: ahem… PEOPLE, CHECK YOUR SPELLING, pretty please. Interesting posts that are full of ortographic errors (the most common one is mistaking their/there/they’re) or written with a sloppy manner are a disaster. Seriously, more people will read it and click “like” if it’s written nicely.


  2. I have to thank you. If it weren’t for Post a day challenge, I wouldn’t blog so active. I am posting every day and for now I have 31 posts since January the 1st. (Hooray for me!)

    Anyway, I would like more topics each day. Sometimes I don’t have inspiration and the topics are not helping me. I know I can always check the topic list, but, could you give us more topics a day? Please?


    1. I was just thinking, that there should be a place where the bloggers could suggest the topics and share them with other bloggers, for example what they would like to read about and know other people’s opinions on it. I’d love to suggest photoblog topics once in a while, as I love to see other people’s photos (both from places I’ve seen, to see it through their eyes, and from the places I’ve never been to, so I can know more about other countries and people living there). Or perhaps there is a place like this and I’m missing something?


  3. Loving the experience! I like the challenge to write, no matter what. I’m not as frequent as a daily blogger, but I try not to go dormant for more than 2-3 days at a time. The exercise is helping me to just become a more effective writer, listener, and thinker. Thanks for the continuous encouragement. Keep on writing!


  4. My blog is coming along fine. The experience of writing everyday, or of posting everyday since I post more than just text, is a lot of fun.

    One thing I do to help reduce the number of posts I have to do and to foster communication and discussion is I’ve implemented what I call Open Thread Thursdays. Every Thursday in 2011 is guaranteed to have a post on it, so come on by and have a Thursday chat. The topics are far wandering.

    Thanks for doing the Post A Day/Week Challenge. I’ve been wanting to blog more and this has spurred me to do just that.



  5. I only found the postaday2011 challenge on the 24th January. I also only set up the website on the 4th January. But I’ve only missed two days, so I’m quite pleased. Does the fact I blogged twice in one day let me off?
    I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it. I’ll blog about anything – so don’t have much trouble with inspiration but I know that I’ve got the daily post topic to give me ideas and to fall back on if need be. Thank you.


  6. I really like the challenge, your reminders, and the practice. I’m find focusing on one general topic helps a lot. The fact that I agreed to post every day brings accountability. I do wonder, as I track stats, if every day is too much for readers. But, as long as inspiration comes I’m going to keep writing.

    I love the Open Thread Thursday idea…I wonder if that could be a day open for other’s thoughts entirely rather than a post from me. Hmm, I might try that.

    Happy Blogging!


  7. I’m enjoying the challenge of post-a-day. It gives me something out of the ordinary to think and write about. This was a good way to make people think out of their comfort zone.


  8. Loving it! Still spending too much time infront of the computer but cutting that down gradually. Just wanna get to easter really, before I stick my head up. I find that taking note of things during the day, and writing a draft helps when it’s time to post. Did you know you can turn your blog into a book?! i didn’t!


  9. I took on the post a day challenge, not sure that I could really come up with something to say everyday. But, it has worked out better then I thought. I found that I could write 2 to 5 post in one night and then schedule them to post throughout the week. This way I’m not sitting at the computer everyday trying to think of something to say. Also, having the WordPress app on my phone let’s me publish post from where ever I am or send draft posts I can later edit when I get home. One month down, eleven more to go!


  10. I’m having a lot of fun with this. I keep a list of writing inspirations handy and right now, I am doing a 30 day photo challenge that I found on facebook and I’ve added a blog explaining each day’s picture!


  11. Well, I don’t think I accounted for just how much time it would take me each day. I did agree to the post-a-day, and the few people who have found my blog are very grateful. It does consume a lot of time, as I am committed to posting a very well researched, well thought out and useful post each time. I don’t know how I will keep up this pace for an entire year! I am proud of the content and quality of my blog. I am not a quitter.


  12. So far, so good. One day I forgot to upload my post (which I had written in another program) but every other day I’ve posted. I’m writing homilies every day anyway, so I feel I might as well share them – now with audio recordings of the homily too, from daily Mass.


  13. Thanks for the encouragement! Though it sometimes feels like a chore my post-a-days really are becoming the more rewarding aspect of my days. 1 month down, 11 to go!


  14. Doing well! I am not only posting every day–but posting photos as well. Haven’t run out of topics yet nor have I used the suggestions Pinky has given us. I’m finding it fun and inspiring.


  15. Well, I’m coming from the other side of the problem, since i started blogging at wordpress it’s been ONE day without blogging and before that i was blogging somewhere else. Infact, if i don’t write anything I feel a presure to write. Strange?


  16. The postaday challenge started me posting. I had never done so before. I’ve really enjoyed all of the connections around the world! Thanks for the challenge! I love it!


