Don’t let good ideas slip away!

Don’t you hate it when you think to yourself, “That would make a great post topic,” only to find that when you finally sit down to start writing, you can’t remember what your idea was?

The folks at Walking the Pattern recently shared this post about the benefits of keeping track of your writing ideas so that you can spend less time planning and more time writing:

With the notebook always in my pocket, I can quickly scribble down any thoughts I have during the day that I think would make interesting posts.  That way, when I sit down at my laptop, I don’t have to waste time trying to think of something to write about; I just flip through my notebook and pick an idea.  I love working this way because I get to spend more time doing the fun part: writing.

What methods have you tried using to keep track of your writing ideas? What works best for you?

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  1. Keeping a notebook is a good idea.
    I tried it for a while.
    There were a couple of problems.
    Since the arrival of computers I have forgotten how to write and couldn’t make out my notes.
    I forgot I had the notebook.
    There really wasn’t enough room for it in my pockets what with cellphone,smokes,keys etc.
    Good idea though!


  2. my wordpress blog is my notebook to save thoughts.
    very important: the A to Z alphabetical categories:
    to continue quickly, if I have something to add …


  3. I always carry a notebook with me to scribble down whatever seems important to me. This helps me to organize my thoughts.
    Thank you for your daily support. Nice to have a blogger community around.


  4. I see alot of comments say what I do! I leave post it notes all over the place or use my app on my phone……or write it on my hand.


  5. I carry a stack of index cards and write one idea per card as they come up. That way, I can a) go through the stack b) categorise them, and c) leave them on top of my computer as a reminder of what I’m supposed to be working on when I turn it on. Just in case, you know, I get distracted on Facebook, or something. 🙂


  6. I agree this is a terrific idea, not just for blog posts, but for writing ideas in general (like Seonaid, I use index cards).


  7. I do that all the time. Think in my mind of a post and then forget about it. I should do the notes thing. I also think I will try recording my thought on my mp3 player, it has a record feature, and then I could listen to it to remember it later.


  8. Lately I am never without pen and paper somewhere within reach. And find the notepad feature on my iPhone a God send. You never know what may spark an idea or great post topic.

    Peace and blessings.


  9. I have an ‘Idea File’ which is a three ring binder where I put the notes I have jotted down, clever titles or wording I think of and don’t want to forget. I also include magazine ads with interesting verbiage to help inspire me when I need an idea to write about.


  10. Before the invention of smartphones, I used to be the queen of PostIts. I actually still use them around my desktop, on my desktop, and on my laptop. My most used avenue is my Notepad on my phone; since I ALWAYS have my phone with me. I still look at fancy notebooks because hand writing can be simply cathartic.


  11. Yea, I usually write down ideas on a small piece of paper while I’m at work. I mix chemicals & it involves alot of waiting…waiting for the tank to fill up…waiting for it all to mix good before I can pour it up, or waiting for the 55-gallon drums to fill up so I have alot of time to think of things to write & put them down on a piece of paper!


  12. What a bunch of great ideas here! I’m still pretty old school- I tend to write my ideas in the notebook where I do my other daily writing and keep my to do lists. So at least I usually have it with me.


  13. I have a Word document on the computer and every time I come up with a writing or blogging idea I add it to the list.

    I need to add that to come up with ideas the most helpful thing for me is reading or listening to someone else’s idea – that’s what usually inspires me to take it to another level or in another direction.


  14. I started wrting my ideas down on my red notebook when I was at camp. It will keep getting focused on my blog.