    1. I have been almost successfully blogging for blogaday but I too have no clue how to get people to read my blog, am I doing something wrong? Ah well, I quite like writing just for myself. Any hints would be gratefully received.


      1. Wordangell, here are a couple of tips for you:

        Are you on Twitter? If so, use the #postaday2011 #postaweek2011 hashtags and others may find you there.

        Also, comment on other people’s blogs and they may decide to check you out too.


      2. The tips on Learn WordPress are great, but there are other things you can do to generate traffic in a non-scammy, non-scummy, non-spammy way.

        The first thing to do id dientify your audience. Who is it written for? Personally, my posts are for people trying to get their careers back on track and for SharePoint administrators, which are both me. But the two audiences don’t have a lot of overlap.

        I know where the SharePoint people hang out, and there are a number of e-mail lists and LinkedIn groups for people like me in that way. So, every time I post a SharePoint topic, I send a notice to each of the SharePoint “hangouts” and watch the traffic roll in.

        When I post something about career management, there are a couple of LinkedIn groups I post to, and a Yahoo group with an e-mail subscriber list of over 4000 people that is good for a hundred hits or so.

        By knowing which audience I am talking to, I know which groups to selectively send notices to, so I am sending info relevant to them and not filling the channel up with noise.

        By knowing where my audiences “hang out”, I have ready-made audiences to whom I can send the announcements to.

        I skimmed your blog a bit, and I presume you are a member of at least one writer’s group. Have you been letting members of your group know when you have posted something that you think would be of interest to them?

        Again, to ensure that your self-promotion doesn’t cross the line into scammy, scummy, spammy territory, especially when you are taking part int he PostADay challenge, you want to be SELECTIVE about what updates you send to what lists and how often. Relevance is key, and so is controlling the frequency, so that your potential audience doesn’t tune you out.

        I would love to continue the conversation about how to best promote your blog with anyone interested.


      3. Open for business:

        Blogging about blogging (and sometimes blogging about blogging about blogging….)

        We can discuss techniques for legit non-scammy, non-scummy, non-spammy self-promotion, stats tracking, etc.

        I am open to making this a shared blog, with multiple contributors, so let me know if you are interested!


  17. The postaday challenge has been very rewarding, very exciting and very revealing. I’ve learnt alot about myself and it’s great having the blog task to complete everyday.

    The thing I’ve learnt is not to be too disheartened when your views go up/down each day. It’s been very nice seeing the same people return each day to read and leave comments. I’ve met some great people and I’m looking forward to month #2 –



    I’ve moved blogs but since the challenge started (I’ve even learned how to migrate blog entries! wahey!), I’ve been more aware of the need to sit down and put my thoughts down. I’ve become a more regular writer. I’m feeling much better about blogging and I’m feeling less pressure to write a great masterpiece each time. It’s simply about being able to write down how you feel, what your views are about the world around you.


  19. I started my blog as a way to keep a journal of my journey learning the cello as an adult. Last year I was finding it hard to find the time to practice. Now I’m practising every day and managing to blog about it. My playing has improved so much in the last month (although my site stats haven’t 😦 ).

    So in order to play more, write more!


  20. I am enjoying the daily post challenge – just wish that there were more variations in the topics. Keeping up though – not missed one (yet).


  21. The Post-a-Day challenge has been great, it’s gotten my blog more organized [with additional categories], motivated me to stay active with my writing, and has increased my page views dramatically.

    It’s been a bit of a challenge to find a topic every day, but there’s always something to write about!

    Lately I’ve been writing all sorts of reviews, including Video Game views (today was on Phoenix Wright), movie reviews (first ever was on Iron Man II), music reviews (such as Chris Tomlin), and a lot of other topics I would have never thought to explore. I’ve developed guides, such as I.M. Decoded, and Standing Up to Writer’s Block With Daily Post (my #1 post).
    I’ve even go so far as to start a series of posts on various topics, such as the Nintendo 3DS, and practical forum and website creation! Along with all these things, I also made my first Video-Blog post.

    So many possibilities have arisen, thanks to the Post-A-Day challenge and DailyPost! Thanks to everyone at WordPress for having this challenge!

    If anyone is short of ideas, some bloggers have found my compilation of 32 prompts most helpful:

    Standing Up to Writer’s Block with DailyPost


  22. Great idea and really liked the buddy system. It’s been keeping me going! I’m doing postaweek as I don’t really have the time to post something everyday. I thought it might be a chore, but actually, it’s not. I enjoy reading all my buddies post (am I hope they enjoy reading mine too). It’s a good discipline for me and forces me make the time to blog. I’ve resorted to keeping a small notebook of ideas for the days where I’m stuck.

    And well done to everyone. We’re a whole month in. Yay!
